HDS Systems EDC: Suggestions #1

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thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Re: HDS Systems EDC #21

So just so were clear that's a No to customers supplying their own emitters??? Lol I'm sorry I'm sorry.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 3, 2015
Northwestern Ontario, Canada
Re: HDS Systems EDC #21

Several reasons for the first question. I hate scrap. I really hate throwing out obsolete things... like a real of 1000 emitters that just went into the trash or a few hundred others that were already put on boards that just got scrapped. We are going to stick to small runs and just change those runs as different emitters present themselves. A year ago, there were very few options unless a major Hogo headache happened, also known as a "group buy".

As for customers supplying their own emitters... Go back and look at some of the threads when emitters were suggested... many won't even fit the HDS footprint. It would be a bigger cluster XXXX than the Battle of Karansebes was for the Austrian army. I did bring it up to Henry ONCE. I will not do it again. It wasn't pleasant... but maybe more pleasant than the battle I mentioned previously. It would also be VERY costly. And just thinking about keeping track of it gives me a headache. Just go back to a thread I closed asking about opinions on a couple emitters and very damn few people who commented seemed to understand the concept of bin coding. There was more ignorance there than in the U.S. House of Representatives. I can't even begin to imagine what would get shipped to HDS.

Nope. It is absolutely NOT going to happen. I have tried to be nice about not shutting down discussion on things since Archimedes and I got into it a year ago, but I can definitively say that it will snow in Tucson before this happens... wait... Ummm. Nope. Still not going to happen.


Well, you obviously have a pile of people wanting these emitters in an HDS so, it seams silly to turn them away but, your call. Maybe a presale or group buy list would stop any overstocking issues? Kind of the same deal you did with the Ti, Brass, & Bronze lights but, for the regular aluminum models.

Notice I said "emitters he has already used". I do understand your concern though and am aware some people are not knowledgeable on these things. But, keep in mind there are also plenty that are familiar(particularly here on CPF) so, it seams prudent to consider this on a case by case basis.

Well, no point in talking further then, as it definitely sounds like it's a no go. I must say though that it sure seams silly to turn a bunch of people away that have a handful of cash, the same emitters that have been previously offered by HDS, and just want to exchange them for a flashlight built by Henry.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Re: HDS Systems EDC #21

There are emitters that were offered with the special metal runs, and what is left after those ship, will be offered again until they run out. We are not going to offer them now.

HDS isn't a law firm. We aren't lawyers and won't do anything for money. (No offense to any lawyers out there. I understand that 99% make that other 1% look bad.)

I find it funny how people who have never run a business always know best... even if they haven't even owned the product.

If people want them, they are going to have to wait. I realize patience isn't something in great supply these day. I know mine is wearing thin.

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Re: HDS Systems EDC #21

LMAO Ijust re read that!! Now that's funny!!! I work with a lot of ex security and they always seem to have the funnies lines. Guess it comes from dealing with idiots all day long. 3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead. Lol


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 4, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Re: HDS Systems EDC #21

Hogo: I understand the difficulty of each project you have started. I havn't participated, but know the stress and frustration that comes with a custom product line. It isn't a fun process, especially considering its for what is probably a small portion of HDS customers. Please don't raise prices, but I'm surprised there isn't a higher premium for the custom lights. That being said I hope you continue offering these limited runs. For a variety reasons both personal and professional I prefer neurtral to warm tints. HICRI is a bonus. Regardless, II'l evaluate what comes out and buy what I want and I won't buy what I don't want. I can't afford them all anyways. After hopping on the HDS band wagon recently I have the lights I need and appreciate the UI and other characteristics of the lights. The emittor offerings are a perk. The 3900k lights I have should last forever anyways and they serve 90% of my needs. So if the special runs go away I'll survive and if by some chance I lose or break my 3900k reluctantly I'd probably get the standard offering anyway, if I couldn't find a used one on the exchange with the emittor of my choice.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Re: HDS Systems EDC #21

We will keep offering small runs of different emitters from time to time depending on what folks want that will fit the footprint of the HDS. What those will be and when they will made available, I don't know.
This really is the only way we can offer more than a few choices as we have the emitters mounted on boards in batches, and that can take some time. They can't be done in one or two at a time, which would be prohibitively expensive... and trust me, no one wants me doing it.
So, the limited availability emitter runs will continue, with those choices really being dependent on what the enthusiasts here desire... as long as the footprint works.

Also, I realize I have been a bit of an Adam Henry as of late. I'm going to back off from the forum for awhile. I'm going to post updates, and maybe chime in with a total off topic post once in awhile. Will still be reading the posts though.

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Re: HDS Systems EDC #21

And in all serious HOGO we thank you for everything you have brought to us. As much as a pita it has probably been for you. And you are dead right. It is soooo easy to sit here and tell you your doing something wrong.not anyone's place to do that. We know nothing about The ins and outs of the business there.but ya anyways don't be to much of a stranger your posts will be missed by many. Maybe not all but most. And " The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" 😄

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Re: HDS Systems EDC #21

Was wondering who was going to do that. 😂😂😂


Oct 26, 2012
Hogo don't back off to long. I appreciate your posting and contribution to the forum. And you are no Adam Henry.

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Lmao ok got it now. So kinda like c u next Tuesday then. Lmao. We are a colorful bunch Ain't we?

But if I can be serious here for a minute I do hope he doesn't pull A Houdini and only chime in from time to time. I'd like to post publicly that HOGO in no way shape or form offends me in the slightest and find his humor as it is intended. As humor. What I'm getting at is I do hope that his absence is due on his part and his part only. But he probably just needs a break from us nuts. Can you imagine having to deal with us on a daily basis no thank you


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
After some of the stuff I've seen the last week I don't blame him. From a business standpoint sometimes you need to step back, especially if part of the target audience is being ridiculous
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