Is Life Worth Living?

tiktok 22

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 8, 2002
Matt 6:34 So, never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Sufficient for each day is its own badness.

Did Jesus mean that his audience could escape anxiety completely? That would be unrealistic. Jesus himself experienced deep emotional distress and anxiety on the night that he was arrested.—Luke 22:44.

He was simply stating a fundamental truth. Undue anxiety will never help you to solve whatever problems you face. It will not, for example, help you to live longer. It will not "add one cubit to your life span," said Jesus. (Matthew 6:27)

I find it helpful to remember that God has promised us he "will wipe out every tear from people's eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore."—Revelation 21:1-4.

Couldn't agree more...great post.


Aug 23, 2009
I've been where you are many a time, through divorce and depression, money issues, you name it... and my answer is a resounding yes. The pain is what makes the happiness even sweeter, trust me, enjoy the cycle.

Just read a copy of the Tao Te Ching and think about it for a while, it's helped me enormously. The help and support of friends and family can do wonders as well, just be open to the help that comes your way. I've learned the hard way that EVERYONE needs some help at some time, life is not meant to be a loner's task to bear, even a pet can help.

If not for any of that, just rock on man... if nothing intersts you enough, then let go of complacency and hit the road, travel like a gypsy and see the world while working odd jobs.

I'd say good luck, but it ain't about luck, pick a direction and go!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2004
Hang in there FlashKat!

Death is darkness and you don't get to bring a flashlight.

Someone once told me, "The world is full of large wonders and small pleasures." Refocus. You're surrounded by them. You don't want to miss any of them.

PM me with a mailing address, I'll send you a flashlight. That should cheer you up!!!


Dec 23, 2008
Penn's Woods
Of course it is. I wake thankful every day that that I have it better than so much of what I have seen overseas... It's not like I don't have my own stuff going on, but I try to make the most of what I DO have. And, every day I'm alive, my ex can't **** on my grave...:) Hang in there, same offer as kelmo. (Classy move, BTW.) :thumbsup:


Apr 6, 2010
I am not sure if it is worth it anymore waking up a having to take more pills then I can count everyday and knowing that this is my life. I look forward to just waking up with out pain but it never seems to happen. I lost just about everything 11 years ago and have been able to gain a few things back but then more tests and I have to sell what I gained back and it seems like a never ending battle anymore I had 40 good years but let me tell you the last 11 have sucked bad and seem to be getting worse. I am not looking for sympathy here just saying life is not always fair and can be cruel but I keep hoping that it will get better someday and I can get back to what I was 11 years ago or close to that.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2010
I keep wondering, since I do my best to work hard, be nice, and be responsible in life. My life really sucks right now, and I keep asking myself the same question over and over.

My adventure started 18yrs ago with the very same question, and that was just the beginning of a story worthy of a ****ensian novel. It took more than a decade and a journey that took me half way across the planet before things finally turned around, but turn around they did - and I couldn't be happier now.

The world is full of opportunity. Whatever you want/need is out there somewhere if you endeavour to seek it out. Just don't wait until you really hit rock bottom or it will be pot luck what happens next, and avoid religious nuts that want to you to accept your lot (its not you they are trying to save).

+ S5 bin emitters will be out soon! :party:

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Mark Mck

Newly Enlightened
May 30, 2010
Land of the Huskers
I would suggest talking to a professional about your feelings rather than consulting the members of a flashlight forum. If you cannot shake these feelings, you need professional help.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2010
I would suggest talking to a professional about your feelings rather than consulting the members of a flashlight forum. If you cannot shake these feelings, you need professional help.

Just my $0.02 worth but I cant think of worse advice.

Doctors will just treat the symptoms and either prescribe happy drugs like Paxil or refer you to a shrink. Counsellors/Priests/Psychologists will follow their book and try to get you to realize that everything is not as bad as it seems. These approaches can seriously mess you up.

You may not be just a broken machine that needs fixing. Speak with friends or people that care about you. Identify what you need and go find it.


Midnight Oil

Dec 8, 2009
When life is stimulating and gives me something to look forward to, then at that moment I crave life and, distracted, temporariliy forget death.

But the thought of death, and the realization that everything will come to an end, are always near. And when there is nothing to distract me from those thoughts, that's when I ask, "Why do I live?"


Newly Enlightened
Dec 19, 2007
I keep wondering, since I do my best to work hard, be nice, and be responsible in life. My life really sucks right now, and I keep asking myself the same question over and over.

FlashKat- The short answer to your question is, "YES, Life is worth living!"

I too have struggled with a lot recently, including a shaky job situation and a seriously ill child. As another post mentioned, it is a matter of perspective. I would like to challenge you to listen to something:

I hope that it is an encouragement to you!

Feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss. I WILL be praying for you.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2010
Pennsylvania, USA
Great thread with some truly uplifting posts. I think I said in my PM if ya ever need someone to talk to let me know FlashKat.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2009
You just have to remember this... Life is cyclical, as is nature. Things always return to a state of normalcy, although this state may change from time to time, or situation to situation. But nature always balances out.

Life is like that. A lot like that. We all have a place in the cycle. This cycle will present us with good times and bad, and times where things seem entirely neutral. But nothing ever remains the same. You may be in a low period in the cycle now, but at some point things will start to get better... How long that change takes is dependent upon a great deal of things, some of which are beyond your control. But you do need to be able to see that "silver lining" in things.

Life is a wondrous thing, which we are given precious little of. IMO, we are placed here to find our path through a treacherous current, and we have been granted the spirit to change our outlook, our mood, and our environment. We must seek the maximum enjoyment possible from ourselves, each other, and the world around us, but maintain a level of self respect and determination to avoid those things that would disgrace ourselves in our minds' eye.

The question you've asked can only truly be answered by ourselves, and the answer can only be found in ourselves. I would encourage you to try and change your outlook, and find the root of this question that is gnawing at you, to analyze and understand why it causes you such grief. Then, and only then, can you begin to change your perception's. And then the cycle will begin an upswing.

I myself started having such nagging doubts in the middle of my sophomore year. My grades began to suffer, I began to withdraw from all but a few of my closest friends, and I began to think of suicide. I never attempted it.

I spent a lot of time alone, questioning myself, my worth, and my future. I had, and still have, alot of fears about my future. We live in a strange and uprooting time, no doubt about it. I saw how bad things were becoming for everyone, how the job market worldwide was suffering, and saw how people were losing their jobs, their homes, their lives... I didn't talk to anyone about my secret fears. I just kept asking myself the same question over and over... "Why am I set upon with such doubt?" It took me until the middle of my junior year of high school to figure out why.

I was afraid that any attempts at education after high school would not only be prohibitively expensive, but that the job market would have shrunk by such a degree as to effectively make it impossible for me to be hired for any entry level position, without a ridiculous amount of education... I couldn't stand the thought that I would be possibly saddled with $100k + in debt, without a means to begin paying it off. That my average-ness would make it nearly impossible for me to get into a good college in the first place, and that I would disappoint not only myself, but my parents.

I had a hard time finding reasons to get out of bed in the morning. I would wake up, and spend 15 or 20 minutes trying to talk myself into going to school. I didn't pay attention in my classes, wished the day would end, was thankful for snow days, or two hour delays, where schedules would be disrupted, and we wouldn't have to do any work. I stopped doing homework altogether, not seeing the point in it. Eventually, I was able to meander through this period, and am feeling all the better for it.

I decided to change one thing that I didn't like about myself at a time. I started with my weight. I started to do some push ups, sit-ups, and stretches before bed. I started snacking less often, and eating smaller servings at meals. I lost 15 pounds, gained some decent muscle mass, and lost some of my flubb...

Then I decided to change my hair style. Weird, I know, as a guy, but it helped. I had had the same basic hair style for the first 15 years of my life. It used to comb it to my right, and left, from my part line. I decided to grow it a little longer, and slick it straight back. It helped.

Then I decided to start doing my homework. Started paying attention in my more important classes, and my grades began to improve. My math teacher expressed her relief that I had started doing better. I began to feel better about myself.

I decided that I needed to keep track of my future better. I decided to keep an eye on a few key stocks, from various industries, to see how the market was actually doing. Eventually things started doing better.

I began to read more books on wildly different aspects of history, from the ammonium-nitrate producing system invented by Carl Bosch, and a 1st World War German scientist, to autobiography's of our founding fathers, to books on how society changes throughout history. I started to understand that life, and nature, is cyclical, and all good things exist because of the bad, and vice-versa.

I don't have to talk myself out of bed in the mornings anymore. I go to school, while not exactly positive feeling, with at least an interest in a few of my classes. I've begun to make some more friends in different groups, and re-connect with old ones from my old stomping grounds.

I feel better now than I have in 18months, and I know that when I wake up tomorrow, I can expect at least one thing to be a little better than it was yesterday.

I still haven't talked to anyone about this yet, and, truthfully, I don't know if I ever will. But I've begun to understand that life is going to hi you hard, but you always have to get back on your feet, or it will just keep pounding on you even worse.

I hope this has helped. If you need anyone to talk to, please feel free to PM me, any time.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 18, 2006
Anaheim, CA.
Hi everyone,

I am feeling better today, and I want to THANK everyone here for their help, support, and great advice. I am still trying to figure out my situation, but I know I will get through this as many of have mentioned lovecpf
I am truly listening all of your advice, and it has given me hope!!!!

Thanks, FlashKat


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2008
San Jose, CA

we are all very very glad to hear of this; please don't hesitate to have a chat with us again!

Mark Mck

Newly Enlightened
May 30, 2010
Land of the Huskers
Just my $0.02 worth but I cant think of worse advice.

Doctors will just treat the symptoms and either prescribe happy drugs like Paxil or refer you to a shrink. Counsellors/Priests/Psychologists will follow their book and try to get you to realize that everything is not as bad as it seems. These approaches can seriously mess you up.

You may not be just a broken machine that needs fixing. Speak with friends or people that care about you. Identify what you need and go find it.


Hey Peter, I'm a physician and I have family members who have suffered with severe depression. I almost lost a son because of severe depression. The risk of suicide can be high in chronic cases of severe depression. The unmonitored use of antidepressants can add to the problem rather than help but with careful use is generally helpful. I am hopeful that our friend here on this forum is going threw a normal phase of feeling down that we all go threw from time to time and is in need of some "soul searching" and nothing more. We are certainly not broken machines but we sometimes need some help and it is OK to ask for it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2008
I keep wondering, since I do my best to work hard, be nice, and be responsible in life. My life really sucks right now, and I keep asking myself the same question over and over.

Hi FlashKat,

If all a person has to live for is what can be gained by doing these things, working harder getting more stuff etc. Then NO. There comes a time in nearly everyone's life when it takes more than this to satisfy your soul.

For me the extra something it took was Gods love, and his presence. Living for Jesus Christ I have found that knowing Him gives me a purpose, and a reason to press on through the times when life doesnt seem worth living. Also since He is a real person (no longer in the flesh, but in Spirit) I can talk to, its only by his strength that I am able to have any joy at all during tough times.

Please dont give up FlashKat, the change you have been looking for may be closer than you think.