Wow, why in the world do you carry a flashlight with you?


Feb 14, 2012
I lived in Manhattan for 14 years. The philosophy there is it will never happen to me. Yet, a large part of the population travels daily underground in the subways. Not the brightest bulbs.

I totally agree. NYC people are largely unprepared for any real emergency...

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Nov 15, 2011
NYC people are largely unprepared for any real emergency...

Sadly I think most people are unprepared for any real emergency, especially people that have lived in a city all there lives, they are so used to everything being provided... water, electric, gas, etc. and usually no food storage because they are "super close to a grocery store". Well, what happens when there is no food in that grocery store? Sad.

The, "I have a light on my cell phone" argument, true that is better than nothing, but if you need that phone for communication (if that is still working) you probably should not waste the battery getting socks out of your drawer... :)

I usually have at least one light on me and use it often even during the daylight for many reasons, looking in a dark corner of a closet, working on a car and need to see something better underneath or in a spot the other lights are not getting to very good, seeing the connections on a computer under a desk or inside its case, and piles of other reasons. It usually gets used a few times a day often much more. I know a few people that have gotten EDC lights after seeing how handy it is having one.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 7, 2014
Illinois, United States
It is sad that many people are unprepared for any emergency. I might not have enough of everything to last several months but at least a few days worth of stuff. People here freaked out over a day of snow (which is now a blizzard) like they are going to be barricaded in their homes for a week or lack emergency supplies and end up rushing when they hear about the weather reports. I'm just sitting here at home with whatever i need. I got water, canned food, some snacks, batteries, flashlights and a couple of weather radios in case the power goes out. I see people trying to leave their homes in their cars and i'm just looking out my window like, what possible reason do you need to be out in a blizzard? I wouldn't even go out for work.

With that being said, i hardly may need to EDC a light but there are times where using a flashlight in my car at night is easier and better than using a cellphone or the dim lights in the car.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 18, 2015
Got used to always having a light from the Army. They're even more useful when not red-lensed.

Use it everyday when someone drops something under a bus seat or somewhere they can't see it. People have learned to respect it after I let them fumble around for a while.

Make it so!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 23, 2009
I lived in Manhattan for 14 years. The philosophy there is it will never happen to me. Yet, a large part of the population travels daily underground in the subways. Not the brightest bulbs.

This is what blows my mind. It is completely possible that (for any number of reasons) a subway car could lose power, and if there aren't lights on in the tunnel, you are SCREWED. Yeah, you could just use the light on your iPhone, but you're also draining the battery on your primary communications device.

Of course, in this day most people can barely maintain more than a 50% full battery because they are constantly on their phones watching videos, playing on Facebook/Twitter, playing games, or whatever.

You can bet your @$$ that if I were traveling underground day in, day out, I'd have a flashlight on me 100% of the time.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 3, 2015
Northwestern Ontario, Canada
This is what blows my mind. It is completely possible that (for any number of reasons) a subway car could lose power, and if there aren't lights on in the tunnel, you are SCREWED. Yeah, you could just use the light on your iPhone, but you're also draining the battery on your primary communications device.

Of course, in this day most people can barely maintain more than a 50% full battery because they are constantly on their phones watching videos, playing on Facebook/Twitter, playing games, or whatever.

You can bet your @$$ that if I were traveling underground day in, day out, I'd have a flashlight on me 100% of the time.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 10, 2011
Heck, I was startled yesterday when the power went out while I was washing the dishes and had a bunch of things out on the floor near the kitchen I was going through. If I had to go find a light right then I could have easily tripped over something. But I had two lights on my belt like usual, so it really wasn't a big deal. So I completely agree about the subway and any other place like that.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 4, 2015
Thats easy i used it for work, im an engineer and i have to make some inspection routes in existing electric manholes for projects of construction and those are dark places... also is assuring to have a candlepower for the night.


Feb 26, 2014
Use it everyday when someone drops something under a bus seat or somewhere they can't see it. People have learned to respect it after I let them fumble around for a while.

I also got my dad into edcing a light earlier this year. He doesn't see how he managed without it.

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Captain Picard, I see you have been (happily) assimilated by the Flashaholic Borg.

Trust me, resistance IS futile!


Welcome, Jean Luc.



Newly Enlightened
Apr 24, 2014
Cleveland, OH
And no matter how many times you remodulate, the urge for more will always return.

Oh believe me, the urge strikes every day and the girlfriend and mom hate it. There are so many great lights out there and they just don't understand the utility.

Although I did get the girlfriend her first edc light (thrunite ti3) and she always has it with her now


Feb 26, 2014
Oh believe me, the urge strikes every day and the girlfriend and mom hate it. There are so many great lights out there and they just don't understand the utility.

Although I did get the girlfriend her first edc light (thrunite ti3) and she always has it with her now

Excellent-- another one "assimilated"!


Aug 1, 2012
Yeah, you could just use the light on your iPhone, but you're also draining the battery on your primary communications device.

A year and a half (or so) ago I went to the Ape Caves in WA State. Ape Caves are actually old Lava Tunnels from Mt St. Helen and are very long. One is 4,000 feet long and the other is 13,000 feet long. It takes a couple hours to do just the shorter route (4,000 feet x 2) as you walk all the way in to the dead end, and then turn around and come back out. the ground is very rough and uneven, with rocks everywhere.

I was amazed that I saw some groups of people where only one person in the group had a flashlight.
I actually saw 4-5 groups of people using the LED on their Phones as their flashlight!

If you wonder what some lights can do in a cave, I posted a couple pictures at that time.

And Subwoofer added a bunch more from his caving experiences


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 19, 2008
Waikato, New Zealand
A year and a half (or so) ago I went to the Ape Caves in WA State. Ape Caves are actually old Lava Tunnels from Mt St. Helen and are very long. One is 4,000 feet long and the other is 13,000 feet long. It takes a couple hours to do just the shorter route (4,000 feet x 2) as you walk all the way in to the dead end, and then turn around and come back out. the ground is very rough and uneven, with rocks everywhere.

I would be reluctant to even hint at how many lights I'd be taking with me into caves like that, except in this forum!
For this forum, hint: more than 4.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 28, 2014
I've gotten so OCD that I only buy pants that have a side leg pocket for my light and knife. I am constantly on the hunt for carpenter jeans/work pants that have these pockets.
the unprepared masses will never understand.

The Bossman
5.11 Tactical pants and LA Police Gear's version of the same are great! If you have never looked into them you really should.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 25, 2012
I get it. The boy scout motto has it prepared. But I think its a matter of relatives and not absolutes.

I wear a suit to earn a living that provides for my family and the indulgences that make life fun and the education that enables them to pass it on and maybe bring some good to the planet. To make this work, I can't don tactical pants or carry a bug-out bag. I do carry a very capable keychain light and have a better light in the car, close to a first aid kit. People appreciate that I am equipped and resourceful.

When I went to Philmont as a scout almost 50 years ago, I wore cotton, lugged a canvas pup-tent, and the rain gear was heavy, rubberized and non breathable. Imagine the lights we carried! The only high tech gear I remember having was the newly released emergency space blanket! We survived. When I went with my sons when I was in my fifties, it was with goretex, wicking fabrics and light headlamps so weight-saving you could carry a spare. We survived.

I'm an ex extreme climber (something about old climbers and bold climbers but no old bold climbers) and remember wiring a head lamp to a battery case made from a travel soap case to accomodate a new fangled lithium cell that cost 30 bucks but would work better and longer in the subfreezing temps.

Our edc stuff helps. Brains are important to edc as well. And as I suggested at the outset, its relative. Manhattanites are awesome survivors. Just requires a different set of skills, tools and quihonnes my friends.

Viva la difference. Best all. Kumbaya, etc. J


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 29, 2009
Funny, regardless of what I do or wear, it is just to see in dark places. Viva La Similarity! :D


Newly Enlightened
Mar 21, 2015
There are literally people in the world who think that's a valid question to be asking? They can't wrap their head around why someone would want a flashlight with them? Now that's downright scary to think about.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 20, 2015
This thread made me laugh! I carry a small Swiss Army knife with me all the time which has a tiny flashlight in it. It doesn't exactly light up the night but it has bailed me out many times! I once gave one to a friend for Christmas & years later he told me... "When I opened the gift, my first thoughts were... Why did Roddy give me this little knife, it is so small I'll likely never use it? Anyway, I put it on the counter. The next day I noticed it as I was leaving for work and just popped it in my pocket. Since that day, I can't leave the house without it!"