god im stupid


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
moved into another hoa!!!!! for real im dumb as a rock and im insulting rocks so far i got in trouble for a tv antenna and avoiding there 2 foot high speed bumps on my bike. good news i can sell and still be ahead and even sell it a rule breaker lol. some have been so nice so nice infact i thought they was faking but others have nothing in there life nothing at all but to complain . for real people like me shouldn't even be allowed outside im that stupid lol ..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 30, 2015
Didn't know TV antennas were still a thing? I'm sure the HOA people will get over it eventually - it's not like you were trying to feed stray cats or something.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Another option is a stealth antenna like this one.



Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Yeah, I guess you are stupid. Your biggest complaint about your previous house was the HOA, and you bought into another property guided by a HOA. You should have looked into the rules, and restrictions.

Now you are talking about moving because you can't put up a TV antennae? That is ridiculous. You have internet access. Just get a streaming app and be done with it. Don't feed stray cats, and you'll have the money to pay for the streaming. If you do choose to feed stray cats, expect to get fined by the HOA.

I have a amplified TV antennae that I can place by a window if there is a power failure.
Some claim they will pull in stations 45 miles away. IDK, maybe more.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
since we talked i spoke to the longest liveing resident on are stret here been here for decades a super kind man i met weeks ago. he said he will take care of it. . he and a few others i was talking to said im the nicest guy around here i said you all must not get out much they laughed.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
If I ever had to move, the absolute first requirement of wherever I moved to would be no HOA. That's absolutely non-negotiable. HOAs are run by Napoleon wannabees with way too much time on their hands. I honestly don't understand why they even exist given that people only say negative things about them. I'd love to see them banned by law.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
ha they **** me off ill just give my home away .im not every smart ill just my hand off to save my finger.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2020
If I ever had to move, the absolute first requirement of wherever I moved to would be no HOA. That's absolutely non-negotiable. HOAs are run by Napoleon wannabees with way too much time on their hands. I honestly don't understand why they even exist given that people only say negative things about them. I'd love to see them banned by law.
I hate HOAs with a passion.

Just my theory: HOAs came about because there are people who want their surroundings kept clean and uniform but don't want to bother making the effort to keep their own place in good condition, including landscaping, maintenance, house repairs, etc.

If HOAs really need to exist for a group of homeowners like this, then they should be held fully accountable and transparent as to what the fees are used for; the residents also should be able to vote board members in or out, vote for or against rate increases, even vote for complete removal an HOA.

Unfortunately many who buy properties controlled by HOAs do not know how much power they are handing over to them and have their place of residence under the total control of others and held ransom month to month.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Just my theory: HOAs came about because there are people who want their surroundings kept clean and uniform but don't want to bother making the effort to keep their own place in good condition, including landscaping, maintenance, house repairs, etc.
I agree with your first statement, but question your second. Some take pride in maintaining their landscaping, and appearance of their homes. The issue becomes apparent when neighbors don't.

If HOAs really need to exist for a group of homeowners like this, then they should be held fully accountable and transparent as to what the fees are used for; the residents also should be able to vote board members in or out, vote for or against rate increases, even vote for complete removal an HOA.
There are many state and federal regulations regarding the management of an HOA. I haven't read through all of them, but I am sure that they will address your complaints. I in particular included the state of Georgia, where this complainant lives.



May 4, 2014
How about now, instead of making another rash decision, you sit down and go through it all in detail before you carry it out? There's been a lot of "this is a good idea right now" things which all in all add up to making your life worse, most of which could have been avoided with just a smidgen of planning.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
i suck at this im austistic dad helped me before but he passed now im alone. i try logic i do but it escapes me. i have no family no one no a single person the state used to help but i the funding stooped to my knowledge . im trying i try we all have thuing we excel at adn we are not well at. i suck at this


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
I hate HOAs with a passion.

Just my theory: HOAs came about because there are people who want their surroundings kept clean and uniform but don't want to bother making the effort to keep their own place in good condition, including landscaping, maintenance, house repairs, etc.

If HOAs really need to exist for a group of homeowners like this, then they should be held fully accountable and transparent as to what the fees are used for; the residents also should be able to vote board members in or out, vote for or against rate increases, even vote for complete removal an HOA.

Unfortunately many who buy properties controlled by HOAs do not know how much power they are handing over to them and have their place of residence under the total control of others and held ransom month to month.
Also, anyone who wants to opt out of HOA membership should be able to (and should not be subject to any HOA rules when they do).
I agree with your first statement, but question your second. Some take pride in maintaining their landscaping, and appearance of their homes. The issue becomes apparent when neighbors don't.
OK, but that's being dictatorial telling people how to keep their property. So long as what you do on your property doesn't breed vermin which go to your neighbors, or creates the hazard of a fire which might spread to their properties, it's nobody's business. That's actually why I love living in NYC. People pretty much do whatever they want on their own property. The house across the street regularly has boxes stacked in front of his garage after Fedex does their almost daily delivery. He's apparently running some kind of business from home where he sells large quantities of stuff. I see lots of people hanging clothes from their terraces, or in their yards. I see lots of less than well-groomed front yards (including mine 90% of the time). I just filled up 5 pails pulling out weeds. I'll probably fill up another 20 before the season is out. Nobody complains or seems to care all that much. And this in a place where lots of the homes are worth north of $1 million.

I'd hate living somewhere where you get a fine if you miss cutting the grass one week. Or for that matter being required to have grass at all, instead of perhaps ground cover, or any other treatment you want. Then there are the dictates about what colors you can paint your house. Some HOAs even forbid certain light colors outdoors, like 5000K, to "preserve the character of the neighborhood".

Maybe you were on one of the better HOAs which was mainly concerned with stuff like keeping crime down and/or only going after properties which looked like they from the show "Hoarders". Lots of them micromanage everyone, and give hefty fines for nonsense like outdoor TV antennas. Some even prohibit solar panels.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
in 4 days will be on this for 20 years . anyone whom knows me ill do this that ill just give away more home to anyone then rather then deal with bs. being homless i dont deal with idiots and if i do i can walk away lol


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2020
Also, anyone who wants to opt out of HOA membership should be able to (and should not be subject to any HOA rules when they do).

OK, but that's being dictatorial telling people how to keep their property. So long as what you do on your property doesn't breed vermin which go to your neighbors, or creates the hazard of a fire which might spread to their properties, it's nobody's business. That's actually why I love living in NYC. People pretty much do whatever they want on their own property. The house across the street regularly has boxes stacked in front of his garage after Fedex does their almost daily delivery. He's apparently running some kind of business from home where he sells large quantities of stuff. I see lots of people hanging clothes from their terraces, or in their yards. I see lots of less than well-groomed front yards (including mine 90% of the time). I just filled up 5 pails pulling out weeds. I'll probably fill up another 20 before the season is out. Nobody complains or seems to care all that much. And this in a place where lots of the homes are worth north of $1 million.

I'd hate living somewhere where you get a fine if you miss cutting the grass one week. Or for that matter being required to have grass at all, instead of perhaps ground cover, or any other treatment you want. Then there are the dictates about what colors you can paint your house. Some HOAs even forbid certain light colors outdoors, like 5000K, to "preserve the character of the neighborhood".

Maybe you were on one of the better HOAs which was mainly concerned with stuff like keeping crime down and/or only going after properties which looked like they from the show "Hoarders". Lots of them micromanage everyone, and give hefty fines for nonsense like outdoor TV antennas. Some even prohibit solar panels.
I've dealt with HOAs that forbade the installation of the "wrong" type smoke alarm and burglar alarm. They threatened to take our home away after we lapsed on two months' worth of HOA dues. My brother (who was taking care of the bills at the time) had a seizure, fell with his face clipping a table on the way down, and fractured his face in two places and was out of commission for months. I was a teenager at the time and tried to frantically explain the situation for a grace period and the response I got was: "Those are the rules. Pay the bills or your home will be taken away." We sold that condo and never looked back.

My friend used to live in an HOA community that enforced using their designated contractor to do any repairs on the house. If an outside one was used, the work would not be covered. There was no way to gather more bids on repair of a leaking roof. The contractor proposed a shoddy way of fixing it. When my friend protested, the contractor said he had to keep costs down, or else the HOA would stop using him. So he would not fix the roof the right way, because it would cost the HOA too much. My friend just let the HOA fix it and he promptly sold that place.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 8, 2017
Eastern Europe
I've dealt with HOAs that forbade the installation of the "wrong" type smoke alarm and burglar alarm. They threatened to take our home away after we lapsed on two months' worth of HOA dues. My brother (who was taking care of the bills at the time) had a seizure, fell with his face clipping a table on the way down, and fractured his face in two places and was out of commission for months. I was a teenager at the time and tried to frantically explain the situation for a grace period and the response I got was: "Those are the rules. Pay the bills or your home will be taken away." We sold that condo and never looked back.

My friend used to live in an HOA community that enforced using their designated contractor to do any repairs on the house. If an outside one was used, the work would not be covered. There was no way to gather more bids on repair of a leaking roof. The contractor proposed a shoddy way of fixing it. When my friend protested, the contractor said he had to keep costs down, or else the HOA would stop using him. So he would not fix the roof the right way, because it would cost the HOA too much. My friend just let the HOA fix it and he promptly sold that place.
It looks like it was created by people to pump money and just those who want to have at least some power and revel in it, but do not have the ability to go into politics or some other area.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I take exception to that over generalization.
I accepted the position on the formative Board of Directors of a PUD (Planned Unit Development). The five of us were all professionals, and wanted the best for our community.
Where I live is very diverse yet there is a loosely enforced set of HOA type rules. The original concept was the developers wife ran the HOA until her demise. There never was a board or dues or any of the drama. Just had to be a brick facad home. But there was a Mrs Kravitz on every block up until recently. The neighbors just police themselves. There's no hard fast rule over cloths lines or bushes. Just keep your grass cut and don't let your dog bark constantly. Got a shed falling over? Folks get together and help out with that. And several houses have an old antenna on the roof from pre-cable days.

Across the main highway is one of those fancy neighborhoods with all of those HOA goodies. Match stick homes with perfect yards, and fake wood trim. Neighbors don't talk to one another largely and everybody has the exact same mailbox. Don't you date put up a clothes line or a flag pole. You can have a wood privacy fence but not a chain link fence. They even have a kangaroo court that meets weekly.

I lived in an apartment with an HOA for a while. They marched on me a few times. They didn't like my Hoffman Bikes sticker in the kitchen window, grill out front (even though fire law said not allowed on the rear balcony they insisted that's where it belonged) and my favorite was the stay cat that used to sun itself on my front steps while I was at work. I had a great view of the sunset year round and a nice view of the nearby lake. Over time I fixed up the beach by the lake and had a nice lawn out front. A spindly bush was clipped until it became a nice round bush. When I moved out they used it for the model apartment. I had installed crown molding, fancy light switch and outlet covers along with better bathroom amenities like towel racks and ceiling lights. BTW when I left the Hoffman Bikes sticker was still in the kitchen window.
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