You Just Know Your A Flashaholic When......


Jan 3, 2012
Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
Re: Official Flashaholics

I doubt three among a married couple qualifies.

That brings up a question. Are there any Married couples that are both flashaholics on this site?

Based on your choices, I am willing to bet most people here consider you qualified.

My wife is coming around. First it was, "At least your hobby/collection is useful." It's now gotten to, "I need a light for work, give me something that......" Where before, I had to convince her daily to bring something. :eek:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2011
Re: Official Flashaholics

That's just "Stage 1" ... Stage 2 is when they expect to receive one :lolsign:

Turns out that I am well beyond stage 2. It has gotten to the point where they state, "please no more lights for them.' A person would state, I already have 'x' amount of light from you. I only need 1... :mecry:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2011
On the east coast of the yoosah. In the place wher
Re: Official Flashaholics

Because a "smart" phone is primarily a very portable computer and is only secondarily a phone so calling it a phone is a bit of a misnomer.

A phone is only as smart as its user, as a flashlight is only as tactical as its operator...flashaholics are flashaholics so long as we've got that new light itch


Newly Enlightened
Mar 19, 2014
Re: Official Flashaholics

A phone is only as smart as its user, as a flashlight is only as tactical as its operator...flashaholics are flashaholics so long as we've got that new light itch

To be technical, a phone does have its own artificial intelligence so I have to disagree. There are plenty of Phandroids who love having several different smartphones despite having no practical need for that many.


May 28, 2010
Re: Official Flashaholics

One light that I still use often and is dated is my E01. Dated but reliable and enough light for late night tasks. Several threads here on it. On the other end of the spectrum, Polargirl, you should check out Vinh's lights....You and your husband would both giggle when using his creations :)


<EDIT> My wife carries an E01 as well along with a PD35. Not a full flashoholic yet but on her way!
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2011
On the east coast of the yoosah. In the place wher
Re: Official Flashaholics

To be technical, a phone does have its own artificial intelligence so I have to disagree. There are plenty of Phandroids who love having several different smartphones despite having no practical need for that many.

Having intelligence and being smart are two different things :p I'm intelligent, but I'm not that smart...I'd like to think that smartness is the application of one's intelligence.


Jan 12, 2012
Re: Official Flashaholics

To be technical, a phone does have its own artificial intelligence so I have to disagree. There are plenty of Phandroids who love having several different smartphones despite having no practical need for that many.

Its more likely that THEY perceived a need...for example, one might work better for one thing, but not as well for, they supplemented their inventory with something that filled the gap.

For example, many new smart phones no longer support Flash, and, some people's lives involve applications requiring Flash (One example), they have to decide to either get something that DOES support flash, or, to drop that part of their life, etc. The phone that does support flash might not allow multiple applications to run simultaneously, and, their life might involve the need to run multiple applications simultaneously, and so forth.

One phone might be on a plan that provides reception in a location that they need to have reception in, and another might not have reception in that location, but may get better reception in a different area, and so forth.

Some people have phones for personal use, and, additional phones for business use, as they may need to differentiate calls/phone bills/expense accounts, etc. Some people use their phones to process payments, and there are associated PCI compliance criteria, and/or browser/OS incompatibilities between some online credit card processors and systems, etc.

So, if you add up all the ways in which having more than one phone might make sense, for someone, its easier to imagine why someone might need more than one phone. Just like any other tool set, the individual is the one who justifies the set, based upon what THEY need/want.

If they are collectors, sure, all bets are, afterall, really, will a stamp collector ever NEED any of the collected stamps?


(I have one phone I use for both business and personal use, so I don't fit the multiple phone group criteria)

In any case, the idea of wanting to do the research and select the best light option, implies that you want the best light option, and spent at least some time trying to choose it, rather than simply walking into Wallyworld and buying the first flashlight you saw on the shelf.

That means that you WANTED a good light, and, were willing to spend at least some time on it.

It also implies that if you were to repeat the process, or, theoretically, done this in 2 years instead of now, you would not choose what you chose today, as, in 2 years, the options might be better...and you WOULD HAVE chosen a better light than you chose today.

So.....say 2 years from now, you would either decide that you DON'T want the best light, you want a 2 year older version that is less bright, has less range, and less cell life, etc...or, you'd decide to get whatever is top shelf at the time.

As when choosing this time (Present), you did NOT choose to purchase something with less output and so forth due to its obsolescence, it is reasonable to assume that you would not make that choice 2 years from now.

If you do not upgrade though, you ARE making that choice though...hence the concept of upgrading periodically.

My personal feeling is that if the light you HAVE is working for you, and you simply don't run into scenarios where its unable to get dim enough or bright enough, or run long enough, or be small enough to carry around conveniently, then really, there's no NEED to upgrade.

In real life though, as progress marches on, you find that your big light with high out put is too large to keep with you, so, you don't always have it with you when the upgrade is often to get a light with the same output in a smaller/lighter form factor that works better in that regard.

WHEN you decide to do that is of course a function of your own personal criteria, as in HOW small/light or, brighter, etc, is ENOUGH to be WORTH swapping for?

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2013
Hengelo, NL
Re: Official Flashaholics

Back on topic...
Let's just say a flashoholic is "Into lights"...and that will probably cover a large part of what's going on here.
Well in case it wasn't implied, I'd add "with passion" to that. As in: one way or another, having an emotional aspect. Getting satisfaction from holding a light in your hand, feeling proud about that beamshot of your souped-up light with dedomed emitter, discussing what LED tints to (dis)like, having a custom logo laser-etched into your favourite light, whatever.

For example a shop owner with a couple hundred flashlights stacked in the back, I'd NOT (automatically) count him/her as a flashaholic. Even though one might say that person is "into lights".
And yeah that pretty much covers it, imho... :popcorn:
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Jan 12, 2012
Re: Official Flashaholics

A shop can sell a lot of cans of beans without being "into beans".


The into part implies an enthusiasm.

The way a child might be "into dinosaurs" etc.

The shop might be into making money selling something...but it might just be a commodity to them.

I think your idea about the aspect of passion does overlap my idea about what being into something means. I think that conceptually we are on the same page.
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Newly Enlightened
Mar 22, 2014
Re: Official Flashaholics

Although I still don't consider myself a flashaholic, I can understand at least one of its aspects. I found this forum searching for info about rechargeable batteries two weeks ago and since then I've been checking it every single day, searching for specific topics (for which I had no interest at all before) or simply zapping around. I think I was bitten by the fly of the flashaholic fever :)


Jan 12, 2012
Re: Official Flashaholics

Although I still don't consider myself a flashaholic, I can understand at least one of its aspects. I found this forum searching for info about rechargeable batteries two weeks ago and since then I've been checking it every single day, searching for specific topics (for which I had no interest at all before) or simply zapping around. I think I was bitten by the fly of the flashaholic fever :)

A See See Fly?



Newly Enlightened
Mar 22, 2014
Re: Official Flashaholics

I have a lot of lights in their way right now, none a top notch like the ones you guys have here, but you know, we always want something better, especially after you discover a whole new world.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 31, 2014
Baltimore Md
Re: Official Flashaholics

V25cvn C20cvn S200c2vn Mm15vn convoy m1 & c8 all in route to my house. Haha what happened! I just wanted a couple nice lights. Now I need several cases to carry them.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2006
Re: Official Flashaholics

I am about to make a statement that is sacrilegious to this site and just inviting a lynch mob. Computers need to be upgraded fairly often for the sake of compatibility whereas a flashlight usually never needs to be upgraded as it works and may not even need to be replaced thanks to flashes on smartphones. With that said, I now need to find a place to hide so the lynch mob doesn't start throwing cheap and heavy flashlights at me! :eek:oo:

I try not to be a snob! (well, usually) Sometimes when people show me their plastic light that they won't be able to swap out batteries for, I smile and think to myself, "Well, at least they're carrying something. That's a gold star for them!" The reason why I personally am opposed to relying upon a phone for use as a flashlight is that your need to use a light might someday involve an emergency encompassing dark conditions such as a power outage inside a building, or an auto accident at night. You don't want to be depleting the batteries on your primary communication device. The led on a smartphone may not use much current, but when it is so easy to carry some small light on your person (or keychain), it's best to extend the battery life of your phone as long as possible. Also, smartphones do not utilize/shape/project light very efficiently. Even a small keychain light like a Fenix E01 has a tiny reflector which helps get more light out the front (and a total runtime of ~21 hours on 1x AAA). I think of my keychain light as primarily a backup. Under the hottest summer conditions, I will also always have my 1xCR123a Fenix P2D in a front pocket. I have two different keychain pill fobs, with a spare lithium battery for each light. Also, while I can appreciate the utility of a smartphone that does many things, I would be reluctant (If I even had a smartphone!) "to put all of my eggs in one basket". The smartphone can produce light, or show you the time, or do any of a number of things I'm not even aware of, but if you are stuck somewhere with a smartphone only, and you drop it somewhere irretrievable, or it breaks, or someone grabs it out of your hand on a busy sidewalk/off your table and runs, a lack of redundancy can complicate life.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
The great state of Misery (Missouri)
Re: Official Flashaholics

I believe I am a flashaholic, and have enough posts here to prove it. Right now I have six lights that I have uses for, and a handful of cheap keychain faxton style lights to give away/clip onto zippers, etc. I have had a use for every light I bought at the time I bought it. It may be that a later purchase became a better fix, like my EA4 after I already had my TM11, but I still have uses for all of them. It is fun to read about all the guys that go gaga over special drop-ins or one-off mods or de-doming an LED for a better beam pattern (for them), but it is not something I would ever do.

Polargirl, I do think both you and your husband would like to have a Nitecore EA4 as your all-around lights. It is small enough to fit inside a toilet paper tube, very well built, uses 4 AA batteries, and it's brightness range starts at about where you keychain light will end and extends out for a 100 or so meters if you really need to reach out and touch someone.