4Sevens announces closure

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Oct 26, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
Some of my favorite EDC lights are older model Mini 123's, and Mini AA's. I have two of each in what at the time was advertised as limited edition neutral white. Now, after ten years of use, and after critical comparison of my vintage Foursevens lights with a dozen or so more recent lights sporting a Nichia 219 emitter (A, B, and C versions), I'm of the opinion that David used Nichia 219A emitters in both of my vintage Mini AA's, and in one of my vintage Mini 123's. These vintage EDC lights are a treasure, producing a high CRI beam that is not often found today.

David has left a lasting mark on flashaholics worldwide.

Well done, sir, well done.


Dec 24, 2015
Anyone know where I might be able to find the stainless Preon pocket clips for sale?

Got Lumens?

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2011
Champlain Valley
Anyone know where I might be able to find the stainless Preon pocket clips for sale?
Nope. Not unless You an find someone that has one to sell You one. But I do know you can still buy the Titanium upgrade clip for them. Outlasts the stock clip hands down.


Got Lumens?

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2011
Champlain Valley
Back when they called it the Preon P0, I had one made of stainless that worked well until one day it just stopped working. In retrospect I think it was the driver somehow unscrewing itself out of the head. One of my two CPF 15th anniversary Atom A0's made of titanium works perfectly, and the other one came out of the box with major problems. I sent it back to 47's for repair along with a very very detailed report of exactly what the problem was. They contacted me back saying they couldn't see anything wrong. My response was a very frustrated E-mail telling them to simply try to make the light switch back and forth between the two brightness settings. Half the time it just skips the next mode and goes right back to the brightness it was just on. And for some reason you need to unscrew the head until the O-ring is hanging out in order for the light to not go on when a little pressure is applied to the front of the light. After some back and forth they offered to replace the light. I said no. Send me back the one that you said you didn't see a problem with. Now I still have the light as my example of QC.

The fact that only one of my three Preon P0/Atom A0s still works makes me wonder if the third one is doomed to failure. When they work right, they are great little lights.
There was a problem with the component spacing on the board in the first version release of the light. the positive anode of the battery rubbed against the components and in some cases caused a failure. This was fixed in the second revision. See my review here: 4 Sevens P0 Mini Video Review - Eneloop Battery Research Video


Dec 24, 2015
Nope. Not unless You an find someone that has one to sell You one. But I do know you can still buy the Titanium upgrade clip for them. Outlasts the stock clip hands down.

This is the pocket clip I'm looking for:

Over the spring/summer there was a thread discussion about the Lumintop Tool (Ti) and someone shared that this pocket clip worked on those lights... A bunch of us ordered these (from 4Sevens) for our Tool lights. I figured I would try to grab a couple more once I found out that the company was going out of business... I may consider the DarkSucks clip but really these newer Preon clips are nice)


Newly Enlightened
Jun 12, 2009
David once catered to CPF members almost building exactly what we asked for. One of the first with neutral and HCRI lights. Then he changed course. Said no more neutral and try to grab the tactical market. Ironically soon after he stopped producing neutral lights others started and so I switched. Loved my Quark ti though. They were spectacular.
Exactly. The 2AA Quark Tactical was my gateway flashlight (i.e., first > 100 lumen light), and I still travel with it today. For better or worse the neutral tint spoiled me and I hadn't been able to bring myself to get a 47 for a while since I never see neutrals. Though due to the clearance I couldn't resist grabbing a Mini MkII and Q2L for truck/utility light; always wanted to try those, but again, was trying to hold out for a neutral run.

Will always have respect for the brand! My complimentary Ti Preon I received for coincidentally suggesting the name "Preon" still rides my keychain, that thing just keeps trucking! Thanks, David, and best of luck!


Jul 8, 2011
middle of nowhere
I wish David the best of luck his products made me a Flashaholic. I am hopeful that the new owner can bring back some of the Quark Tactical lights. They are simply the best light I have ever owned. Newer lights may be brighter, but that UI of the Quark tactical is perfect. I can only post this here and cross my fingers that the new owner will see our plea. Please offer the following lights, we will buy them.
1. Quark AA Tactical in both single and double battery tubes
2. Quark 123 Tactical with an 18650 tube if possible. the Quark few 18650 tubes that exist are worth their weight in gold.
3. Turbo heads for these lights so we can lego just what we want and need.
4. Neutral White... It is almost a joke here to ask David for neutral LED's but to so many of us there is no going back from one.
5. The MINI line is great as long as its cost is low, those are the perfect stash everywhere lights loaded with a lithium primary.

Got Lumens?

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2011
Champlain Valley
This is the pocket clip I'm looking for:

Over the spring/summer there was a thread discussion about the Lumintop Tool (Ti) and someone shared that this pocket clip worked on those lights... A bunch of us ordered these (from 4Sevens) for our Tool lights. I figured I would try to grab a couple more once I found out that the company was going out of business... I may consider the DarkSucks clip but really these newer Preon clips are nice)
The two are not compatible. The legacy Preon clips do not fit the new style lights and the New style clips do not fit the legacy Preon lights. You may be able to adapt them though, I have not tried. Good luck with your search. I have not seen the new style clips sold separate from the lights. Give Customer service a call they may still have some New Style warranty stock clips they may be able to part with :).


Dec 24, 2015
The two are not compatible. The legacy Preon clips do not fit the new style lights and the New style clips do not fit the legacy Preon lights. You may be able to adapt them though, I have not tried.

Right, I don't own any 4Sevens lights, I just need the newer style Preon pocket clips for my Lumintop Tools (Ti)...

Thanks for finding the link... I'll have to call them sometime to inquire about future availability (not too hopeful though)...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 10, 2011
North GA Mountains
WOW, can't believe this. Foursevens was my favorite company for years, made my favorite lights to give as gifts, and I carried a Quark AA for years until Zebralight got my interest. I loved Foursevens older stuff, but not so much their newer stuff these last few years. I still own a lot of em though, and still use the Quark Turbo QB2A (terrible name...who can remember names like this) on an 18650 body quite a bit around the house because of its excellent throw for a 2xAA light and its simplicity. I sure wish they kept making the 18650 bodies! I live on a bunch of land and use my lights every night plus am the Scoutmaster of our troop. Our Quarks sure served us well over the years!! My daughter's night light is a Quark AA2 (that was a well named light.) She's been using it every night on moonlight for I think 8 years, and STILL GOING STRONG!! We run it on eneloops.

I bet the beginning of the end for David was when he got sued by Surefire. Ever since he could not use the lockout feature on his lights which was a deal breaker for me since when traveling or backpacking I unscrew the tail of the light so it can turn on by accident. It's crazy that David got sued for this but no one else did (that I heard of). Since Zebralight still offers it along with a superior design, they get most of my business. It was only this year that I reached a point of owning more zebralights than Quarks, and I haven't bought a Quark in years.

Best Wishes to a great guy with a great legacy!
God Bless you and your family David!!


May 13, 2008
Northern Va
Preon provided some choices in flashlight colors. I have two "Burnt Orange" penlights and a red Preon 2.

It would have been nice to have some diffuser cones to go along with the moonlight mode of the Quarks. Fenix cones do not fit the Quarks. Fenix low mode is a bit too bright for nighttime use.

My humble collection: (pre rebranding)
Quark AA^2
Quark X AA^2 (gifted)
Quark 123 w/ prizm kit (which never used)
Quark 123 (warm)
Quark Tactical (neutral)
Turbo AA^2
Turbo 123^2
Turbo X (never used)

the warm head currently on the Turbo AA^2 body
Low voltage Turbo has a 1AA body with 14500
Neutral Quark tactical has a regular tailswitch for tail standing high/low


Newly Enlightened
Dec 5, 2012
I got involved with legacy FourSevens in November 2007 when I bought a Fenix L0D AAA (still have it). That led to the L1D P2D combo with the CR123A/AA tubes. Over the years, especially after FourSevens separated from Fenix and sold FourSevens lights exclusively, I bought almost one of everything. But not so much in recent years, mainly because:

-The demise of Neutral. I can see Warms disappearing, but Neutral? Especially at the time when Cool Whites were really blue-ish/green-ish. Moved on to Zebralight, oLight, and Nitecore for neutrals.
-Two broken 360 headlamp adapters. The most brittle. plastic. ever.
-Weird designs like the Bolt and Bolt Mini, and Paladin.
-And the last straw for me was no Android interface for the Smart Lights. WTF? Well not specifically that it never materialized, but how David was so defensive of the lack of Android, including quoting his iOS developer who told him that Bluetooth for Android was almost impossible to program for. Really? Of course your iOS developer is going to say that--find a developer that can do both, or find a real Android developer! Ah, water under the bridge...

In the end I still use FourSevens lights every day (I use an 2xAA Quark as nightlight for my son, I just pulled my Titanium AA out of the drawer for fun, and I recently revisited the Atom A0 in stainless and titanium). David produced many great lights over the years, but probably what I will remember most is their fantastic customer service. I wish David all the best.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 29, 2012
Still using my QT2L-X every day, hard time finding anything that can beat it when it comes to UI and lumens. I hope for an update to this line with the tactical UI and 18650 compatibility.

Ty for your lights, they light up my day, every day. (and my sons, he has my old QT2A)

Vox Clamatis in Deserto

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 7, 2006
It's been years since I've bought a 4Sevens light. I think all of mine were made before the logo change, I've probably got a dozen or so Quarks in drawers somewhere. Nice lights but not too reliable in my experience with slight production variations in threads and that extra clip retaining ring that seemed to sometimes loosen and cause current path problems.

I have a few of the original titanium Quarks, some unopened, so I went to the closeout page and got a Ti Mini MKII for nostalgia purposes. Great little light but with the customary gritty titanium threads and inconsistent twisty mode changes. I put an AW 550ma IMR battery in and it seems to do the 1000 lumen high for a few seconds as advertised. The little light gets hot as a two dollar pistol then throttles down for thermal stability from the high setting. It looks like the TIR optic has no glass in front of it so I guess I won't use this one as a keychain light, it would get scratched too easily.

The tint is gorgeous, especially when compared to recent greenish SureFire's. :thumbsup:

Hope David's next professional adventure continues his successful career. Go Jackets!


May 3, 2012
I haven't been on these forums in a long time.

My last purchase from Foursevens was in 2014.

My last flashlight was a Zebralight when the SC63 came out.

But, of course, I log on here and see a deal on a light from Foursevens and just HAD to order one.

This is why I avoid these forums.

Hopefully the new owner innovates like FourSevens used to.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 15, 2008
South East KY
Hate to see foursevens go. I liked the quarks with either interface and the true moon mode. I have several around the house for reasonably priced utility beater lights. The lack of neutrals and 18650 support caused me to move on to other lights for edc. Eagletac's D25LC2 in XPL Hi neutral is close to perfect for my needs. The quark design could have been easily tweaked over the years but that didnt happen. They are good lights anyhow and mine are not for sale. Best wishes to David and crew.
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