Free E.T.

I want a black LB-PR

  • No, we are alone.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They're here now!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get real.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2003
Trinidad and Tobago.
One time about three years ago, I was camping out on the beach on a little island close to home. One of the things I loved most, was the clear skies. No cars, no pollution at all. You could see hundreds of 'extra' stars which were not there before. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

That trip, I was feeling /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif and went to sleep early at about 6pm. I eventually got up about 2am. Still a little groggy, I sat down on a log on the shore admiring the sky. I noticed a bright star which flickered a little more than normal./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif Staring at it out of curiousity,the star began to sway (very slightly) from side to side in no regular pattern./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif My heart rate shot up as dozens of thoughts of encountering 'aliens' flashed through my mind...Unbelieveably, I was more excited than afraid.

I sat there for at most fourty seconds (felt much longer) with my mouth open and heart racing /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mpr.gif wondering/ day dreaming about what may happen when, it hit me...

an ultra thin cloud came floating by. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohgeez.gif I felt so foolish. The clouds were too thin for me to see them initialy but were still significant enough to cause the image of the star to shift about due to refractions etc.

ok, I suck at telling stories but, you get the idea.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2004
chill valley
Thanks to everyone who posted. There were a few winners. I was only planning to give out a few E.T.s, but the number of posters was not excessive, so I am going to make them available to those who want them.

You still must make a post about E.T.s or UFOs to get your magnet.
More magnets are available but are subject to a shipping charge of $1.00 int'l and $.50 usa. (Below wholesale$)
There are 5 styles available: Hologram, Silver, Grey, White, or Green/Grey (with text "No Estamos Solos").

If you want more than one or a collection, a simple paypal to jrdn[at] will suffice. Paypal should include your shipping address- all you need to do is note which style you prefer and quantity.

<font color="green"> These magnets were once available terrestrially, but at this point they are only available on cpf.</font>


May 19, 2004
I want one!

...but then, I don't have anything to post with regards to them E.T.'s and UFO's. I guess them thingies don't have much interest with us asian's. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2004
chill valley
The avatar is shiny silver. Looks like a mylar space suit. The grey and white magnets may look more like an alien's skin, but it's the same shape.

1 free magnet offer still open.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2003
Trinidad and Tobago.
EDIT: I apologise to everyone (especially greenlight) who read this post and interpreted it as me demanding an alien. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif


Aug 28, 2002
Hyannis, MA
I was out walking my dog one night, when suddenly he started to growl and frantically pull on the leash. I followed him a short ways into the woods and suddenly he stopped and stood growling and snapping at a 2-D Mag-Lite lying on the ground.

I thought to myself, "Pretty smart dog, but what the heck. I can always mod it some way." I bent over to pick it up and it rolled away.

"What the heck?" I said out loud. It was flat ground, no wind, no earthquake, "Perhaps too much pepperoni on that last slice of pizza."

I tried again, and this time it took off down the forest path, rolling at first, then picking up momentum tumbling end over end. I had just about lost it when I came to a clearing.

I saw the Mag-Lite disappearing into an opening on the side of an enormous 20 foot high PT-Surge. I suppose I should have been more cautious but I quickly found a large dead branch on the ground, and using it as a lever, tried to turn on the PT-Surge.

I suddenly became aware I was receiving communications from the light. As you might expect in an exterrestial story, there was no voice, no language, but I understood what it was trying to tell me.

"Please stay back."

"Huh? I said.


So I waited. Through the opening the Mag-Lite had disappeared through emerged what looked like an Arc-AAA, but it was big -- almost 12 inches long.

It flickered as understanding came into my head. "Greetings my servant. I bring you peace and light, especially light, from the planet Sure-Bright."

"Uh, servant?" I asked.

"Yes, we can see you are one of the faithful servers. In your mind we can see visions of your place of dwelling and see images of you serving all your royalty."

"Uh, sure."

"Why do you not understand? Why even in your clothing I detect the presence of several members of our race and I have seen your great stores of food and adornments for us. Do you not have over 50 containers of type D nourishment alone, and nearly twice that of the great ambrosia-123?"

"You mean my flashlights and spare batteries?"

Suddenly more openings appeared and out of them came nearly every light imaginable. There were N cell keychain lights, Surefires of every size and description, and even an Eveready Commander modified for 20 D-Cells.

They started shouting in my head that I must be a light sucking monster from the Planet of Darkness for only they dare use such derogatory terms as flashlights and batteries.

I looked back and saw hundreds of beams of light pointing up into the sky.

Just then I felt my dog tugging on the leash again and pulling me back. Dumbly I followed and when I looked back again, the giant PT-Surge was about 50 feet off the ground and gaining speed. Within 30 seconds it was a point of light lost among the stars.

Somewhat shaken I arrived home and decided it was all a hallucination brought on by the affore mentioned pizza. My Legend-LX was looking a little yellow, so before I retired for the night I dropped in a new pair of Surefire 123a's.

I thought I heard a gulping sound that seemed to come from the flashlight so I held it up to my ear.

"Um, yummy."


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2002
by the river
georget98 -


That really helped me to piece together something that has been a bit of a puzzlement to me for some time.

Two years ago I posted a review about a ModMan's light that eerily parallels your experience. My apologies to the greybeards that had to endure this fumblesome review once already. However, I feel an obligation to newer members to alert them to the true nature of the majority of the ModMen that inhabit this board. This also explains why I don't leave tasty confections or sugary treats uncovered and lying about the kitchen.

Sad LGI (a.k.a. LongGunIllumintor) Micro-mini Review

After what seemed like years of trying, I finally got a confirmation on a PO submitted by my bot program for the much sought after LGI.

The package arrived yesterday at my office. I thought I might be mistaken in my perception that the package had no weight so I measure it on a postal meter and got a negative .05 reading. In other words, it seemed to register negative gravity. Must be a calibration problem with the machine.

I went ahead and opened the package and, sure enough, there was an LGI inside.

Upon inspection, I noticed that it had a strange reflector that I had to see by it self. When I took it out I was astonished to find that there was no reflective material on the conical shaped, clear jewel. I was concerned. How could this thing reflect without reflective material? I still don't know.

Proceeding further I retrieved the three, somewhat used, Titanium AAs I had stashed in my brief case the day before and loaded up the LGI. Only looking for a good light for rendition in close up work and maybe some late night walking excursions through the forest; I wasn't expecting much. I aimed the wand under my desk and clicked the tailcap switch and… buumph. A wimpy whitish baby-blue light meagerly flopped onto the carpet. Could I have over estimated how the LGI might be able perform? Apparently so.

It was the end of the day and I was somewhat dejected. I shuffled myself out to my truck. At least I had the Leonid meteor shower to look forward too. Oh yeah, and that Walgreen's battery sale. I went to Walgreen's, stripped the AA s from the display, purchased them along with other various goods and returned to the truck. Well, you know I had to, so I loaded up the sad little LGI with the drugstore batteries. I hit the tailcap switch and KAPOW! The truck was filled with beautiful white light. It was like there were 11 full moons shining into the interior. The light did not make me squint. It was pleasing. It brought out details that were captivating. I could see the structure of every fleck of uninvited grit in the truck. Dust could be seen on everything in my recently detailed vehicle.

Hours went by as I shown the ultra-moonbeam on anything and everything I came across. Before I knew it, it was time to go to the country to observe the meteors.

Cruising into the Ouachita National Forest to a higher elevation would enhance the viewing. My anticipation was great as I thought about the falling stars I was about to see. I arrived at my observation 'mountain', parked and got out of the truck. The temperature was unseasonably warm, about 55 degrees. The smell of fresh-fallen leaves, pine needles and clear air had settled gently. Nobody for miles. Yes.

Grabbing my pack, I began to slowly hike into the woods that surround this 1500-ft., flattop ridge. As I shown the LGI before me I was enthralled with how it brought out the colors of the still autumn hued leaves. Walking more slowly than usual I took in detailed sites I had never seen at night before. Large spider webs had still residents sparkling their eyes back at me. Bugs of all types became evident in the amazing light. An armadillo glared at me with the same color of my light. More and more critters let themselves be seen in the stunning, alien beam.

Continuing for a couple of hundred yards, I began to ascend the ridge. It was great. Alone, miles from civilization trekking with an amazing light leading the way. Then I heard it; the sickly sound of a low toned, bellowing creature. There are black bear and puma in these woods. I patted for my pistol and it was there at the ready. "OK, I'm cool. I've been here before." Then the creature painfully wailed a warning sound. I did not know that sound but it had an odd familiarity to it. I did not like it. What was this strange beast? What did it look like? I don't believe in the Fouke Monster or tales of migrating Bigfoots. Still, I began to carefully back off. I decided it would be best to get back to the truck. As I moved through the forest I would occasionally check behind me to where the creature had screamed. I did not see or hear any further signs.

I was happy to have the LGI with me as I retraced my steps. I started to notice even more plants. Many of these plants I could not identify. Some of the flora was flowering with wildly colorful iris or orchid-like fruition. I continued toward the safety of the truck. The plants became thicker. I began to think I might be lost. I wasn't lost. I thought, "I recognize these old-growth hardwoods." A few of the plants had pods. Some of them had very large pods. A few had large Venus fly trap appendages. I think some of them were moving. My pace quickened. My heart rate increased. More and more of the plants seemed to be moving. I began to see a pattern. Everywhere I had previously shown the LGI had profuse, unidentifiable growth. I think some of them were looking at me.

I was so glad to finally see my truck. As I approached it most of the shock had subsided. Whew. "Man, that was strange." I got my coffee thermos, poured a cup and sipped while I smoked a cigarette…admittedly trembling a little. With my LGI lying on the truck bed cover protectively shining back to the woods; I relaxed. Finally, I saw the first one. A pea sized meteor streaked across the sky. Then another and another; then three at the same time. My LGI scooted a little bit across the hard truck bed cover. Not rolled, scooted, tailcap first. With some effort, I returned it to its' place.

The show was on. More and more meteors scorched the ionosphere…three at a time, seven at a time. "Wow!" a multi-colored one. "Whoah!" a slow moving one leaving a vapor trail. The LGI rattled a little and moved forward on the tanua cover without marring the finish of the black truck. With some force, I placed it back where I wanted it. I poured a little more coffee.

The spectral event above me was entrancing. Hundreds of blue-white tracers were showering the skies. "Oh My!" two meteors changing colors, side-by-side. One of them stopped and glowed brighter. It seemed to be about 15 miles out at around angles 17,000. Now two blues and a green showed up in the eastern sky and hovered. The LGI wiggled its' way across the truck and stopped. I tried to replace it and could not. It seemed to have some kind of magnetic force. I didn't really concern myself with it. The meteors were streaking and hovering and making close passes. It was unbelievable!

Then, the wildest thing happened. The LGI began to rattle and then dance on the truck. I grabbed it but it was too strong. It had a photonic propulsion force that was incredible. It seemed to know what it wanted to do and had I held on it would have carried me with it. I let go. It shot into the woods through the plants and then straight up into the sky like a rocket! It grouped up with some of the more colorful awaiting meteors and headed west. As the group began to disappear the show stopped. No more meteors.

The skies went back to normal, except for some disturbing tones. It was a digital bass sound from above and to the west. I recognized it. It was the first five notes from the theme to 'Close Encounters of a Third Kind'. I stood there frozen, absorbed only by stark fear, the aroma of the forest and the remaining dead, still silence. A long moment passed. Finally, echoing from the ridge top, in a baritone voice, the creature bellowed out its' reply: the first five notes from 'Close Encounters'.

In a cloud of dust and flying debris me and my truck plowed out of there, hit the black-top, both of us squealing, and did not slow down until I saw city lights.

Well, you may be wondering what happened to the flashlight. Me too. Though I'm sure I can't afford the shipping charges, I would like it back. I'm a little sad about it. If I don't get it back, well…that's OK too. I have gained more than you might know from the experience. I can now solve complex equations with little effort. I can speak in 37 languages and dialects. I can play most musical instruments and I'm typing this review while I'm asleep on the couch.

Bottom line: If you ever have the opportunity to get an LGI; get one. They are out of this world!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2004
chill valley
Some more E.T.s were sent. There are still more available. I haven't been sending any intl just because of the postage. Intl shipping is 1.00, USA .50. Some go out free, but if you can't wait, or want a collection...


Aug 28, 2002
Hyannis, MA
Hey Greenlight. Great little alien, thanks!

Now everybody thinks my e-machines is an AlienWare /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif



Dec 1, 2003
North East Arkansas
Sorry I cannot post a pick I got one safe and sound,thinking about trying to paint the eyes with green glow powder and finger nail polish /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
Topper /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2004
chill valley
Topper: Good Idea. I might do that too. It would look like some spooky eyes at night. Some of my flashlights already have some glow paint and they look like eyes also.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 30, 2003
I got 2 stories that are real. What happened I don't know if it's ET or not.

When I was in grade school I was on a swing set w/my best friend, and we were facing away from the playground down towards woods which went down a large hill and then there was trees/woods. All of a sudden a rock or some object flies from the woods and strikes my chain on my swing and explodes, another one hits my friend's swing and cuts his leg or arm I can't remember. I heard no noise, no lawnmower picking stuff up, and no one could of been in those woods or shot something that fast and straight for so far away with a sling shot. Still clueless about that one.

The other one was perhaps around 3 years ago. I was driving on the highway and saw 3 white lights floating in parallel with where I was driving. It wasn't a helicopter because I stopped and shut off my car. The object stoped moving too. A friend was with me. We got spooked and started driving again, changing directions with the highway and the lights were still there, keeping pace and direction. Always in the same spot in regards to my car, even when we wern't headed in the same line anymore. It was quite weird. I have no idea how far it was but it was a bit away from us, but close enough that it would look like a helicopter... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 14, 2004
South Jersey
I have a stupid little story /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

In my previous school, there was one thing that kept every student sane while going through the 9 years of torture. In 8th grade(final year for that school), everyone in the 8th grade would go to a place in the Jersey pine barrens for 1 week called Mt. Misery. It was the one thing that excited you about school- hearing all of the stories and frightening tales from this "mysterious" place. Ghosts and the Jersey Devil where common sights in this place.(supposidly). Anyway, last year was my turn to go to "Mt. Misery". Altohugh during the entire time my entire class did not witness a ghost or the J. Devil, there was one "alienating" experience that nearly made me **** myself. My best friend and I were trying to pull off a seriously wicked prank on the girls in the class(all you guys out there will understand what I mean). So there we were sneaking around on a trail in the middle of nowhere(we thought we new where we were), trying to find the group of people on the night walk. Unfortunatly, being dark and alone naturally causes fear in humans, and as expected, we were getting scared to ^%$#.(No, I didn't have any lights with me because it could "harm your night vision"(watever that means)). We were walking around on this trail for about 2 hours when suddenly, we were both paralyzed. You see, the conversation we had going was about aliens( Isn't that a great topic /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohgeez.gif). We had just come to a slightly narrower part of the trail when all we see is a glowing silverish color thing lying on the ground swaying back and forth. Can you imagine the fear? The dark swallowing us up and then we see what appeared to be at the time an alien UFO. We stood there for, what seemed like hours, about 30 seconds watching the silver craft move about on the ground. Finally, I got up the strength to move forward(I figured we were dead anyway).....................................................................................As it turned out, the alien craft was actually a Mr. Bob on the spot portapotty /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif with the moonlight reflecting through the waving tree branches. Actually, it's very good that is was there because we both need to use it very badly( /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif).

We never did get to scare the people but it was an experience. Also, from that point on, I have NEVER been without a flashlight. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Sorry for that rediculous story /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/knight.gif