HDS Systems #23


Newly Enlightened
Jul 19, 2020
Hello everyone, I'm going to sell (most likely) my HDS Rotary with 219b sw45k emitter - do you think I'd be better served to try this in Europe or in the USA?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 17, 2009
In the middle of Europe
@TILL-22 I would try it on both Locations. Here are a Lot people from Europe. The Taschenlampenforum in Germany I have doubts you sell your HDS there. It is too expensive for the people of that gorum. Only the cheap China stuff is there wanted.

I am Not a member there since years because of the diecussions If you we're talking about a more expensive light.

Here everyone can Talk about expensive and cheap Lights ...

Jeff S.

Newly Enlightened
Sep 29, 2005
Just a completely random post, but a reminder how much I love the HDS and sw45k combo. Took my terrier, Moose, out last night, and he immediately was interested in something under our porch/stoop. I thought it was one of the neighborhood stray cats, so I called Moose back and he came right away, and glad he did because it turns out it was a skunk. (Super lucky he didn't get sprayed).

To the point, it was so easy to identify the skunk with the emitter/reflector. Everything is just so crisp and easy to see. Sometimes it's easy to dismiss 200 lumens as "only" 200 lumens, but it really is an incredible amount of light.

I didn't want to scare the skunk and have it spray, but I also didn't want it comfortable under the porch. I believe they hate light, so I wanted to shine some light on it for awhile. I went inside and grabbed an Olight that's rated at 1800. It has a TIR, which I've always thought makes for a sort of blurry hotspot. The tint was so green and the hotspot so blurry that it completely washed out the skunk and porch. No joke, you could miss the animal if you weren't looking for it, and even knowing it was there, might not be able to 100% identify it. And, while the 1800 "rated" lumens was a couple of steps-up in brightness compared to the HDS, it wasn't really all that much brighter.

Random little reminder how much I love the tint and reflector combo of the HDS and sw45k.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2021
Sometimes it's easy to dismiss 200 lumens as "only" 200 lumens, but it really is an incredible amount of light.

There's a point to where more lumens up close doesn't make a difference.
I imagine up-close is how most use their HDS.
Shine it over a pea field or the edge of a tree-line and you'll see the noticeable output difference when next to a light pumping out more lumens.

I'm not knocking 200 lumens...200 lumens is 170 more than I need.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 16, 2019
Just a completely random post, but a reminder how much I love the HDS and sw45k combo. Took my terrier, Moose, out last night, and he immediately was interested in something under our porch/stoop. I thought it was one of the neighborhood stray cats, so I called Moose back and he came right away, and glad he did because it turns out it was a skunk. (Super lucky he didn't get sprayed).

To the point, it was so easy to identify the skunk with the emitter/reflector. Everything is just so crisp and easy to see. Sometimes it's easy to dismiss 200 lumens as "only" 200 lumens, but it really is an incredible amount of light.

I didn't want to scare the skunk and have it spray, but I also didn't want it comfortable under the porch. I believe they hate light, so I wanted to shine some light on it for awhile. I went inside and grabbed an Olight that's rated at 1800. It has a TIR, which I've always thought makes for a sort of blurry hotspot. The tint was so green and the hotspot so blurry that it completely washed out the skunk and porch. No joke, you could miss the animal if you weren't looking for it, and even knowing it was there, might not be able to 100% identify it. And, while the 1800 "rated" lumens was a couple of steps-up in brightness compared to the HDS, it wasn't really all that much brighter.

Random little reminder how much I love the tint and reflector combo of the HDS and sw45k.
I too like the SW45. If I had to EDC just one of the lights, I would get this one most of the time. I like that the illuminated object is really easy to see and doesn't have weird colors. Also, for everyday use, 200 lumens is enough.


Oct 5, 2009
SF Bay Area
Just a completely random post, but a reminder how much I love the HDS and sw45k combo. Took my terrier, Moose, out last night, and he immediately was interested in something under our porch/stoop. I thought it was one of the neighborhood stray cats, so I called Moose back and he came right away, and glad he did because it turns out it was a skunk. (Super lucky he didn't get sprayed).

To the point, it was so easy to identify the skunk with the emitter/reflector. Everything is just so crisp and easy to see. Sometimes it's easy to dismiss 200 lumens as "only" 200 lumens, but it really is an incredible amount of light.

I didn't want to scare the skunk and have it spray, but I also didn't want it comfortable under the porch. I believe they hate light, so I wanted to shine some light on it for awhile. I went inside and grabbed an Olight that's rated at 1800. It has a TIR, which I've always thought makes for a sort of blurry hotspot. The tint was so green and the hotspot so blurry that it completely washed out the skunk and porch. No joke, you could miss the animal if you weren't looking for it, and even knowing it was there, might not be able to 100% identify it. And, while the 1800 "rated" lumens was a couple of steps-up in brightness compared to the HDS, it wasn't really all that much brighter.

Random little reminder how much I love the tint and reflector combo of the HDS and sw45k.

Cool. I think HDS is the only company that states 200 lm "calibrated" lumen output. Except for a handful of quality brands, most output lumens are inflated and purely a marketing gimmick.

A friend recently got into flashlights, and as always is chasing lumens for now. He cannot fathom why I have an Arc AAA on my keychain, and a HDS in my backpack. :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 17, 2009
In the middle of Europe
The good point is if 200 lumens is not enought, you can buy a 2nd or 3rd, ... HDS. Than you also have a backup and a backup for the backup. I did this years ago and I definately do not fear the darkness anymore. :)

The old HDS users know that picture, today my wooden bowl is far not large enough anymore. But that HDS lights together are more than 2000 lumens :D
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May 4, 2014
I'll likely never get tired of seeing the insides of some things. HDS tailcaps being one of those things. After playing around with the one i bought from @scalpel_ninja (thank you once more) i figured i'd do the most dreaded thing on this site after promoting TACTICAL 20,000 LUMENS TELESCOPIC SWAT flashlights, i took the tailcap apart. The whole process was leaps and bounds easier than i feared given the multitude of horror stories related to DIY screwups, considering some of the things i work with daily this was a walk in the park. After all my work removing the retaining plastic i was rewarded with this beautiful sight (and what looked like some light rust inside the cap itself) and i wanted to share it with you all.



Is there anyone in Europe selling rubber boots for HDS? The one here is good, but the flat tailcap on my SDR50 has started to bulge more and since it doesn't go back after equalising i consider throwing on a raised tailcap instead.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 22, 2011
The Alamo
Knives and Tools sells the complete tail caps for the Clicky, but not the boot alone. You can get a tail cap for a Clicky and remove the rubber boot. I'm not 100% sure the boots are the same, but they feel and look the same.


May 4, 2014
Knives and Tools sells the complete tail caps for the Clicky, but not the boot alone. You can get a tail cap for a Clicky and remove the rubber boot. I'm not 100% sure the boots are the same, but they feel and look the same.
I haven't been able to verify them being the same, dropping €30 plus shipping on a boot i can't trust has felt more like a kick in the nuts. I did send them a mail the other week suggesting they stock the boots as well though and they said they'd have a looksee. I'd rather pay for it here than buy it directly from HDS with that $55 shipping slapped on.

If there was a group buy to Europe that'd make things way easier, but i've yet to see that.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2020
I seem to recall reading Hogo stating the boots between the clicky and rotary are the same, but don't quote me on that.

I have taken a flat clicky boot and installed it in a rotary tail before. That was actually my first successful disassembly of a rotary tail many moons ago.


May 4, 2014
I seem to recall reading Hogo stating the boots between the clicky and rotary are the same, but don't quote me on that.

I have taken a flat clicky boot and installed it in a rotary tail before. That was actually my first successful disassembly of a rotary tail many moons ago.
I think i might have to wait for Hogo to answer that, i know there's a lot of shoulds, but i also know my damn luck most of the time.