Why do aaa lights even exist?

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Newly Enlightened
May 14, 2015
I actually don't even own an AA flashlight....

I have weird preferences though. I something really small and perhaps on a keychain, which AAA is perfect other than button lights (which is low lumen). Then, I need something with brightness, which an 18650 will do with grace.

To me, AA doesn't fill a gap for me. Yeah AA is widely available, but I have plenty of chargers and solar panels just in case of emergency.

This basically sums up my feelings on the matter as well. IMO, an AA light isn't small enough to the best option for a small EDC solution, nor is it powerful enough on a per-cell basis to be practical in a situation where pure output is required. It occupies this awkward middle ground and does neither unobtrusive size nor power as well as AAA or 18650, respectively. The only thing it has on 18650 and AAA is the fact that it's more common. That might be an asset in a SHTF situation (something that I'm not particularly convinced I'll ever have to contend with), but with the sheer number of devices out there that run on AA, it might actually be a liability as well if the competition for those cells outstrips their abundance.
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Jun 12, 2015
Caldwell Idaho
I am weird I guess, runtimes at useabe brightness over size or max turbo for me. I personally have a fear of twisty lights flalling apart and getting lost so that rids most single AAA lights for me.
As for runtime, I guess that if I was going to also have a larger main light within arms reach at all times I would be fine with an AAA light as a spare. I would want a good AA size minimum light if I was to only carry one.

Last week I had gone camping with my uncle in the desert and as we were trying to find our way back to the road the truck sunk into the sand. I was the only one who brought a flashlight and it ended up running on high for over an hour. The already partially dead battery eventually got down to a point where it would not reliably turn on (<1.15 volts). Luckily I always carry two spare AA batteries in my pockets and we were soon dug out and back on paved road.
So I suppose that I could just as easily carry spare AAA batteries but AA is small enough for me, in fact I don't care if my pockets bulge a little bit and I will even start to edc a 18650 light and spare battery as well to have better output and runtime for when I need it and so I can stop worrying about draining all my AA's ( I will get eneloops soon).


Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
Assuming no troll, diameter in particular makes AAA much better for pocket carry.
Yes, it definitely does. I've carried a 1xAAA twisty-UI light in my pocket as a backup light for years. It doesn't get nearly as much use as my 1xRCR123 Jetbeam TC-R2, so I don't care if the battery life is shorter. What I *do* care about is that a 1xAAA light can disappear in my pocket so I don't notice a heavy bulge like I would with a larger light.

I wondered about the intent of the OP, and given they've been here a good while, I'm going with "Poorly Worded" and benefit of the doubt, not necessarily trolling, and so far the responses have been mostly positive...
There is "poorly-worded" and there's intentionally disparaging other people's decision-making skills on a matter that is highly subjective. The original post falls in the latter category for me, because it offhandedly dismisses the most popular reasons for buying a 1xAAA light as being frivolous. Chauncey and idleprocess would seem to agree, based on their posts.
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Dec 23, 2008
Penn's Woods
I chose benefit of the doubt since the OP has been here longer than you or I have, and so far the discussion has been mainly positive examples to answer the first half of the OP's question. Yes, at first read it could be interpreted as trolling. In this instance though, I'm seeing the glass as half full for now. :) Remember that choosing to post in a thread is entirely voluntary. Had NOBODY responded, the thread would disappear. Enough folks chimed in to say "for me, here's why..." and encouraged positive discussion. As have yourself...

Edit- I find Chauncey and Idleprocess both constructively suggested answers to the OP's question.

Yes, it definitely does. I've carried a 1xAAA twisty-UI light in my pocket as a backup light for years. It doesn't get nearly as much use as my 1xRCR123 Jetbeam TC-R2, so I don't care if the battery life is shorter. What I *do* care about is that a 1xAAA light can disappear in my pocket so I don't notice a heavy bulge like I would with a larger light.

There is "poorly-worded" and there's intentionally disparaging other people's decision-making skills on a matter that is highly subjective. The original post falls in the latter category for me, because it offhandedly dismisses the most popular reasons for buying a 1xAAA light as being frivolous. Chauncey and idleprocess would seem to agree, based on their posts.
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Jul 16, 2012
I bought a Fenix E05 which is tiny. Basically an AA with a LED on top. The cool blue tint doesn't sit well with me, but for $15 or so I wanted to give it a try. I never use it, but it would be great as a backup or for anyone really needing a small light. Performance sucks compared to some AA models which are not much bigger, but when you get to the AA/AAA size, every little bit can help.


Dec 23, 2008
Penn's Woods
I'm going to close this, only because 80 some posts should be enough to answer the OP's question, and they haven't been back to be part of the discussion...
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