still dont know what to edc

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Jun 25, 2021
They are BRIGHT enough to leave someone getting in your face seeing stars for a few seconds. What you do with those few seconds is up to you.

I don't think anyone really expects an attacker, even a not very determined one, to immediately cease acting in a threatening manner when suddenly presented with a very bright light, but that very bright light will, especially if used in the dark, blind and/or disorient someone, giving you the advantage, which you can use either to counterattack or to escape, as the case may be.

It will also, if done right, prevent the subject from seeing what you are holding in the other hand.

I think there are not a lot of people who seriously think about the consequences of self-defense with a firearm in the dark, particularly inside a building. Muzzle flash and report are actual things with which both attacker and defender must contend. And a bright flashlight is going to ruin any dark adaptation you may have, as well. You'll still be at an advantage, being the one holding the light, but you for darned sure want that light if you think you might want to be able to see after letting off a literal shot in the dark. Forget hearing, your ears are now ringing, but at least you can see. :)

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
A stopping kick (front snap kick or side kick) will keep an attacker at a distance as they come toward you. A strike bezel on a flashlight requires them to get closer to have any effect and would be a last resort (as well, it may get you in legal trouble using it. I'd advice against it). The light of a flashlight will at most disorient them for a second and likely give you a few more seconds to run away if you spot them at a distance. If a beam of light is your primary weapon for self-defense, you aren't going to make it.

Here are some pointers in self-defense:
1. Don't travel alone. There is safety in numbers.
2. If you go somewhere, let someone know where you're going and when you'll be back. If something happens to you, it helps to have someone nearby ready to look for you and help.
3. Keep your eyes up when walking. This shows confidence, that you're not easy prey, and you'll have better situational awareness.
4. Treat people with respect. You'll get in fewer fights if you don't make enemies.
5. Know how far someone can reach you from and stay out of that range if someone wants to hurt you.
6. Make some noise. If someone is attacking you, the last thing they want is attention drawn to the situation. If people hear that you need help, they may come to your aid or at least call the cops.
Also scream FIRE! I read a study on this topic and they found people were much more inclined to come running if you yelled fire then if you cry for help.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 18, 2020
i want to keep my distance .
For me, a flashlight is an active tool to increase situational awareness. Presence of mind is more important since proper assessment of your surroundings will help you with your goal of "keeping distance" and avoid situations wherein a possible attacker is already within arms reach.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Also scream FIRE! I read a study on this topic and they found people were much more inclined to come running if you yelled fire then if you cry for help.
That only works if you're outside. Inside, people run away and trample each other. Inside, just start with yelling "leave me alone". If no one comes, then kiup, scream, or call for help. Keep making noise to attract attention to the situation. Eventually, someone will get curious.

If you absolutely have to defend yourself against multiple attackers unarmed:
1. For two against one, line them up. It's easier to fight one while using them as a shield blocking the other one.
2. For three or more attackers surrounding you, pick one bad guy, knock them down, run through the gap they left, and go get help. Don't attempt to fight with the attack strategy from Matrix 2. It doesn't work to fight from the middle while being surrounded. Stay out of the middle.
3. Always avoid taking the fight to the ground. Mixed martial arts style fighting doesn't work in real life. Remember, everybody has a friend. If you take the fight to the ground, that person's buddy will come out of nowhere and start kicking you in the head.

Ideally, avoid putting yourself in a situation where you have to fight by following the six previous pointers. If you can't avoid a fight, think ahead how best to get out of the fight alive. Fighting is a last resort only to be used when your life or those of your loved ones are at risk. If it comes to that, as the old saying goes, "It's better to be judged by twelve, than carried by six."


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
Just bought a ToolVN AAA. It's titanium, and therefore very effective in the aforementioned scenario. Also, it has a great tint and CRI to accurately observe what the offender was wearing when I file my police report.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2021
...124gr +P 9mm provides the stop...

Let's derail this thread and get into "the best weight" debate hahaha
Nothing brings out terminal ballistic experts like 119 vs 124 vs 147gr

We all know the correct answer is 200gr 10mm and a 357 Sig when you need to penetrate a barrier. :)


Nov 23, 2011
SouthEast, USA
Hey, checkout the Klarus XT12GT. Used one for 2 years as a work / search light. Drains quick on extended use, but works well. Always to high or strobe from off. Don't do that kind of work these days, but it never really gave me issues. If you trust non USA lights for that, that is. Would definitely distract someone pretty well.

As far as ballistics go, that fancy high tech 10mm seems nice and all, but we all know SW 500 in a snub nose is where it's at. Look at that, all settled XD


Feb 21, 2003
This is a flashlight forum. and is not about using a flashlights as a weapon, and is not about defending with weapons. Other forums are set up for that.

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