HDS Systems EDC # 20

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 15, 2014
More than likely they are first generation as HDS purchased them as soon as a good HiCRI became available. There was a while that there were not any available from HDS, and when Henry got a chance to buy a real, he did. It's how things like the 140n and 170n from HDS became available... the spec sheets stated they were hiCRI, they were purchased, and when put on the sphere, they were all at the bottom of the spec sheet as far as CRI, so Henry wouldn't sell them as such, so they went out as "neutral". The spec sheets are more "guides" than anything written in stone. Wish it were not the case. I don't know if it is getting any better. There is still variation in emitters from the same bin as well. Each led is it's own little snowflake.

Hard to go wrong really, all a bunch of nice LEDs regardless.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Hard to go wrong really, all a bunch of nice LEDs regardless.

It is interesting as every light at HDS gets calibrated. It takes about 5 minutes per light. While the light is being calibrated, I can see the variance in the same lot of emitters. This is how it works... a light head is placed in the calibration unit which supplies power to the LED, the light then gets programmed based upon the output. Some will start at say 260 lumens, then the calibrater will adjust the software in the light to bring the power down to get the light right at 250 lumens (the lumen output is measured by the calibrator). I percentage is then listed under each level for the light as it goes through all the light levels. Some may be +20% or +10% or 0. Each level varies as each LED varies. Now, some of this variation can also be caused by the reflector, which is why those are closely scrutinized when they come back from getting "reflectorized"... I'm sure that's a word. You can see a lot of variation in the percentages when doing a batch of lights all from the same led bin. Unfortunately, this is also why each light must go through and be calibrated.

I did look at getting some of the 9080 sw45k, but not in time. If they become available again, I might be able to convince Henry to a run of them, but it wouldn't be a group buy. It would be an HDS limited run. Not sure Henry has any interest in that, but time will tell. I'm pretty good at talking him into things... at least I am much successful at that than he is about getting me in a cave. This weekend he was talking to me about one he was in where he was 12 hours from the entrance... and was in fact the cave that made him start designing lights.


Jan 18, 2014
This weekend he was talking to me about one he was in where he was 12 hours from the entrance... and was in fact the cave that made him start designing lights.

This sounds awesome with lights we have available today... What kind of light output would you say he had available to him at this time? 30 Lumens?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
This sounds awesome with lights we have available today... What kind of light output would you say he had available to him at this time? 30 Lumens?

That sounds about right. It was what lead to the Action Light. It had 3 brightness levels. High would run 12 hours, medium 50, and low for 300 hours. It took a D size lithium battery, and was waterproof down to 100 meters.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 26, 2010
Near the Big Apple
Hogo- What headlamp has Henry been using between the action light and now?

I think it was mentioned in a previous thread but I cant find it.


Newly Enlightened
May 17, 2016
Yes, I said 2 weeks on March 8... It is now March 22. Unless one is using a metric calendar, that is two weeks... and guess where I am heading right now... the post office with a bunch of High Noons. Not all, but 80%. The rest I am picking up later today from Henry. Did you even order one? And if yours is in this batch, you should have received a tracking number.
I did order one but I haven't received a tracking number yet though.


Newly Enlightened
May 17, 2016
He didn't order one and even if he had, he would still get a pristine light. While I might like to lick the reflector, they taste terrible!... not that I would know... a friend told me.... his name is Shorty... or was it Longman? No. I'm pretty sure it was Shorty who was licking reflectors.

Either way, doing stupid things will always come around to bite one in the rear. While I have certainly done "stupid things" in my life... the biggest being getting married... I would NEVER intentionally do anything nasty to somebody's light. That's just bad ju ju.
I ordered one; not here to troll lmao.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
I did order one but I haven't received a tracking number yet though.
That was the High Noon group buy, not ordering currently from the website in which there is a delay while previous back orders get filled. They are done in the order they are received, and there was a military order in the middle of all the back orders. If you look in the High Noon Group Buy thread, that is where you will see I said 2 weeks except for two lights, both of which are shipping tomorrow.And no, you didn't order one as there wasn't one going to (non-public info removed). You are here to troll. Simple minds are easily amused.
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thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Well just finished run test with my 85tr twisty. Lowest setting 3400/18650.
355 hours. Just short of 15 days. Was expecting a bit more then that but that's what she did. Battery was at 3.4 at end of test.

Just finished up another run test with a single primary 123 "surefire "
6 days 4 hours. Battery measured 1.4 at end of test never had one go down that low before.


Nov 12, 2010
CONUS, top left
Let's not be attacking people personally here in public.

It is fine to ask if all back-orders are currently caught up. And it is fine to answer yes or no, with or without explanation.

It is not fine to be trolling nor calling people trolls.

Please take personal disagreements off of the board. Thank you :)
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Newly Enlightened
May 17, 2016
That was the High Noon group buy, not ordering currently from the website in which there is a delay while previous back orders get filled. They are done in the order they are received, and there was a military order in the middle of all the back orders. If you look in the High Noon Group Buy thread, that is where you will see I said 2 weeks except for two lights, both of which are shipping tomorrow.And no, you didn't order one as there wasn't one going to (non-public info removed). You are here to troll. Simple minds are easily amused.
Yes, I ordered one from the website months ago and was told the same "two weeks" on the phone multiple times. I follow this thread for info (albeit sparse) on that order and the state of orders in general. I'm not sure how that's considered trolling but hey, great business model tho. Is there an actual, realistic ETA?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 14, 2014
Midwest, USA
Henry told me three weeks from last Saturday for my light ordered in early December.

I think Henry is absolutely top notch.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2014
I posted some quick first impressions of the light I just received from Hogo in the HDS Executive pass around thread. :twothumbs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Great post on your first impressions, gurdygurds!

Thank you, Hogo, for the FB update.

I've told Henry to stop giving any estimates. Henry is great... except when it comes to time estimates! LOL!

Here is what I posted in the FB Group Page:

Thought I would post a timeframe here for the HDS delay. If you are currently waiting for a back ordered light, my current best guesstimate is 4-6 weeks. I spoke to the machinist last week (we are waiting on two parts to be completed). I tried to speak with the machinist yesterday and again today to get a more accurate idea (time frames tend to change with vendors).

From last weeks conversation, HDS plans to be back in production in a couple weeks, however there is still a lag from receiving the parts to producing the lights.

After this delay, any future delay is on me, not Henry. I've been taking detailed inventory at HDS, and threatened to cut Henry's hands off if he dipped into any of it without first calling me to confirm. The reality is, the delay that started in September was for switch caps, but when I came on board in late January and started inventorying parts, we saw that there were about 5 different parts that we would run out of shortly after getting the switch caps in. They were ordered then. All but two are in our grubby little hands now.

As some may know, I have taken over the inventory/production part of HDS Systems, along with other responsibilities to ensure that these delays, which have plagued HDS for years, stop.

Once I speak with the machinist again, I will post here again to see if the current time frame changes.
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