Options for budget pure self-defense strobe flashlight, almost no other priority, at least 2000 lumen.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 9, 2023
yes 10000% the thread would have been shut down because flashlights as self defense was a banned topic. As for the rest of the post, you're kind of a moron for being so offended about self defense flashlights but sorry for offending you.

Yes I was dead serious with the cane comment, your government may crack down on young able bodied people carrying around canes. FFS you can't hardly legally carry a pocket knife!

Reason for edit: deleted dumbass, he's not a dumbass he just really wants this to work.

Reason for second edit: trying not to be as mean.

Reason for third edit: clarification on cane comment. Hell you can't carry anything else to protect yourself. What pissed you off with what I said? I wasn't even being rude to you.

Make us all disappear?? What the hell dude you really are a little nutty.
My apologies when I wrote I was feeling tired and irritable.

Based on what you're saying I think I might shelve my next discussion topic about filling your battery compartment with lead shot :)

The whole thing about young hoodlums carrying canes, might actually turn out to be a good thing.. They might turn into the 60s dandies into their fashion or start wearing Fred Astaire garb, with top hats and what not, could civilise things enormously.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 9, 2023


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
There's a lot of debate and reasoning about affectiveness but what we need is actual tests.

Although because of a medical condition I'm slightly disabled now. I don't go out late on a Saturday night, my concern is with mad people or stopping terrorists, like that guy that was stabbing children in Belgium.
Nope, WE do not need tests we know the outcome, It is you who needs a test, since you are the one who refuses to accept reality, and not just a test but a test with YOU in it. Cuz even if someone can do it, does not mean you can,

You seriously think you'll be able to stop terrorists with a flashlight??? LMAO. at 50 while being slightly disabled? I assume you do not do any serious training, In such stress situation, your BP will jump to over 200 in seconds, your vision will dim, your brain will not be thinking clearly, your body motions will be noting like normal. Dude stop feeding yourself with false expectations, you actually have a chance if you get a large breed dog like a Rottweiler, or a Doberman. I'm pretty sure you have 0 chance against a young healthy guy, who is determined, and very possibly be on drugs, you most likely will not get a chance to use any weapons' even a gun, he, or most likely they, will not give you that chance.
There are plenty of videos of real robberies and assaults on internet, I suggest you watch them and get an idea how things work in real world.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
LOL, and the OP thinks he can defend against robbers and even terrorists with a flashlight.
Thou I do have a feeling he is trolling us, lol
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Was this real? Guy literally wanting to be able to stop terrorists in broad daylight with a flashlight? I'm not even making fun I just want to know if this was real. Getting mad when someone said "if it makes you feel better and gives you peace of mind then do it"

This is twilight zone crap.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
If you want a "light" that will stop the bad guys, forget about anything you can hand carry. Try a multi-kilowatt industrial laser mounted on a truck. Aim at the bad guys, watch their heads explode. If it's enough power, watch them vaporize like a Star Trek phaser set on maximum.

A very bright flashlight might disorient attackers for a short time after dark when their eyes are adjusted to darkness. During the day it won't do squat.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2021
Requirements to continue posting in this thread: watch MMA, own a Taurus pistol, wear Affliction shirt, carry an Olight, own a set of truck nuts, drink Natty Light, carry a folding utility box cutter


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
This was another opportunity to educate. Teachable moment. See, unfortunately some have been led to believe a flashing flashlight is a useful self defense item. It was up to CPF to inform the op that is not the case. When the misled op retorts with "but but but" the opportunity for truth is even more paramount. So getting all worked up because op doesn't understand at first or even after a time just means there's no need to get all whipped into a frenzy about it. Just knowing you tried is good enough. No need to be-little anyone.

What has separated CPF from other forums is the members self policing when necessary away from personal attacks. Keeping threads on track was also another aspect. Now once upon a time it took some coaxing by a vast array of moderators at times but not always. Those moderators have been gone for a while now and aside from the occasional temper tantrum the members in general keep things fairly orderly.

But remember this:

There's a lot of ignorance out there.
Be patient with the unknowing, for one day it might be you......


Jan 21, 2007
Ed, Ab
This was another opportunity to educate. Teachable moment. See, unfortunately some have been led to believe a flashing flashlight is a useful self defense item.
I will disagree with you a little on this point. I do believe a flashlight is a good self defence tool but not much as a physical weapon but more so as a tool to help you be aware of your surroundings. Most criminals work in the cover of darkness. Taking away that darkness may prevent them from engaging you. Seeing them from a distance gives you the option to avoid them all together. Lets face it, a large flashlight can be used as an impact weapon however no one should ever totally rely on a flashlight alone to save you from a physical assault. It should be considered as one of many tools to help you avoid the situation. If CPF can help relay that message in the effort to make people think more about the potential situation ahead of time then I see that as win.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
If you want a "light" that will stop the bad guys, forget about anything you can hand carry. Try a multi-kilowatt industrial laser mounted on a truck. Aim at the bad guys, watch their heads explode. If it's enough power, watch them vaporize like a Star Trek phaser set on maximum.

A very bright flashlight might disorient attackers for a short time after dark when their eyes are adjusted to darkness. During the day it won't do squat.
LOL most likely trucks are banned in 'UK too.
You can not disorient anyone with a light if you have no chance to use it, and robbers will not give him that chance, they will not let him reach into his pockets, they will either hold him at gun or a knife point and go thru his pockets themselves. taking everything, second wallet or a phone will not help either. A large dog will help, robbers wont even approach someone with a big dog. But since he is in UK large dogs are either banned, (pits) or he needs a special license to own one, like in Germany, a friend of mine had to get one to own a Rottweiler in Germany, not a license like in USA, where you just pay and get it. you have to actually pass a test.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
There is no teaching point or voice of reason when someone says "you don't agree with me I'll make you disappear like everyone else who says my flashlight won't stop terrorists in daytime".


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
LOL most likely trucks are banned in 'UK too.
You can not disorient anyone with a light if you have no chance to use it, and robbers will not give him that chance, they will not let him reach into his pockets, they will either hold him at gun or a knife point and go thru his pockets themselves. taking everything, second wallet or a phone will not help either. A large dog will help, robbers wont even approach someone with a big dog. But since he is in UK large dogs are either banned, (pits) or he needs a special license to own one, like in Germany, a friend of mine had to get one to own a Rottweiler in Germany, not a license like in USA, where you just pay and get it. you have to actually pass a test.
This first part is what a lot of people don't understand about carrying a self defense tool. Most of the time you aren't going to get the chance to use it anyway.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2007
I'm pretty sure it is an urban legend. I bet it had everything to do with it being sold by A&W and not McD.
Everyone knows 1/3 of a dollar is more than 1/4 of a dollar.

You would be incorrect, on both accounts.

You have far too much faith, if you believe the "average" human has any common sense.

I don't know what you do for a living, but I doubt you work in Health Care (of any kind), Emergency Services, or Law Enforcement.

Just in case the first article wasn't enough for you (it took all of 5 seconds to find multiple articles confirming this, BTW), how about from A&W themself...........

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