Reverse aspheric with sapphire cover

Jul 15, 2007
To give you a bit of context, I just lost my father, and I just returned from a baseball game with my son.

I am wondering if anyone has done any builds within an asperic lens element that has been installed in the reverse direction. While watching the game with my five-year-old it occurred to me that I might be able to build a "statue of light" for my father.

While there still is a lot of planning and testing to do, if I could install an aspheric over a high intensity LED and optically bond a sapphire top element to it it ought to survive a significant time before degrading or being no longer able to maintain a tight beam into the sky.

I have only recently begun experimenting with fresnel lenses 4 as an aspheric substitution, but I do not believe Optical bonding them with UV curable epoxy would provide the necessary refraction or robustness from acrylic/pmma.



Mar 10, 2011
If I understand correctly you want to flip an aspheric lens so that the high curvature surface will face the source? If that's the case then you will likely miss out on a lot of output from the high angle rays being emitted from the LED. Full Width Half Max (FWHM) of most LEDs is around 60 degrees meaning the 50% of the light is within 30 degrees of perpendicular to the emitter surface. The critical angle for thermoplastics is around 40-45 degrees depending on refractive index and coating so you want to have an entrance angle of much less than that. The closer to perpendicular the better. You might consider a lens tube where you can collimate the light with whatever lens (or lenses) you choose and then put the SiO2 window over that.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 22, 2004
Pleasanton (Bay Area), CA, USA
You are right that the PMMA Fresnels won't hold up in an open environment. Even more annoying, they are usually designed so that the ridges face "out".

It is a little bit surprising, but when I was experimenting with them, it mattered less than I expected to reverse the lens direction.

Sapphire is great stuff, and not that expensive in optical flats. Another option is to use an AR coated quality glass, which might transmit a bit better than the sapphire since the reflections are reduced.

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