Has Your Flashlight Hobby Waned?


Sep 25, 2004
My interests haven't waned. Short Arcs are still my thing but I just wish there were more Heavy Iron military and aviation searchlights out there to be had. That Optical Radiation Corp 2000 Watt, C-130 gunship light still eludes me. Short Arcs are a dying breed. I continue to purchase palm-sized multi-thousand Lumens LED's to play with for awhile and then pass them along.
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Oct 17, 2003
North Carolina
I've always it seems waxed and waned a bit with the hobby - usually motivated by thinking I need something new... recently I've needed fewer new things (if anything have a drawer full of some "classics" that I likely need to move on...)
I've not been a big lumens chaser really - more size, durability and UI driven I suppose - and at some stage found a handful of lights that just met my needs. Heck I still regularly use a Novatac 120P from the HDS days modded with a luxeon rebel (some folks will know what that is :p ) - still works great.

Some if it is overload - it seems like there are a dizzying array of options now versus the HDS/Surefire/Arc/Inova/Peak etc... days with a McGizmo being the summit. Some of those are still around of course and there are some great lights being made - I acquired a handful of Reylights over the past year that are terrific.

But yes it's waned - can't recall that last time I was here posting to be honest although I've been around, even if sporadically, for a very long time it seems... I started playing guitar again regularly about 5 years ago, kids older and less time demanding, joined a band and that seems to be a deep enough rabbit hole for two people ...


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2006
San Jose, CA
I wouldn't say waned but def slowed down to a stop almost. I always believed there would be more HDS Rotary flashlight options from other company's when it first came out. And till this day the HDS Rotary is pretty much all there is.


Aug 27, 2006
Ironically, no. Even when I took a break from this place to concentrate on my YouTube channels, I was still buying lights.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
Yep, it's waned. Worked through the possibilities and settled on what works. Didn't help that a couple of my favorite vendors closed up shop.


Jan 21, 2007
Ed, Ab
Id say the hobby aspect of it has come to an end primarily because lights have reached a level I am satisfied with. I joined the forum looking for small lights I could EDC at work to replace the 2 D mags. This led to discovering Surefire, because then Surefire was practically unknown to us Canadians. I picked up a 6P then that led me down the path of cr123's and drop in mods. When I joined the forum my only local options were Mag-lite, Pelican and Streamlight ( at a 200-300% markup). Hell a single cr123 cell cost $9 and I had to drive across the city to get them. Now that I have been able to purchase lights with rechargable18650 cells capable of producing low lumen for extended run times as well as high outputs for when I need it, I no longer feel I need to purchase multiple lights for different purposes. Really the only new lights I have purchased in the last few years were job specific safely lights.

Back in the day it was about the brightest light, now I am much more about longer run times. I still play with my 2000 lumen throwers once in awhile but for the most part I find 100 lumen's does the job.

I think another factor in the hobby dying is because most online retails wont ship to Canada anymore. Surefire and Mag-lite can not be shipped to Canada, only purchased from authorized locations only. This means no parts and high inflation. When you can find a retailer that ships to Canada they will only ship UPS which means we get a prostate exam when it comes to import fees. I used to buy a ton of stuff from Battery Junction but now with shipping costs I'm forced to use Amazon. When Lighthound closed its doors I was basically left to fend for myself. Hell I could not purchase a plastic lense for a 2AAA mini mag, a private citizen had to send me one in the mail.


Aug 21, 2006
No, the flashlight hobby is going stronger than ever! One weird thing for me is that i have sold all my lights except for (4) Firefoxes HID`s, which i absolutely love, and (1) Zebralight headlamp. I never liked the multiple emiter high lumen LED lights due to the blinding flood and low candella nature of these lights, so they all got sold off. Never had much use for the LEP lights either - all sold off as well.

Been a massive fan of HID since I first bought 10 watt and 24 watt HID Wolf-eyes and 24 watt AE-lights many years ago. Unfortunately the 2 Wolf-eyes lights were ahead of their time and broke constantly. I remember the bulb exploding one time on the 24W and rapidly eating the plating off of the reflector, ha ha!

The Firefoxes all have hundreds of hours on them in terrible conditions caving and snowshoeing. Love the start up and interesting color changes when the lights are rotated. Throw and output are awesome and runtime is acceptable for my application. I have a ton of battery cartridges for these lights and they get used at least 3 times a week, often in 0 degree F temps.

No plans to buy anything else flashlight related unless an FF6 is released!
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2007
My interest wanes at times,lately I have been on a knife kick,but it is still there. Something new will pique my interest or I will run across an old light and I will get the "bug"again. I am trying to curtail purchasing more lights for couple reasons. One, I have what I want for EDC and my other modest needs. Two, I have soo many lights already. Of course I do still use flashlights just for the fun of it so it is unlikely I will ever stop being a flashoholic and the collector in me is always there.

I do think some of the excitement surrounding our hobby that once existed is gone.All the incan mods to create powerful lights out of ordinary Mags.The establishment of LEDs in flashlights driven along by modders,custom makers and a handful of manufacturers.Now LED flashlights are the norm. There are still innovations of course but it doesn't seem quite the same as when the first "power"LEDs from Luxeon became widely available or the introduction of CREE's XR-E that really put LED lights over the top in performance.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2013
Yes. All the Modders and Builders seemed to have disappeared. What happened to all the "drops" and waiting lists from years ago?
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2007
No, but it definitely goes up and down with the seasons. In the summer I'm not nearly as into flashlights when it's daylight for 16+ hours a day.

As far as the newer stuff, it takes a lot to excite me these days. Most of it is all the same, the market is very glutted with sameness right now.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2007
The Highway to Hell
I found this forum when Mag released the LED MM, so I remember all the excitement as technology advanced in those first days of higher powered emitters, this board was busting with questions and info as the newest brightest LEDs, were coming out and which flashlight companies adopted the tech. This forum is directly responsible for literally thousands of dollars spent on flashlights, drop-ins, batteries, chargers, flashlight parts, etc. It was cool to be able to buy various parts online to build a flashlight way brighter than anything you can buy at a brick and mortar store, and have something that blew everyone else's flashlight away on the construction site, or campsite, etc. Now days you can get a 1,500 lumen light for $20 at most convenience stores.

Another reason I'm not on here as much is that once I got my first gen Fury when they first came out, and my pile of 4Sevens lights, I found a combination that works for me, even though I try to rotate my nicer EDC lights when I'm away from work. The Fury has a lot of "character" after hitting the concrete what must be dozens of times, but has been flawless in performance. While I'm at work, I have a well worn forest green Surefire G2X Pro (320 lm I think) I wear on my belt, and very well worn 14 year old first gen Quark AA with a special edition warm emitter, on a 14500 Li-Ion cell I keep in my pocket with my keys. All three of them are rock solid and have been through hell and show it, and not one of them have ever so much as flickered on me. I guess I reached a point were I have way more than I need, found a VERY reliable combo and newer lights no longer excited me. I still love using my lights, and always check the flashlight section at the store, but no longer feel the compulsion to buy the newest brightest lights.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2007
No, the flashlight hobby is going stronger than ever! One weird thing for me is that i have sold all my lights except for (4) Firefoxes HID`s, which i absolutely love, and (1) Zebralight headlamp. I never liked the multiple emiter high lumen LED lights due to the blinding flood and low candella nature of these lights, so they all got sold off. Never had much use for the LEP lights either - all sold off as well.

Been a massive fan of HID since I first bought 10 watt and 24 watt HID Wolf-eyes and 24 watt AE-lights many years ago. Unfortunately the 2 Wolf-eyes lights were ahead of their time and broke constantly. I remember the bulb exploding one time on the 24W and rapidly eating the plating off of the reflector, ha ha!

The Firefoxes all have hundreds of hours on them in terrible conditions caving and snowshoeing. Love the start up and interesting color changes when the lights are rotated. Throw and output are awesome and runtime is acceptable for my application. I have a ton of battery cartridges for these lights and they get used at least 3 times a week, often in 0 degree F temps.

No plans to buy anything else flashlight related unless an FF6 is released!

Wow, you're the only other person I know of (besides me) who has an FF3, FF4, and FF5. Nice!


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
This forum is directly responsible for literally thousands of dollars spent on flashlights, drop-ins, batteries, chargers, flashlight parts, etc. It was cool to be able to buy various parts online to build a flashlight way brighter than anything you can buy at a brick and mortar store, and have something that blew everyone else's flashlight away on the construction site, or campsite, etc. Now days you can get a 1,500 lumen light for $20 at most convenience stores.
I found a combination that works for me, even though I try to rotate my nicer EDC lights when I'm away from work. I guess I reached a point were I have way more than I need, found a VERY reliable combo and newer lights no longer excited me. I still love using my lights, and always check the flashlight section at the store, but no longer feel the compulsion to buy the newest brightest lights.

Nicely put.

Often times after work I check the site. Yesterday I received a PM from a kinda new hobbyist asking how to do the thing that launched CPF to start with. Hot wire an old mediocre flashlight. It pained me to answer "I dunno man ask so-n-so"… it was fun to know old school aint completely gone but I felt like a jerk after being here 5+ years and not knowing how to. Or at least knowing specific details like bulb model numbers and where to obtain hi flow switches and such (anymore).

I came here looking for answers on how to wire an LED inline a circuit in my car I was restoring to add an overhead lamp over the back seat and forgot all about the car. Unlike a lot of folks here my interest was not so much where is the technology going, but how did we get here. I read, read, read old threads for the first year or so, e-met some people along the way and just enjoy the company of this community of flashlight geeks from various walks of life. I still do.

Mrs. Fixer asked "who are you talking to today?" I answered "a fellow who wants to build a flashlight like they did back when CPF was invented"… so I'd say his flashlight hobby is just getting started. Looking back at op's posts I chuckle thinking about when I too was adding flashlight after flashlight to the quiver. 😎


May 20, 2010
Glasgow Scotland
I've been off and on this forum for a loooooong time.

My new job has me back in to my lights again. I'm now in the Police in Scotland. My wee hobby has helped to an extend.

Currently rocking a tactical HDS on my vest with an LED Orange coated G2 in my bag. Like you no idea what's best now!


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I've been off and on this forum for a loooooong time.

My new job has me back in to my lights again. I'm now in the Police in Scotland. My wee hobby has helped to an extend.

Currently rocking a tactical HDS on my vest with an LED Orange coated G2 in my bag. Like you no idea what's best now!
Even in type written I couldn't understand this, because the voices sounded out the words with a thick Scotish accent invoking an image of a red haired dude wearing a kilt, holding bag-pipes, then brakes into a bag pipe marching song once finished speaking

But the truth is an orange G2 and an HDS tactical are still great flashlights……
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