humans are stupid


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2007
Home Schooling today is online and fully interactive with the Teaching Faculty, what you describe as "looking into things that interested you" is the principle behind "unschooling" 😉

Here again, your comments appear to support a 1 to 1 based approach to learning which is possible with "home schooling" but will never be in the mainstream education system.

"What we want to see is the child in pursuit of knowledge, not knowledge in pursuit of the child." - George Bernard Shaw

Modern day homeschooling probably would have been ideal for me really, but the technology wasn't there yet and dialup internet wasn't super reliable. Yes, I do support a more personal approach with certain students like myself that learn differently than the majority. I've been tested multiple times in school for learning disabilities and every time the tests showed I didn't, so kids like myself kind of slipped through the cracks. The downside of homeschooling however is missing the social aspect of school.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 1, 2007
Sunraysia, Australia
Modern day homeschooling probably would have been ideal for me really, but the technology wasn't there yet and dialup internet wasn't super reliable. Yes, I do support a more personal approach with certain students like myself that learn differently than the majority. I've been tested multiple times in school for learning disabilities and every time the tests showed I didn't, so kids like myself kind of slipped through the cracks.
I would agree that Children (who could use more assistance) slip though the cracks in the system because they are able to perform at an "acceptable" level, these Students either "find their groove" independently or fail to achieve their potential, one size does not fit all.

The downside of homeschooling however is missing the social aspect of school.
I cannot speak for the American home schooling model but here in Australia Students can choose between 100% remote learning OR part time on campus/home schooling, in addition there are community based interactive programs like Sporting Clubs, Scouts Troops & Church Groups etc.


Jan 21, 2007
Ed, Ab
I personally think much of it boils down to what we were taught in school. Much of what I was taught had no bearing on what my life is now. Too me history was basically useless. I have no bearing on course of human population as a whole, those that do have already proven that history will be forgotten and doomed to repeat itself. When was the last time anyone talked about the war of 1812 in their personal lives? I do not think I have ever actually used any of the mathematics that was taught after junior high. The only good that came from my high school education was the elective classes like shop, welding, autobody and mechanics. At least those classes allowed me to learn skills that I could use in real life. How many people out there drive that don't even have a basic idea how to even change a tire? Dont know which way to turn a screw? How to safely change a propane tank on their BBQ? Or my personal favorite is an engineer who can only design something on paper with no clue to how actually build the thing they designed.

I currently work in a lab with a bunch of PHD's and I am truly amazed who stupid they can be. Sure they are brilliant when it comes to chemistry but when it comes to anything else they have no clue. They can't figure out why you don't leave a faucet running when they plug the sink? It actually scares me to think these are the people leading the way to a brighter tomorrow.

I find people with a much more rounded education are the smartest because they have the ability to approach a problem from multiple angles and come up with more than one solution.

I may not be the most educated person in the room but there are many times I am the smartest and that truly scares me.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
People like the garbage truck crew and sewer workers get looked down on because their work is dirty, but you couldn't have a nice clean place to live without them. How many college professors would or could do their jobs? Yet, who get paid the most?
How many times have we heard plumber crack jokes? But when the water is spraying all over, or the toilet won't flush, who is laughing then? The plumber gets the last laugh, when he gets his pay check from you!