best oscars ever!!!

Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
I'm of the belief that nothing is off limits for a professional comic. All this talk about "punching down" is just straight whining IMO. The job of a comedian is to make people laugh - sometimes, uncomfortably. Way too many supposed restrictions on them today are being placed by this woke society.

I'm not a super fan of Kathy Griffin, but I believe she was correct when she posted something along the lines of "thanks to this Oscar night BS, who's going to be the next Will Smith in the comedy club when they hear something they don't like?"

It's actually something much more serious than whining. It's a concerted mob-rule movement to control Free Speech.


Dec 16, 2007
We don't want to get too far into the weeds with regard to politics though.. probably good to stick to this specific instance, IMO.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
Jokes at my expense are a part of the job, but a joke
about Jada's medical condition was too much for
me to bear and I reacted emotionally.
- A statment written for and released for Will Smith

Yes, Smith reacted emotionally .... after he finished laughing at the joke due to observing the look on Juda's face.

When is an apology insincere?
When it contains an excuse.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
And the award for pre-scripted ratings grabber scene at the Oscars goes to Will Smith and Chris Rock.

The award for making the old man slug the wisenheimer on national tv goes to Mrs Smith.

The award for taking a slap by a man much larger than him without flinching goes to Chris Rock.

I saw an uncut clip today and am not convinced the whole thing wasn't staged.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
It's going to be very interesting to see the impact on Will Smith's career. A really stupid move that could have been handled better in so many ways. This definitely caught the attention of comedians performing in today's violence prone world.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
And the award for pre-scripted ratings grabber scene at the Oscars goes to Will Smith and Chris Rock.

The award for making the old man slug the wisenheimer on national tv goes to Mrs Smith.

The award for taking a slap by a man much larger than him without flinching goes to Chris Rock.

I saw an uncut clip today and am not convinced the whole thing wasn't staged.
Was Smith laughing at the GI Jane joke in the uncut clip? If so, then I don't think it was staged.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
on youtube there ae many prank videos ive warned them when i see them that humans under a lot of stress can sometimes loose there minds. me i can pretty much laugh at anything including my self


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Was Smith laughing at the GI Jane joke in the uncut clip? If so, then I don't think it was staged.
The clip I spoke of was when fresh prince was walking up on stage and chris was saying the name richard or something. It started at that point. It reminded me of the time at the super bowl that dude exposed janet jacksons…… staged? Not? Who knows. Couldn't see from the angle of the camera if contact occured and these guys are "actors" afterall. There was a thunk sound though like the microphone got thwacked at least.

When I was in high school a fellow disrespected my lady one day so I had to "take care uh bizness". Man, I didn't wanna hit the guy. He was joking, but being a man meant I had to. Today they call it toxic masculinity but back then it was deck the guy or be ridiculed by the entire class of 82 (so it seemed).

So I walked around pacing for a bit while a crowd gathered, then commence to dishing out verbal jabs as the guy appologized over and over. But it had to be done so I drew back (whispering "sorry man I gotta do it") and punched the guy above his ear, which hurt me a lot more than him. The crowd let out a cheer. And I walked away all cocky like the fresh prince did the other night. It was just one big act in front of a crowd but it worked.

I tell that story because I think that's what happened the other night on tv. Fresh Prince probably didn't want to slap the guy, but he had to.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
At first I was thinking something along those lines as well. Until the camera showed Smith afterwards yelling at Brock to keep his wife's name out of his mouth. He looked livid. And he's not a very good actor so I don't think he was acting. It seemed more like the man was having a temper tantrum

Oh i know what you mean when we were kids. But thats when we were kids. He's over 40 now he can leave that stuff to kids
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*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
will smith is one of my fav actors i like most his movies. i even like his rap good clean fun. i like chris a lil but he has adam sandler on him lol and sadler is just horrible so silly lol


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2007
Honestly, it seemed staged. Smith laughing at the joke, then going on stage for Chris to lean forward with his hands behind his back in obvious anticipation of the slap? Maybe Chris did Smith a solid by letting him slap him so Will could save face?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 11, 2017
NorCal, Central Coast
Before the slap Chris Rock comedy show tickets sold for $45 each..

As it turns out Rock is opening up a new show called The Ego Tour. Show kick-off just happens to be this weekend in Boston, MA.. It is reported tickets are selling for over $400 each

A staged confrontation? You bet it was!
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Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
When I was in high school a fellow disrespected my lady one day so I had to "take care uh bizness". Man, I didn't wanna hit the guy. He was joking, but being a man meant I had to. Today they call it toxic masculinity but back then it was deck the guy or be ridiculed by the entire class of 82 (so it seemed).

So I walked around pacing for a bit while a crowd gathered, then commence to dishing out verbal jabs as the guy appologized over and over. But it had to be done so I drew back (whispering "sorry man I gotta do it") and punched the guy above his ear, which hurt me a lot more than him. The crowd let out a cheer. And I walked away all cocky like the fresh prince did the other night. It was just one big act in front of a crowd but it worked.

I tell that story because I think that's what happened the other night on tv. Fresh Prince probably didn't want to slap the guy, but he had to.
My strategy for dealing with this type of stuff in school was to just ignore it, as in walk right by as if I didn't hear it. It was usually pretty effective. They might repeat the insult a few times. I wouldn't even bother turning my head in their direction. Nope, just kept walking, as if they don't even exist. The old adage about sticks and stones comes to mind.

Don't believe in guys defending insults against their wives, gfs, whatever, either. Same tactic. Just ignore it. If the person you're with expects you to get physical because someone insulted them, drop them like a hot potato. It's just words. I'll defend someone I care about if they're physically attacked, or if someone attempts to physically attack them, but not worth it for verbal attacks. Life is just too short.

Will Smith is what, 53? Grow up already. Fine, go up to the stage and scream your lungs out. It was a joke made in very bad taste. But get physical? Me and most of my friends were past that nonsense by the end of grade school.

That said, I would have loved to have seen his wife slug Chris. I saw that once in school. The class idiot was insulting someone's gf over and over. Right out the blue she clobbered him. He looked so embarrassed to be bested by a girl he never insulted anyone ever again.