Ti Arc AAA...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2006
Tampa, Florida
The AAA Ti light that Don has shown is not an Arc-AAA with a Ti casing. Yes, it shares the same circuit (not sure about the LED), but it's not an Arc-AAA in Ti. It's a Don created light, with the looks of miniture PD design. The only looks it has compared to the Arc-AAA is that it's an ~3" cylinder shaped light, sharing the same circuit. I see that you didn't commit for an Arc-AAA Ti as describe in my example. It's amazing that several hours have passed and everyone who has a hard-on for a Ti Arc is not willing to commit to my phantom example. So, where's the big line for an Arc-Ti now?


You have been pretty adamant about not having a AAA light to the point that it is getting irritating; I like the idea of an Arc AAA-P in titanium as a vanity piece and you don't... so be it:green:. You pulled a number out of your @$$ and then challenged everyone to commit to it; when nobody took you up on your fantasy offer, you feel you have proved a point... to each his own, I won't dignify the challenge with a response.

Peter produces fantastic lights that are well thought out and he clearly has a very well defined design concept. I do not fault him for that; in fact, I applaud him.

I have sent you a PM; I don't want to continue to air our differences in Peter's forum.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2006
Tampa, Florida

I truly appreciate your willingness to engage in these discussions! I like to read about the design decisions that you have made in putting your lights together... that increases my joy of ownership even more than having the lights made of titanium:thumbsup:

I think that you are right that overseas manufacturing is going to put a squeeze on smaller shops like yours but that is only because they do have cheaper labor and they aren't innovating... they tend to copy. You have had success in this business and I believe that you will continue to do so; I encourage you to stick to your guns and work your plan.

I don't have ANY light that is not American made that I value in the ways that I do my Surefire's, Arc's, McGizmo's, Endeavor's, Elektrolumens and Novatacs.

You aren't out of touch at all! We just happen to be a bunch of flashlight obsessed freaks:welcome::party: and every one of us has an opinion about things but not many of us agree on everything; so there will always be a difference of opinions.

Take care and have a happy and prosperous new year.
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Mar 29, 2003
Let's try this for sh*ts and giggles. Let's say Arc released an exact clone of the existing Arc AAA DS light, with the only change being the bezel and tube were in Ti as opposed to aluminum and the cost was $175 each.
OK, so let's go. How many want one now?

This is silly, you can order a 1aaa titanium light from brand P marked $149 on the product page, but it's $120 when you actually put it in the shopping cart, and the 20% off holiday coupon is still on the front page so it comes out a tad under $100, and that's for a powerful Seoul-based light with a reflector, not an AAA clone. I actually ordered one a couple days ago (don't have it yet). I'm sure Peter could make something similar and priced competitively if he chose, but he's understandably trying to keep his focus on existing AAA products and the new LS/PD. I leave it to the machining experts whether it's really that much more expensive to turn ti than aluminum or stainless steel. I suspect there's a lot of bling factor and laughing all the way to the bank going on, but what can I say, I have a couple ti lights already and find that I enjoy carrying them and using them just for the sake of the flashaholic statement that the ti makes. And 1aaa (running nimh) is my favorite edc form factor, so when I had a chance to get a computer-less 1aaa ti light somewhat affordably, I went for it. (I did pass up brand F computerized ti lights a few times).
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2006
Peter, now that we are here at a year later with the Arc LS doing well =) Any chances of a reconsider on this Arc AAA Ti?


Dec 20, 2003
here's a picture of my Li14430/CR2 with a case turn down by Larry from a Arc AA.

this was EDC, neck lanyard pretty much 7x24 for two+ years. the ARC AA case ended up with bad corrosion. it was finally retired with a Titan. definitely going backwards.

So I'm going to solidly disagree an ARC AAA made out of ti is not more than cosmetic.

anyone that plans on carrying a light on a lanyard 7x24 WILL run into corrosion issues. unless of course light is made out of ti.

the ARC AAA was the original neck lanyard light and is the perfect candidate for ti.

Did the aluminum corrode? Now I have seen the split ring corrode in extreme cases.



Newly Enlightened
Sep 8, 2006
Ti Arc AAA

+1 Ti Arc AAA

I would jump at the chance to get a Ti Arc AAA (if it was less than $200).


Mar 29, 2003
Re: Ti Arc AAA

There are now a couple of titanium 1aaa lights in the $100 range (LPK and Mako), though they are a little bit larger than an Arc AAA. I don't think I'd buy a Ti Arc AAA for $200 but I might very well be interested at $100. Brand F used to make one too (not anymore) but I passed it up because it had a digital controller that I didn't like, otherwise I would have bought it.

For what it's worth, I have already bought one ti 1aaa light (brand P "Baltic") and almost bought another (LPK 1aaa) but held off because of the LPK's larger diameter to accomodate the SR44 tube makes it thicker than an Arc AAA. I do have the SR44 version of the LPK and I love it.
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Dec 20, 2003


Moderator, *Mammoth Killer*
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I have 4 of the AAA versions and I enjoy all of them however only one was purchased to use where the others were purchased just so I could feel better about having several of the classic AAA Arcs.

One thing I have found is that as my interest in lights has grown over several years many of my purchases are made just so I can have a certain light in my collection. Sure I may use them all from time to time however in reality no way will I ever begin to need or even really use all of my lights.

Regardless of function be it better or worse in some areas I feel many would indeed purchase a Ti Arc AAA simply because many of us are just as much collectors as we are users. It would really be neat to simply have an Arc AAA in Ti however I do wonder if it would ever really be worth it for the maker.

CPF is a huge group and many of this group do continue to support many of our dealers. While Arc could no doubt sale many of the Ti versions here on CPF I do not feel the rest of the flashlight world would ever pay the higher cost of a single AAA Ti light much less understand the differences between others....so the maker must decide if the sales from CPF alone would justify the effort and cost of production.

This is a crazy idea however maybe some of the more skilled lathe masters we have among us could provide a custom run of AAA size hosts if Arc would provide the circuits and LED pill....It may not be a true Arc however it would have the same Arc performance in a AAA size body and from the level of skill I have seen with our lathe masters here it could be made to look like the original.

This is simply an idea to satisfy the huge CPF demand while allowing Arc to profit from the sale of internals while others can profit from the host and assembly labor. I would expect of course that Arc would not wish their name to be used for a non Arc product however again if it is the Arc performance many at CPF wish to have in a Ti body this may be one way to obtain such. It would not have to be called an Arc and rightfully so however a collaboration between two makers has shown to be successful in the past.

On the other hand surely others will come along eventually with an affordable AAA Ti light made in larger quantities however again I also understand the facination with having one of our favorites in Ti. I have no personal interest in Ti lights and as such do not know of any available at this time. In the AAA size what are the choices available now? Of the ones available now can anyone say if they sold well enough to be considered a success or at least worth the extra effort to produce??


Jan 21, 2009
Hmm. A Titanium Arc-P with a slightly-overdriven Nichia DS (or a Cree Q5 :sssh:) would be awfully nice.

Now, if I wanted something that would never slip out of my hand, ever, I would ask for an aluminum one plated with...dammit, I can't think what it's called, but it's a black element and it forms tiny pyramidal crystals that are grippier than anything else I've ever seen.

EDIT: Iridium! That's what the stuff is. I had a steel bar coated with the stuff once, and I could not slide it across my hand, my pant leg, my chair -- it simply would not budge. I've never seen something with so much friction.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 26, 2001
Mesa, AZ. USA
Yes, and looking through some of these posts it is uncanny how close some of you guys where to predicting how this might go together.

I will start a sale thread soon.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2002
I'm still stunned that this project is a go. After YEARS of denials, I'm typing amazed. I started this thread in 2006!

P: Any chance these have the Arc-AA tails? Will the 6/4 be knurled like the traditional AAA design? Two stages? Pics???


Newly Enlightened
Sep 8, 2006
I don't know whether to yell for joy that this light will be made, or sob uncontrollably at the reality that I will never be in the right place at the right time to get one.

I have waiting three years for a Lochsa, I guess I will just add this light to my grail list.

Seriously, can someone advise me how this works. Do I just keep hitting refresh somewhere till I get the chance to click order?
