A bit of a different use for a light...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2010
Dog Caller. Last few month's noticed one of our collies wasn't coming in when called. Or in the house, not turning to look at something when noises happened. Some test's proved what we suspected, she is pretty much become stone deaf, or close enough to it as doesn't matter. She is pretty old at close to 15 years old. So we have had to go out and get her attention when it was time to come in. My wife noticed when going to get her from the back yard, as soon as she saw the light coming, she got up and started toward the back door. So as a test, a couple nights ago we shined a light out the back window, and in she came. So every time she see's the light shining out of the window she comes in the house. Not a big deal during the day, or if its me for going to get her. But, in bad weather or at night if its the wife, the light has been working great for about a week. Due to our own constant flashlight use, we think she associates those beams with us and comes to them. Pretty cool in a lot of different ways. Light itself doesn't matter much, as long as its bright enough for her to notice it.

Anyone else discover a use for a light that was unexpected be it by accident or whatever?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 16, 2014
I don't have anything to add as far as accidental discoveries, but just want to comment on your post. It's great that your routine flashlight use is helping keep things fairly normal for all of you. My terrier/mutt passed away a couple of years ago. He "tolerated" my flashlight hobby as long as I wasn't using one when he and my wife were trying to sleep...then I would get the look, lol.

Thanks for sharing and for reminding me of good times.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2012
Southern California
One of my dogs insists on sleeping in the doorway of our bedroom. Before becoming a Flashaholic, I accidentally kicked her or stepped on a paw at least a couple times a night. When I started using a moonlight mode, I was sure it would solve the problem, and it did, just not in the way I expected. After a week of using the light, I noticed that as soon as I clicked the light on, she moved. To test my theory, I took the battery out of a light and sure enough, once she heard the click she immediately relocated. Most of my dogs have been very intelligent, but who knew canines were inherently flashaholic too...


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Good deal Vortus!

I have a dog who knows which beam means which one of us is heading his way when he's on the sofa (he's not supposed to be on btw)

I have a 7 lumen Alpha I walk through the house with at 2am.
My wife uses her 360 lumen Coast on high.

When she walks towards said sofa I hear "get off the sofa"...
When I walk towards said sofa I hear "thump" as he goes ahead and jumps off before I get there.