Free E.T.

I want a black LB-PR

  • No, we are alone.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They're here now!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get real.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2004
chill valley
We are not alone.

I want to give away some custom-molded ferrous-PVC alien magnets. In order to win you need to make a post that has something to do with extra-terrestrials or U.F.Os. Be honest or silly, just have fun telling your story.


[actual colors refracted by holographic film]
Thanks to Marco for the pics.

These magnets were once available terrestrially, but at this point they are only available on cpf.
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2004
Defiance, Ohio
Well there was this one time ... It was late and I had been drinking with some buddies ... Jim bob and Bubba... we were on our way from leaving the old dirt water bar on county rd 118 ... then all I remember is a bright light up in the sky then I awoke in a ditch with a terrible ache in the rear of my pants... I vaguley remember something about a probe of some sort being used on my nether regions .. lmfao .. **** Joke ****

But isn't that just about the way they all seem to sound.. in all seriousness though .. I have seen a few that spark a light in me that says hmmm maybe..

BTW.. I really like those magnets.. the wife has a small alien head collection from over the years..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 1, 2002
Q: What's E.T. short for?



















A: Because he has little legs!

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohgeez.gif


Dec 1, 2003
North East Arkansas
It is not something I can talk about. How did you know?
Are you working with THEM or for THEM? I have told no one just like I was told at the time.
Just having fun not in the running for a freebie.
Topper /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


May 25, 2002
I have Alzheimer's and deja vu at the same time. I think I have forgotten this same thing before.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2004
The Wilds of Tokyo
I remember reading when I was really young that they had found disintegrating "batteries" in the Pyramids. They tried to say that's why in many places that would have been completely dark there are no scorch marks on the walls from torches (the kind that use fire). This and a number of other "anomalies" were used to point to ET intervention during the time of the Pyramids.

It still makes me wonder.

PS I think I goofed on the vote thing. I wanted to say "we're not alone".


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 25, 2004
'straya, mate!
there was this one time on camp where i saw a disc fly across the sky in the middle of a swarm of seagulls.... it was shiny!

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif NO KIDDING!


MR Bulk

Aug 12, 2002
I get all my light mod ideas from Them... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif


Newly Enlightened
Oct 15, 2004
Hong Kong
They are flashaolics too because everyone sees bright lights when they sees them /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


Mar 19, 2004
Why did the alien cross the road?

To mutilate the chicken on the other side. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
Here are two UFO reports I sent to a UFO reporting agency about three years ago:

Slow-flying crescent made up of lots of little balls flies over downtown Seattle.

While observing the meteor storm from my decidedly bad vantage point (inner city, facing northwest), I noticed a slow-moving object high up in the sky. The object was crescent-shaped, colored a medium grey (judging by the color reflected from the city lights below), and seemed to have a texture like it was made from dozens of small balls or spheres.

It flew very slowly from north-northeast to south-southwest, and was accompanied by a very faint rumbling, engine-like noise which I could make out over the normal nighttime sounds of downtown Seattle. Once it was nearly overhead, it turned slowly west and faded from view, and the rumbling noise faded away with it.

The size was approximately that of a thumbnail held at arm's length, and it flew with the rounded portion of the crescent shape aimed forward. There were no light emitters of any type visible on it.

Its height could not be accurately estimated; I have only the amplitude of its "engine" noise to base any guess upon. And if I tried to guess using only that, it would have been at least 5,000 feet in altitude.

I'm on the approach path for commercial airliners, and I know what they look and sound like from varying distances. This was *not* a commercial flight.

According to my handheld GPS, I'm located at 47°36'23N by 122°19'51W. This is in downtown Seattle near the monorail terminus.

This is the first of three unidentifyable objects I will be reporting on tonight.

Incidentally, from my decidedly poor vantage point, highly restricted viewable area, and severe light pollution conditions, I still observed approximately 150 meteors between 1am & 4am; with only one being very substantial. The projectile itself glowed an eye-piercing whitish violet and was surrounded by a darker violet coma; and the long tail was green & white with violet & blue-violet along its edges. It's a fair guess it left some elements in our upper atmosphere that aren't even on the periodic table yet. All but three of the meteors I saw were Leonids.


Two yellow-amber spheres; one disappeared slowly, the other changed direction, stopped, & vanished.

While observing the meteor storm, and about ten minutes after sighting a large, crescent shaped object (see previous report), I spotted a yellow-amber colored sphere or circular oject flying slowly from east to west. There were no apparent lights on it, so at first I figured it must have been a balloon or a plastic bag caught up in a breeze. It flew slowly in a straight line, and slowly disappeared as it flew out over the water. Plastic bags usually don't do this and aircraft normally have lights on them (this did not), so I shot at it with a 11.6 milliwatt 532nm (green) DPSS laser while it was moving away from my position, but did not see any light reflected back.

Since I can see the beam from this laser slicing through the sky at night, targeting was not an issue; it simply didn't reflect any of my green light back to me.

About a minute later, I saw another, smaller one; going in approximately the same direction at approximately the same speed and in approximately the same flight path as the first.

I shot this one with the laser as it was moving off as well, and *did* manage to hit it several times as I saw the green dot light up on what I believe to be its underside. After I'd hit it four or five times, it slowed down to almost a stop, abruptly turned to the north, and started moving again; only more slowly. I half expected the thing to start shooting back at me; but instead, it slowed down again and came to a complete stop. By this time I'd thrown the laser to the floor and kicked it under the bed. Then the UFO just hung there stationary like a one of several of the other stars visible near its position.

After observing it stationary in the sky for 25-30 seconds, it simply winked out as if somebody kicked the plug out of the wall.

There were no visible light sources on them (they appear to have been illuminated solely by reflected light from below), no sound was detectable, and no moving parts were visible. Their color was sodium yellow; so they may have actually been white or light grey in color; and reflecting light from the sodium vapor lamps illuminating the streets in this area. And both objects had a slow and rock steady flight; not fluttering, rocking, wavering, rotating, or changing speed/direction except as noted earlier.

The size of the first one was approximately that of a small dress shirt button held at arm's length; the second one appeared to be about half that size.

The laser I used has an effective range of only a few thousand feet with this amount of light pollution in the area, so the altitude of the object I actually hit had to be ~3,000 feet or below for me to be able to easily see the spot on it.

Both objects traversed about 50° worth of sky (a mile or two if they were at this low an altitude) before disappearing.

I attempted to take pictures, but neither object was large or bright enough to show up on my cheap digital camera. The pictures came out as just digital noise.

I watched the meteor storm & the sky intently for approximately another 90 minutes after this sighting, and did not see anything else out of the ordinary.

I am a full-time museum curator & product evaluator, I do not use drugs, and I haven't consumed any alcoholic beverages since mid-September. And I know I wasn't just seeing things.

And here's a report I sent to the same place; this sighting occurred when I was four or five:


Strange half-moon shaped thing shoots light into room, causes paralysis and other effects.

This report is from my first experience - or at least the first one I clearly remember. I had recently turned 5, so the exact date & time are approximations, but I clearly remember the year, and that it was just a few days before Christmas. While asleep in my room that night, I saw a rather bright bluish-white light come in through the window. It was much brighter than the moon would make. I got up out of bed and went to see what it was. As soon as I went into the beam and looked up, I became paralyzed and unable to move. The object was about 2x to 3x the apparent size of a full moon, and was shaped kind of like a half-moon, but it was tilted at a bizarre angle, and the flat side wasn't flat at all - it had a scalloped appearance like you'd see on the tops of ancient medieval castle towers. Although it was difficult to judge height & distance because I was so young, I'd guess now that it was hovering about 50' above the ground at a distance a distance of 150' to 300' away. This would make the object around 20' in length by 15' in height - but these are only rough guesses. There's no way to know for certain how long the object was there, but my best guess would put it at about 15 to 30 minutes. Immediately after the sighting, my hearing seemed to become very sensitive. Small objects like pins falling to the floor sounded like pieces of rebar being slammed into concrete; I also remember feeling what I might now call an altered sense of reality. From that point on, I'd start having these strange, almost dream-like periods that would always begin the same: a series of rectangular shapes colored in bright yellows, greens, and blues would appear and rapidly superimpose themselves upon one another in my visual field. After a moment or two, a small area of intense, scintillating green would appear near the center; followed almost immediately by the paralysis, the apparent enhancements in my hearing, and an overwhelming feeling of terror. This "thing" would happen almost every day; usually at night but sometimes while wide awake during the day. It wasn't until many years later before I learned a way to "control" or "stop" these in their intial stages, and eventually the incidents of them slowed to the point where they only occur very rarely anymore.


Sep 6, 2004
One of the most inane comments I ever saw was on a great UFO special. There was documentary footage dating back many years, and there were comments from people who were said to have had encounters with aliens, or seen UFO's.

That brings me to the part at hand.

One dude had a regular looking rock in his hand. he said it was given to him by beings from Mars, and that it was called Martian Jasper.

At times some friends will look at each other and simply say Martian Jasper. A smile will appear accross our face, and nothing more need be said.

I am unsure if this is funny in text, or if one needed to see the video to make it connect, but to me it is classic.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2004
chill valley
Many magnets were sent!! Thanks for all the great posts. There are still more available to those who post.


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
PM on the way with my address...thank you for selecting me as one of the winners!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA

I received my magnet today; here is a photograph of it as proof I really did receive it.
Thank you Greenlight!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif