EV charging cables cut by copper "recyclers"


Jan 6, 2013
Cape Town
The Media, generally, with very few exceptions, is merely a tool of government and by proxy, the bigger corporations.
The only 'news' we get are usually disasters of some sort, by which we're supposed to feel grateful we live where we do,
The rest of it is agenda.
At the moment that agenda seems to be the destruction and eventual societal change of the Western hemisphere and it's culture.

Sanctioning the genital mutilation of children, fudging the line between men and woman at a biological level, pushing a method of generating power by a technology that is barely out of the cradle, which at present would require a reduction in population to be anywhere near valid, compelling people to take untested vaccines under pain of social ostracisation or worse, et al.....
It seems to me that there is either nobody at the wheel, or the people at the wheel DO NOT have your best interests at heart.
Personally, I go with the former.

More importantly, anybody that seems to be pushing any of these myriad of issues on a public forum, should be ignored.
It's click bait, or possibly worse.


Jan 14, 2008
The Media, generally, with very few exceptions, is merely a tool of government and by proxy, the bigger corporations.
The only 'news' we get are usually disasters of some sort, by which we're supposed to feel grateful we live where we do,
The rest of it is agenda.
At the moment that agenda seems to be the destruction and eventual societal change of the Western hemisphere and it's culture.

Sanctioning the genital mutilation of children, fudging the line between men and woman at a biological level, pushing a method of generating power by a technology that is barely out of the cradle, which at present would require a reduction in population to be anywhere near valid, compelling people to take untested vaccines under pain of social ostracisation or worse, et al.....
It seems to me that there is either nobody at the wheel, or the people at the wheel DO NOT have your best interests at heart.
Personally, I go with the former.

More importantly, anybody that seems to be pushing any of these myriad of issues on a public forum, should be ignored.
It's click bait, or possibly worse.
Well said. My personal inclination is the latter rather than the former.

The people you can vote for are not really in charge.

You can't vote for those who really are.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
The trouble is the owners of news sources has been consolidated to a few who have an agenda. One is to make money. The other is to change the minds of the audience. Over 90% of news outlets are owned by 6 people. Five are avowed leftists.

The days of real news without an effort to sway opinion one direction or the other are over in America. So looking for the real news is like looking for a lost diamond earting in a kitty cat's dirty litter box.

Sift through the turds long enough and you might just find it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007
The trouble is the owners of news sources has been consolidated to a few who have an agenda. One is to make money. The other is to change the minds of the audience. Over 90% of news outlets are owned by 6 people. Five are avowed leftists.

The days of real news without an effort to sway opinion one direction or the other are over in America. So looking for the real news is like looking for a lost diamond earting in a kitty cat's dirty litter box.

Sift through the turds long enough and you might just find it.

Highlighted a sentience in your post.

Most news today is to get people to do one thing or another, even if it just sentiment.
Then, trading markets know approx 70% of people will do that, and bet for or against it in the markets.

People are easily told what to think, or NEED to be told what to think,
incredible money is made off that.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2018
How many reputable news sources did Nick Sandman and Kyle Rittenhouse sue and win judgments against?


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
Since much of the energy for electric transportation will come from renewables, pumping crude will go down. As a matter of fact, the energy used towards making gasoline, drilling, pumping, transportation, refining, transportation again, and finally pumping into a vehicle, will release enough electrical energy to run two electric cars for every gas car not used. On average across the U.S., swapping a gasoline-powered vehicle for an EV will lower the energy needed for driving by about 47% — just a bit less than half. This number will likely improve in the future because the electricity supply will grow more efficient as it becomes less carbon-intensive.Jan 29, 2024


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
Since much of the energy for electric transportation will come from renewables, pumping crude will go down. As a matter of fact, the energy used towards making gasoline, drilling, pumping, transportation, refining, transportation again, and finally pumping into a vehicle, will release enough electrical energy to run two electric cars for every gas car not used. On average across the U.S., swapping a gasoline-powered vehicle for an EV will lower the energy needed for driving by about 47% — just a bit less than half. This number will likely improve in the future because the electricity supply will grow more efficient as it becomes less carbon-intensive.Jan 29, 2024
In addition:
EV sales in 2022 grew to a share of about 7% of total new vehicle sales in the US. In California, EV sales in 2022 accounted for 17% of total sales. These numbers are starting to show up at the gas station as a decline in gasoline sales.May 11, 2023

https://wolfstreet.com › 2023/05/11

EVs Made the First Visible Dent into Gasoline Consumption - Wolf Street



Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
The Media, generally, with very few exceptions, is merely a tool of government and by proxy, the bigger corporations.
The only 'news' we get are usually disasters of some sort, by which we're supposed to feel grateful we live where we do,
The rest of it is agenda.
At the moment that agenda seems to be the destruction and eventual societal change of the Western hemisphere and it's culture.

Sanctioning the genital mutilation of children, fudging the line between men and woman at a biological level, pushing a method of generating power by a technology that is barely out of the cradle, which at present would require a reduction in population to be anywhere near valid, compelling people to take untested vaccines under pain of social ostracisation or worse, et al.....
It seems to me that there is either nobody at the wheel, or the people at the wheel DO NOT have your best interests at heart.
Personally, I go with the former.

More importantly, anybody that seems to be pushing any of these myriad of issues on a public forum, should be ignored.
It's click bait, or possibly worse.
I suppose you learn everything from encyclopedias?


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
As a child, I read pretty much all of the encyclopedia Brittanica, I found them interesting and educational.
It's quite clear you didn't, and are not.
I did also, and it's sad, with all your education you can't accept simple truths about people's choices that might differ from your's. You're obtuse to the engineering of our changing world and choices people make. Things have to change so our children can live in a lean/clean world. I take everything I hear with grain of salt but in general trust PBS. That said I will give you one example of student engineering of over a decade producing 6 amazing vehicles the world should be doing backflips over that is in my opinion, under reported. Their crowning achievement is a vehicle capable of carrying 5 passengers, with a trunk. Over two days traveling 1,200 miles on the sun. Engineering that works and is a demonstration of what the modern world is capable of. solarteameindhoven.nl I have to agree with you about skewed news reporting. This should be common knowledge. I wonder who doesn't want us to know. 4 family cars, an RV and an off road vehicle.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2007
I did also, and it's sad, with all your education you can't accept simple truths about people's choices that might differ from your's. You're obtuse to the engineering of our changing world and choices people make.

That is hysterical! LMAO!

YOU are the one that doesn't understand the "simple truths about people's choices that might differ from your's".

If I remember correctly, the last polls I've read showed approx. 12% of the American public were interested in purchasing an EV.

Which translates to approx. 88% are NOT INTERETSED in purchasing an EV.

SO, it seems YOU are the one, who can NOT accept simple truths.


Jul 24, 2010
Swamps of the Gulf Coast
I've toyed w/ the idea of getting an EV the same way I toyed w/ the idea of a motorcycle or any of the Jeeps I've owned. A secondary vehicle meant for either specific use or occasional play.

I'd never even consider one as my main or only vehicle. We are decades away from having an infrastructure to support one where I live. I have to assume I'm not the only one in that situation.

At this point, it's a toss up between which I get first... an EV that makes practical sense or flying cars.