How do you hide your lights from your wives????


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2009
Pulaski, Va.
The other night I did a little "test" on my wife. I got out eight lights and spread them out on the bed. (3 Quarks,ITP A3Ti,Novatac,E1B,SR3,and Eagletac T10LC2) I asked her how much she thought and in a matter of FIVE SECONDS made her guess and was within 10%. Not only did it surprise me how close she got but she did it without any concern at the amount I spent!

I use to consider "hiding" my lights but I am so glad I didn't!

Our agreement is bill's first toys second. She buys what she likes as do I.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2010
I don't hide the lights. She uses flashlights more than I do. And is using my flashlight expenses as the building blocks for her getting a Ti light of some sort.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 25, 2009
South Wales, UK
Our agreement is bill's first, toys second. She buys what she likes as do I.
I suppose your Wife squanders money on food as well ... Mine invests our money on shoes and handbags and clothes plus a bit on the non-essential foodstuffs ... I invest some of my income on Alcoholic beverages as they are beneficial in moderation ... When you go to the Doctors for an injection , what does he do ? ... He rubs your arm with alcohol to kill all germs ... I have a nice glass of antiseptic whisky each evening to ensure my insides are germ-free ... Logical , isn't it ?

I also invest in a few torches ... I get some cheapie torches to give away to relatives and friends ... My Wife knows how much (little) they cost as they are the £1 or $1 ones off Ebay ... I took away her nine LED 3AAA torch and gave her a much more expensive (about $4) CR123 torch ... Actually I let her persuade me that she needed this (much better) torch rather than the cheapie 9LED one ... She really likes it , particularly when I told her that the lithium battery will last till 2017 ... It says so on the battery , so it must be right ... I don't actually tell her the real prices of the other proper torches , as this privileged information is on a "need to know" basis ... I make a point of not wanting to know how much she spends on non-food items ... On any items really ... A good partnership is based on trust ... Or , better still , lack of.

Where ignorance is bliss , it's folly to be wise ... So , don't tell them anything that could upset or annoy them.

Our budget has been ruined this week due to a new carpet for the hall and stairs ... How can a piece of hairy cloth cost so much ? ... I don't even spend that much on fountain pens and torches and they last for ever.

You are right about "why is there so much month left at the end of the money" ... We have a few months of "negative saving" to look forward to now.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 3, 2008
I would have never guessed that I'd ever be a flashaholic..... I've been buying lights a madman since joining this forum. Just this weekend I scored two brand new Surefires,,, a 6P and a C2. Both icons which will be modded before you know it... I couldnt stop myself from buying them, both brand spanking new!!! God help me! Guys - How do you hide your lights from your wives???? :thinking:
I don't suppose the idea of simply being honest with her ever crossed your mind. :shakehead


Nov 25, 2009
Canberra, Australia
......Oh and try to show her what's different about ALL the lights you have....after about 8 she stops listening and by 10 she never wants to see another flashlight again!

I showed this post to my missus and she laughed/groaned and said your figures are off - 4 or 5 is more than enough for her to tune out !

Mind you, she knows enough to grab an MCE/18650 light when she wants to look around the backyard at night.

She is a keeper though :thumbsup: - after waking her up one night to make sure she didn't strongly object to me spending over $Aus 600 on a custom mokune gane light she told me the next day that my "unsupervised spending limit" was now $Aus 1,000 (she really, really hates being woken up when she is asleep). I'm lucky enough to be at that stage in my life now that I have enough money to satisfy most of my (fairly modest) desires for stuff.

Most of my lights are well under $100, but if I see something that I absolutely must have then it is OK to buy it.

She has also been hassling me to put up a shelf to put all my lights on (I don't hide any of my lights, but I do get the occasional rolling of the eyes when new ones arrive).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2005
Maryland, USA
I hide them at my mistresses'. :whistle:
Seriously, though, I once worked with a lawyer who collected old cameras. When I met him, he had more than 200. "My wife has no idea," he assured me."
"How do you hide them from her?" I asked.
"I keep some in my car trunk; some in a closet; and some at my brother's house."


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 25, 2004
secret underground bunker
How do you hide your lights from your wives???? :thinking:

1) buy so many that she can't tell when you add one more

2) avoid shapes and colors that stand out from the crowd. Example - all Fenixes and Quarks look pretty much identical.

3) use USPS rather than UPS when possible. You can sneak to the mailbox, but that pesky USP man knocks on the door sometimes, blowing your cover.

4) marry the right woman like I did, and you can skip 1-3. :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 12, 2010
No wife or girlfriend, but I try not to let mom see any new lights I purchase, "What a waste, that money could be spent elsewhere!", Well mom, you just don't understand, it's a disease, and be carefull, it's has the potential to be contagious:)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
we have don't ask, don't tell policy.
her about bags, shoes, me about lights.


May 1, 2008
The Netherlands
Haha :devil:

For stuff that you buy in person: pay cash. It leaves no traces on bank accounts etc.
For some time now I pay everything cash. I take the bills out the wall and spend them. It feels so good knowing that our justice department pedophiles can no longer track my expenses. And neither can the whole USA bureaucracy, now that the treasonous EP has given away bank account information of EU citizens (whatever that might be).

@dodge_911: :wave:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2006
Palm Springs, CA, Beverly Hills, CA, Washington, D
Don't have to. I work and do well, so I can do whatever I wish. I also collect Rolex, and that is a rather costly activity compared to flashlights, but I have always taken care to get my wife nice gifts, jewelry, and trips.

If you take care of your wife, there should be no problem.

Not sure if some of you guy's are joking, but if you earn, you should be able to do as you please. Also, I never care what she buys in clothes, and all the things women like.

If you have to hide things from your wife, something is not right.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2005
Maryland, USA
Haha :devil:

For stuff that you buy in person: pay cash. It leaves no traces on bank accounts etc. @dodge_911: :wave:
Nice idea, but few of the lights that we want can be bought in a brick-and-mortar store, using cash. Since my wife ge.ts home before I do, I'm always given away by the package. Usually the package is an adapter, converter, extender charger, cable, or other such accessory, so she probably figures that a new flashlight box or padded envelope is more of the same.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2008
When it's time for a new light I send any wives around the place home to their husbands. :whistle: