Views Of Fenix TK10 As A Tactical Tool

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Aug 3, 2007
North Texas
This is an extremely "volatile topic", and we all know where this could end up. How about we just all vote with our wallets instead of :dedhorse:


Nov 19, 2006
Northeastern US
I haven't been a CPFer for very don't claim to be an expert in any regard. But I have been a Law Enforcement Officer for going on a decade and a half. Of those years, nearly a decade has been as a Tactical Officer (SWAT). Recently I used my Raidfire Spear at a training session we had in a large, abandoned department store. (all stripped out - large area, very dark) Of all the lights used by my fellow twenty SWAT officers, the Spear was by far the most powerful and with it's 'throwing' ability was very impressive. All of my buddies wanted to have a look and try it out. A number of them, after closely examining it - want one! Last year, after having owned a couple of Fenix lights for awhile, I recommended them to a few fellow officers while we were conducting night fire. (I'm a firearms instructor also). I had my L2D with me and they were impressed with it's performance. Since then, they have purchased an L2T v2.0 and an L2D Premium 100 (rebel). I see them periodically and they have nothing but good to say about their lights. In fact, other officers (we ride in pairs at night) are always asking them about these extremely bright, small lights they are using.

Many LEOs are not willing to spend the money to purchase a Surefire. Many of my SWAT buddies have asked me to recommend a good, inexpensive, BRIGHT light to them. I always ask them - "how much are you willing to spend"? Most of them do not want to spend more than 75 dollars. I mention the Surefire 6PL and G2L, but also mention that the best performance they'll get for that price is with a Fenix T-1 (and more recently) the TK-10. As Woodrow stated, if it works, it's good enough. All cops don't have to have the absolute best - they are cost-conscious people who will weigh all factors. From all of the many reviews and torture tests of the Fenix T-1 in the last 6 months, I can honestly say I think it will meet a cop's needs. Would I prefer to have a Surefire? Sure I would. And I'll be saving my pennies and "buttering up" the wife to purchase an INVICTUS this fall when they come out. (guess the kids will have to go hungry for awhile!):whistle: But for those LEOs who are NOT willing to spend the big bucks, the Fenix offers a great performing, tough light for a reasonable price. And when a great retailer like 4Sevens stands behind them with an A-1 customer service policy and a lifetime guarantee, how can you lose?

Further, when highly-experienced, intelligent CPF members like WadeF justify and defend the Fenix T-series, I listen.

As an aside, I have a Rico Alpha 9 tactical grip/light attached to my M-4 carbine. One of my fellow SWAT officers has one also. We have collectively put THOUSANDS of rounds through our rifles, had these lights out in the rain, snow, freezing rain and humid summer heat, gone on dozens of SWAT raids with them.(banged them on doorframes during entries, etc.) They still work - as a matter of fact we are both on our original bulbs! We didn't have the $$ to spend on a Surefire M-900. Again, would I rather have that M-900? Heck yes - but it just 'wasn't in the cards' for that outrageous price! Conclusion - the Taiwanese-made Rico light WORKS. It has proven itself to be tough. Maybe not as tough as the M-900, but tough enough!

I am not the only LEO here on CPF - maybe more will weigh in. This is my opinion - hope you can gain something from hearing it. Not to drivel on - but I also served a couple of tours in Iraq in 04-05 with the Marine Reserves. I didn't own a Fenix then, but would gladly carry one with me if I was going back for another tour. I think they are up to the task.

And by the way.........try and go a little easier on our buddy, Crenshaw. He's a young fellow - and a bit excitable. But a true flashaholic at heart.

And that's what we're all doing here anyway, isn't it??!!


Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2008
Los Angeles
Re: Is the new Fenix TK10 a "preconception buster" ?

On what basis are you saying that these chinese brands are NOT being used in harsh, tactical environments?. Just because the United states armed forces are not using it, does not mean that no one else is.

Believe me if Fenix Lights were used by a NATO member military force, or a SWAT team in a major City... Fenix would advertise the crap out of it. They would be all over that in a heartbeat...

I like Fenix lights I think they make great gifts and are a good for around the house day to day stuff. For life and death situations I only have SureFire lights... If a company invests the money in testing, quality assurance and has been vetted by a reputable military or LE organization I might consider their product...

Would you trust a pacemaker, made in China? Would you give your child a vaccine made in China? Would you even feed your pet food make in China? Or brush your teeth with toothpaste made in China? Not me!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
thank you empath for the move..

thanks gilly, indeed im a tad, as you put it, excitable..:grin2: gotten me in trouble more then once...I do however really believe in speaking up for what i believe in. Do you know that my country, while relatively free, does not have freedom of speech as a right? interesting huh..

anyway, back to topic...I will +1 to NoFair,LightJaguar,Lightraven, +2 to woodrow, cos indeed it is hard to keep these thread civil. +1 to Khaytsus too.

gary, i totally understand you need to have a reliable flashlight, and that past experience had taught you that surefire's are just about infallible. All i am saying, is that other flashlight makers are catching up, and i think they are worthy of giving a chance. :) , and i am glad i did. I myself will never carry a new flashlight just on its own without some kind of back up. heck, ill never carry one light without a back up, regardless of brand, or country of origin.

Caligvla, i agree on being cautious about MIC (made in china) stuff, but i wouldnt steryotype, what one company in china makes, does not mean its quality will be the same as another company. for instance, even if you dont think fenix is up to the standard of surefire, you would at least say that its better then those "9 LED superbright" kinda thing you on the ebay right?



Nov 19, 2006
Northeastern US
Re: Is the new Fenix TK10 a "preconception buster" ?

Believe me if Fenix Lights were used by a NATO member military force, or a SWAT team in a major City... Fenix would advertise the crap out of it. They would be all over that in a heartbeat...

I agree you are not going to see a major organization purchase or endorse Fenix lights. You will, however, see more and more individual officers trying them and liking is happening on my department already.

The US Military is not going to purchase Chinese-made products - en masse - that is a given. Although individual units have 'allowances' which they can use to buy supplementary equipment. I could see a small unit possibly buying a batch of Fenix lights to supplement their normal issue. (although I am admittedly unfamiliar with the rules for use of these funds - maybe they are restricted to US-made products...)


Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2008
Los Angeles
I also served a couple of tours in Iraq in 04-05 with the Marine Reserves. I didn't own a Fenix then, but would gladly carry one with me if I was going back for another tour. I think they are up to the task.
all doing here anyway, isn't it??!!

Thinking they are up to the task is one thing, but SureFire has invested 1000s of hours of testing to make sure you would NOT have a failure in a critical moment. The terrorists don't call the SureFire beast "The Eye of Allah" for nothing. I would take a Fenix with me too, a cheap backup never hurts...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
Thinking they are up to the task is one thing, but SureFire has invested 1000s of hours of testing to make sure you would NOT have a failure in a critical moment. The terrorists don't call the SureFire beast "The Eye of Allah" for nothing. I would take a Fenix with me too, a cheap backup never hurts...

how do you know fenix hasnt invested "1000s of hours" testing, as you say. i wont even comment on the Eye of Allah thing, which to me makes no sense.



Nov 19, 2006
Northeastern US
Thinking they are up to the task is one thing, but SureFire has invested 1000s of hours of testing to make sure you would NOT have a failure in a critical moment. The terrorists don't call the SureFire beast "The Eye of Allah" for nothing. I would take a Fenix with me too, a cheap backup never hurts...

To each his I said in my post above, not all can afford or are willing to shell out the dough for those thousands of hours of testing.

Never heard the "Eye of Allah" line - where did it come from? Interested to hear the origin of this. Thanks-

Federal LG

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2007
Terrorists ?
Surefire flashlight is the "Eye of Allah" ??
Oh man... c´mon...


Is this another generalization ?
I mean... like "all islamics are terrorists", or "all chinese lights are crap" ?

Federal LG

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2007
Thinking they are up to the task is one thing, but SureFire has invested 1000s of hours of testing to make sure you would NOT have a failure in a critical moment. The terrorists don't call the SureFire beast "The Eye of Allah" for nothing. I would take a Fenix with me too, a cheap backup never hurts...

Sounds like a contradiction to me... :thumbsup:

Federal LG

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2007
I can believe non-Muslims would call it that, but no way Muslims would.

I believe the same, Art...
As I said, it´s a total contradiction!
And shows that he knows nothing about Islam. It just can´t be true!

Last edited:


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
I'm NOT an LEO nor do I play one on TV.

Maybe (I can't type the name - I swore I wouldn't - it's the subject of the thread) looks tactical. Maybe it's even represented as tactical.

But it's a damn usefulll light that is brighter, and nicer to use than any other light I have of that size class.

I am STILL very glad I got it. And to anyone looking for a bright light with a good beam I would recommend it.

Incidently I use it in a cigar grip pretty often. The grip ring is pretty nice.


Nov 19, 2006
Northeastern US
I'm NOT an LEO nor do I play one on TV.

Maybe (I can't type the name - I swore I wouldn't - it's the subject of the thread) looks tactical. Maybe it's even represented as tactical.

But it's a damn usefulll light that is brighter, and nicer to use than any other light I have of that size class.

I am STILL very glad I got it. And to anyone looking for a bright light with a good beam I would recommend it.

Incidently I use it in a cigar grip pretty often. The grip ring is pretty nice.

Nicely stated, sir.:thumbsup:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 31, 2006
N 03°13.884° / E 101°29.329°
i'm still debating with my thought whether to get it or not because i already have Dereelight CL1H V3 which is very versatile.
any comments or suggestions?
But 1 thing for sure i'm not gonna let my CL1H V3 go or should i wait for Fenix that can take 1x18xxx cell.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
I suggest wait for the one with recahargable, and decide between both. :)

or you could do the CPF thing....

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