World Smallest Titanium Light using a High Power LED (Nichia 219B 93CRI) Completed!


Nov 12, 2010
CONUS, top left
Thank You Phosphor22, I thought it's a new generation of small all we need is, a sub-10mm Lithium battery to power these small devices, and we're good to go!
Like the Panasonic CG-320, which was announced nearly 2 years ago, but it still has not been available.

CR1/3N is a nice power source ....
Feb 7, 2014
World Smallest Titanium Light using a High Power LED (Nichia 219B 93CRI) Comp...

SR41..... :ohgeez:
so 4.5V, 25-32 mAh. it won't last 20 seconds before it dead reckons to dim mode.

but I want one! XD

Testing with fresh batteries, it went from 75mA to 50 mA during the 2 mins. Of continous test. After that, it was dropping with a quicker rate. I've been using the prototype since June, with shorter bursts...but it still lights up quite well. What do you base your estimates on, if you don't mnd me asking? By the way, they are 1.55V each, so it would be 4.65 Volts. I'm basing this data on tests I've ran yesterday with Maxell SR41W high drain batteries. There are other SR41W equivalents, and I have tried 4 different kind, including Varta, Renata, Energizer....none of them had the performance of this specific one....this is the priciest though, but at least, it's pricey for a reason. If you buy one, you can test it out yourself!:)
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Feb 7, 2014
Is there a resistor, or just relying on the batteries to control current ?

There is no resistor, space is very limited, and the current (75mA max.) what these batteries are capable of producing even with full charge, we're perfectly safe. The only advantage would've been using a resistor, is to lower the current and maybe gain a little more runtime...