Fire Foxes FF3 -- I Am Blown Away!! **NEW BEAMSHOTS ADDED**


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Re: Fire Foxes FF3 -- World's Brightest Compact Light??

Great Post RichS. I've had a couple of people PM me about this HID and I've always told them that they will be stunned by the performance. And it has such a nice tint compared to some other HIDS. I also purchased from the same website. Anybody who is ummmming or aaaahing about purchasing this HID ... JUST BUY IT!

Hi Guys.

I forgot about this thread.

I have had my FF3 for about four months now and what the photos show is really true.

The FF3 is just an unbelievable little HID light.

I copied the photos below from another CPF thread on this light that was started by jayrob.

If Jayrob objects to me using it here in this thread then I will respect his wishes and replace his photo with one that I will take of my FF3.

I will PM him to ask his permission to use his photos in this thread ASAP.

Jayrob's photos are very well done and I could not really improve on his work.



The photo below is my FF3 disassembled.


The tint of the FF3 beam is a nice Neutral one that improves the vision of anything this light is pointed at compared to a lot of other HID lights that usually but not always come with a very distinct harsh blue tint.


You will not be disappointed in what this little beast can do.

The real achievement of building this compact HID light was to wrap the ballast around the reflector resulting in a massive reduction in the length of this light compared to most other HID lights in the marketplace.

I have just been reading the other posts in this thread and all I can say about the alignment of the HID bulb is that my light is spot on centre and the throw and output is just unbelievable from this little light.

"Unbelievable" is a well worn word but in this case owners are believers in that word considering the size and the abilities that the FF3 can achieve and it sometimes sits in my back pocket when I am using another light when the FF3 is not really needed.

It is really hard to comprehend what this little HID beast is capable of in such a tiny package.

I still have my Stanley 35W HID and it will probably never be dusted off ever again after buying the FF3 40W HID light.

The FF3 absolutely beats the Stanley HID in every conceivable way.

The person that designed and built this monster from the future needs to be congratulated for letting all of us owners be amazed as most of us are pretty hard to please as flashlight enthusiasts.

The big time collectors of flashlights really need this HID piece of DYNAMITE added to their ARSENALS.

This is not a light for everyday use it must be pointed out as it has only one level and the push button switch at the tail end of this light should be labelled "INSANE" with a warning on the body stating "BE PREPARED FOR A WILD RIDE".

The photos do a very good job in showing what the FF3 is capable of and many thanks must go to RichS for doing a really great photoshoot in comparing all of those lights.

Keep up the good work!



The only issue that I have found during my testing that I did on the FF3 is that the battery carrier "MUST" be inserted with the switch facing the tail end of the body.





I hear you say, well that is what anyone with a slight amount of intelligence would do.

In testing this light I tried everything in my list to check for current and potential problems.

The reversal of the battery carrier by accident most likely when using it in the dark results in the centre positive contact spring tab being pushed completely in towards the front end of the light.



The spring tab was bent very badly out of shape resulting in the user virtually being unable to use the light until the spring tab had been repaired.


This repair was hard enough for me to do on my test bench let alone a user out in the middle of nowhere without the correct tools or skills being able to repair the out of shape centre contact and that is if the user even noticed what was wrong with their FF3.

After I repaired the spring tab without wishing to break anything behind the thin insulating plate it looked like this. I have been able to bend this tab to make it a bit more rounder since I took this photo during my initial tests.


The battery tube issue is the main point that needs to be addressed in any future builds of this little HID.

The label stating "This side outward" regarding the orientation of the battery tube is not easy to read when first using this light due to the highly reflective nature of the colourful label on the the battery carrier near the on/off push button switch.

I read the label ok and noted that fact but when testing lights I do everything that a user could probably do in any real world use of a light.

This light is very powerful and obviously it should not be pointed at anyone nearby.

The highly intensive beam of this light can burn skin pretty fast.

This light can burn a hole through paper in a very short time in my testing of this great little light.

It is a great party trick but not very advisable to try out in my opinion as safety would be thrown to the wind in doing so.

The front glass of this light gets very hot and should not be touched at all whilst in operation.

My final words are
"USE RESPONSIBLY" and have fun.
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Aug 4, 2011
Re: Fire Foxes FF3 -- World's Brightest Compact Light??

I finally got me a FireFoxes FF3. Should be here next week.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Re: Fire Foxes FF3 -- World's Brightest Compact Light??

I finally got me a FireFoxes FF3. Should be here next week.

Good choice mate! :twothumbs

My FF3 is a real keeper.

The throw of this little light is amazing but the spill that nearly comes all the way back to me is even more amazing IMHO.

It literally lights up my whole street right down to the end and nothing could escape this light without being noticed!

As long as you don't damage the FF3 by trying to adjust the position of the HID bulb or drop it too heavily then the FF3 and you should have a good long term patnership.

I am using four Blazar unprotected (Panasonic) 18650B 3400mah batteries in my FF3 as the protected versions do not fit into the battery carrier.

I am not sure why it would be designed like that.

Maybe the FF3 draws so much current at startup that protected 18650 batteries would probably trip the protection circuits.

The Blazar batteries use only the best quality Panasonic cells with very good PTC boards being used.

I have used this brand of batteries for a long time now and never experienced any problems with them.

This little beast needs good quality high capacity Li-ion batteries to allow it to work at it's maximum output and run times.

In other words, feed the FF3 well and it will give you the "WOW FACTOR" every time you hit the button!

We are counting on your expertise to take some good beam photos of this little beast. :grouphug:

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Aug 4, 2011
Re: Fire Foxes FF3 -- World's Brightest Compact Light??


I'll be sure in take plenty of beamshots all the way out to 445yds.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Re: Fire Foxes FF3 -- World's Brightest Compact Light??


I'll be sure in take plenty of beamshots all the way out to 445yds.

You may need some bigger areas soon or buy a bigger property to take good beam shots of monsters like the FF3.

You will have fun with the output of the little beast.

Both the throw and the spill is amazing as you will soon find out for yourself soon.



Aug 4, 2011
Re: Fire Foxes FF3 -- World's Brightest Compact Light??

Sounds like your sold on this light. That makes me even more excited to get it. I heard that it's a mean little light. Now I'm gonna find out how mean.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Re: Fire Foxes FF3 -- World's Brightest Compact Light??

Sounds like your sold on this light. That makes me even more excited to get it. I heard that it's a mean little light. Now I'm gonna find out how mean.

I am sure you will be astounded by the FF3 even though you are probably hard to please in the flashlight world just like a lot of us.

I think most flashaholics have very high standards in what lights they like and which ones they would be willing to buy.

Most of us have been spoilt by the continuing advances in the LED and HID technologies and we need something extraordinary to make us sit up and pay attention to.

Word of mouth, forums and reviews are our main source of looking out for that special light that ticks all of the boxes again to satisfy our hunger for even better looking and more powerful lights.

My little FF3 beast has been in my possession for a number of months now and it still amazes me every time I light it up.

It is not used by me very often, but as I am a collector more than a serious user it does not really matter that much.

Most of us just like the "WOW FACTOR" that these high powered lights have when we show them to others especially the people that use very stock standard flashlights.

The FF3 is going to be hard to be beat by anybody else in the near future very similar to the creations that Michael (Saabluster) produces.

I would think that any serious competition will only come from the minds of the original creators of these lights as they are always challenging themselves in producing an even better light than the last one.

Michael is a prime example of this way of working and from what I have read about the guy that produced the FF3 he is another Michael but his forte is in designing HID lights.

While Michael is going about his business in getting these current creations delivered ASAP he is still thinking of new ideas in his head.

How does Michael turn off to go to sleep at night?

Maybe he counts flashlights in his head!

His forte is in the design of lights and not in the manufacturing and delivery areas where he has to multitask himself in as this is how he has worked for so many years in having to do it that way.

His OSTS and OMG Lumens businesses are both cottage industry based that are very family run and owned but with his revitalising of the OMG Lumens brand in producing the DEFT-X that may all change if he has a lot of sales of his OMG Lumens flagship light.

What will he come out with next as he is never satisfied by his last creation for very long as good as what we all think it is.

I am sure you will be posting some really good shots of what this little FF3 beast can do in comparison to any competition that is available in such a tiny little package.

I seriously doubt that there is another competitor as good as the FF3 in the marketplace at the moment.

The FF3 may actually be the smallest light in the world right now that can achieve the specs that it can.

This light needs to be seen in person to be believed.

I have taken some photos of the beam of this light but it is hard to show what it can achieve without using some serious competition to make any comparisons to it unless some of you guys have some big guns like the POB HID lights and others.

Polarion HID lights may beat the FF3 in output but it would not be a fair comparison due to the price differences and the tiny size of this light.

The FF3 absolutely kills the old Stanley 35W HID that I still have and boy that Stanley HID is very heavy, hard to hold, has a harshly blue tinted beam, is virtually impossible to switch on with one hand and is very power hungry with short run times unlike the FF3.

We all look forward to your photos as I know you can't wait to check it out for yourself as it has a serious amount of throw and spill that is hard to comprehend even as flashaholics.

The creator of this light needs an award of some sort for what he has done with this little beast especially in managing to wrap the ballast around the reflector so well to keep the length at a minimum.

My FF3 makes no noise at all at any stage without holding it right up to my ears and even then it settles down after the light reaches its maximum operating power in about 15 seconds.

The HID bulb is perfectly centred in my light and it has a very nice beam pattern that has no noticeable irregularities or artefacts and it has a nice down to earth neutral beam tint that is not blue in any way.

It almost looks like the beam pattern from a high powered LED light to me.

The spill wraps around the front of me so well that I can easily see my surroundings quite easily.

I can't get over how I can put the FF3 in my back pocket so easily knowing the huge output that it delivers very quickly after hitting that button.



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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 8, 2006
Tasmania, Australia (the butt end of oz)
Re: Fire Foxes FF3 -- World's Brightest Compact Light??

Don't know if its OK to post this here or if I'm breaking any rules? but I've had my fun with this light and going to move back to LED's - I don't know if these are hard to find any more but mine will be available.


Aug 4, 2011
I cut the springs way down to accept the KeepPower 18650 3400mah protected batteries. They are a Panasonic cell. KeepPower just installs the protection circuit.



Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2009
Does anyone know, by any chance, how the FF3 compares to the Microfire K3500R (Warrior III) beamwise ? and what would be the percepted difference in output ?