Espionage Studio
I'm left with no choice but to bump this thread due to the extremely high level of want for this product. :huh:
Super interested in this as well, considering the "drill a hole though a hump of aluminium and file" route but not quite that desperate yet.
Edit: Someone mentioned this: Is this Fasttech place any good? they wont accept PayPal and I'm weary about giving them my cc info :S
Wow no one ever came across that tactical 1+ Watt Blue laser in the solar force host many years ago? I'd never find it now (talking 5 plus years) but around the same time Wicked laser made the artic someone set up a business selling Solar force flashlights with a 1+ confirmed rated blue diode to mount on guns. It was everything your looking for a P60 head in a P60 host running on 1x 18650 cell. It didn't look very fancy IE just a drop in on a standard host. I'm sure those "lights" are out there somewhere and the guy must still be around even if his business is bust.