GET-TOGETHER - FCW-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

I have confirmed the crowd I am bringing: Me, Robyn (from last year), Gabi, Paula, and Dominick. I have reserved two sites (#6 & 7) for Friday night also. We'll all be arriving on Friday and be using 3 tents (or 4 if space allows). I am staying until Tuesday with the rest leaving on Sunday.

Paula is going to be bringing her telescope and wants to do some star gazing. So, if anyone has star gazing experience or equipment please bring it along.

We plan to visit the Boulder Field (probably on Saturday) and usually pack a lunch to eat in the middle of the BF.

We also want to do the Hawk Falls hike.

It is going to be fun weekend!!

Hi Stan, Sounds great! It will be nice to see Robyn again, and meet the others. I too will be coming up on Friday - night after work for me. I reserved site 11. Looking forward to seeing you then. Don't forget the bulk of the day-visitors will be coming up on Saturday for the FSM-2 swap meet.
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Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

Great to see the wonderful turnout! Have one more hurdle in my schedule to clear but it looks like I'll be able to make it. Wife grabbed the last RV site in the campground. Site 211....quite a ways from everyone but at least I got a site. My wife and daughter will be attending also....with their new puppy.

Hopefully someone's familiar with the area.......Karl and I need a clear shot of 2.25 miles for something to shine on.

Stan: Where is this boulder field?

Hi Sandy - glad you can make it! It will be great to see you guys again, and who doesn't love a puppy! And of course who doesn't love a flashlight that can shine 2.25 miles!
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

Hi Everyone -

Since several people had previously asked (due to work schedules) if we can make the "long weekend side" after the weekend, instead of before, I decided to set it up that way this trip, and with the site availability and the timing of the new moon, that worked out nicely this year.

However if anyone wants to come up on Friday night, that is fine too!

The sites I have for us are 6-11, which is it's own semi-secluded area. "Technically" this area can hold 30 people over nite (by the campground rules). I figure we can comfortably have about 12-15 tents (depending on size) and a few hammocks.

I have already booked and paid for all 6 sites - sites 6-11. Arrival is Saturday September 8th, and check out is Tuesday September 11th. The cost for those six sites for those three nights is exactly $402.00. I would like to split up this cost between any overnight guests. (Day guests - I never actually ask for any money, but a few bucks to help us offset the cost of renting the sites is always greatly appreciated.)

Additionally, I decided to reserve site 11 for myself for Friday night. I will be coming up after work on Friday. I figured most people wouldn't be able to, or want to come up Friday night and stay until Tuesday, and so I separated the Friday night site 11 reservation, and absorbed 100% of that cost myself.

Anyone who would like to, is welcome to come up on Friday night as well. Stan and his crew are coming up on Friday night, and Stan too went ahead and reserved sites 6 & 7 himself. You are all welcome to reserve any of the remaining sites (8, 9, 10) for Friday night too. Just go onto the Hickory Run website, and book them yourself. For any Friday night guests, please keep in mind, when you choose your tent location, that others will be coming up on Saturday to join us for the remaining overnights, so please position your tent in such a way that it helps to maximize space on every site, so that we can all fit comfortably across the 6 sites.
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

Well, I re-read the specs and I have to correct's 2.64 miles!:devil:
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

No site reservation here as I'll be "carmping" in the parking area, but definitely include me in the overnight category regarding cost. It's the least I can do since the bears can eat you guys while I'll be in a mobile, steel tent.

Then again, perhaps Tim's singing will keep 'em away... lol. Send in your requests!
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

Well, I re-read the specs and I have to correct's 2.64 miles!:devil:

Geez!!! If it was just a little more powerful you wouldn't even have to come, you could just stay home and shine it on us from there. LOL
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

There's got to be a spot where you could shine it from one state, across part of another, and hit a third state. Maybe from High Point, NJ... :nana: :devil:
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

As a serious word of information. Please do be aware that Black Bears do inhabit the Pocono Mountains, including Hickory Run State Park. I have hiked hundreds of miles in this same park over the course of the past 20 or so years and NEVER encountered a bear. They are present however and, as such, foodstuffs should be properly stored in sealed containers, safe from investigation by any wildlife.
The park is not the local zoo with caged animals providing us visual pleasure, those sames bars providing us safety. use your good common sense and have a good time.

See you there!

Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

High Point would provide amazing vistas for testing the throw of many of the more powerful lights! Great suggestion!

Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

I wonder if we could get the proper permissions to be there past dark...
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

I look forward to the discussions after you guys meet each year.

We used to do car shows at campgrounds. Play on mountain roads in daylight, enjoy light shows after dark. The Poconos have campgrounds, don't they?
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

I wonder if we could get the proper permissions to be there past dark...

Hmmmm....if they SEE me, all will be lost for any possible "permissions"!! Yikes!

No camping? If so, wouldn't the access be permitted after dark...."They only come out at night"....Edgar Winter Group

Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

There's got to be a spot where you could shine it from one state, across part of another, and hit a third state. Maybe from High Point, NJ... :nana: :devil:

Now I have a goal.......has to be a spot somewhere!.:thumbsup:
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

Please post a map and a mapable address.
Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18


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Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

As a serious word of information.
So, you're basically saying that attracting a bear for a group photo by leaving a roast pork out overnight is out of the question?
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Re: GET-TOGETHER - FCM-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18

"So, you're basically saying that attracting a bear for a group photo by leaving a roast pork out overnight is out of the question? "


Not a good idea really. The video cute but, "I just wanna have fun"....Sheryl Crow Let's keep it well as fun...

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