Wow, why in the world do you carry a flashlight with you?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2013
Michigan, USA
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

But my phone flashlight is pretty dang bright.

Compared to what? And I think you might be missing Kalpn's whole point...I think, like many of us, he would rather save his phone battery for, y'know, PHONE CALLS! In an emergency, you don't want to have to depend on your phone as a light source also...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
California, Los Angeles
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

Compared to what? And I think you might be missing Kalpn's whole point...I think, like many of us, he would rather save his phone battery for, y'know, PHONE CALLS! In an emergency, you don't want to have to depend on your phone as a light source also...
Tru Tru. I used to carry an e01, now I carry thrunite TiS.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 2, 2007
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

There's that security blanket factor.

(Namely,I just feel better having my light on me,even though the power is fairly reliable here in Portland,OR.)

(Most of the time,I'm sporting my HDS Rotary 250.If I need my hands free,I've got my Black Diamond Storm.)


Newly Enlightened
Aug 28, 2014
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

I need a light for my job. I am an inspector/technician in the pest control industry. I am in a lot of crawl spaces and attics.

Jack Daniels

Newly Enlightened
Sep 4, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

I started carrying a AA MiniMaglite around 1986 or '87, for everyday practical preparedness reasons. I switched to a pocket LED lite when they came out, and haven't carried a MiniMag since. These days, I carry a lite because I need it to repair minivans at the factory. Sometimes I work inside the van, and I need to see in dark corners where our very bright fluorescents don't shine very well. Also to look in the engine compartment, even under bright lights, or in holes, where debris might be hiding (That's why the locator pin won't go in!), and to read repair sheets in the yard - I work midnights.

Plus, I need the light around the house all the time. When I'm home on a day off, wearing my lounge clothes - running shorts and a T-shirt - I frequently need a light, and don't have it because I'm not 'dressed.' I'm always running to my bedside to grab my Stylus.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 22, 2014
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

To be honest, mine is more a flashaholic than a pragmatic reason.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 15, 2014
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

get caught in a public bathroom when the timer goes off and you are left holding your Pee-pee in the pitch black. Never again.


I EDC a light especially after Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda struck our place last November 2013. Back then I had only a Maglite 5D which was cumbersome to bring.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 23, 2009
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

This is why:

My wife and I took the DART rail downtown to attend the Texas State Fair, and were on our way back Monday afternoon. Just by sheer luck we were about 15 minutes behind the train that got stuck in the middle of a long, dark tunnel (think subway). It very well could have been us on that train if we'd been a few minutes earlier. We were able to get on the buses before the massive crowds started backing up due to the stoppage so that was a plus.

I had my E1B on me, so if we had been on that train in the tunnel, at least I would've had sufficient lighting to make it to safety.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 7, 2006
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

  • Better to have and not need than need and not have.
  • Unarmed self defense using photons is acceptable in gun-shy NJ.

This. While I have many uses for a good light, and I find them an almost indispensable tool, this was the reason I originally started the quest for a good EDC light, for the self-defense aspect.

While not as bad as NJ (at least in CA we can carry a good knife and some pepper spray), CA law for the most part only lets cops and criminals carry guns, so a BRIGHT light is a good aid for self-defense minded folks.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 14, 2014
Midwest, USA
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

I like flashlights, and it's more fun to use a light than flip a switch, and it does seem that there is always someplace I need or want to see that the ambient light just won't reach.

I started wearing one for work about 3 years ago and found that on my days off I was always -seemed like ALWAYS!- reaching for the light that I wore for work. So I started wearing one every day.

And now it's really turning into a hobby!


Newly Enlightened
Oct 1, 2014
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

You mean that the flashlights purchased are actually bought to be used? That strange.

Just kidding. Unlike my collection of knives, I actually buy all of my lights to be used and abused. This could be due to that fact I have yet to drop a couple of bills on a "holy grail" light yet. Time will tell.

I EDC a light because of my job. At least that is why I started carrying one. Now I can not go with out one. I think that this is because I work all of the time. I spend so much time working that the things that I EDC for work become a part of my "non-work" ensemble.

I also have a tendency to lose things in strange dark places. Having a light helps with this. I just used my light a few hours ago to find the key to the house I was working on. It fell out of my pocket while I was removing my truck keys. Spent about 15 minutes looking for it. It was lying in the grass by my truck and I would have never found it, had I not had a light with me.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
The great state of Misery (Missouri)
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

Because I can. Actually, I don't remember when I started EDCing a light. I do know that when I started working in the kitchen at our local nursing home it became obvious that a light was needed, and I know I carried one there. An 8x10 walk-in cooler with a light at head height at the door as the only light develops a lot of dark corners. I was really nice to be able to pull my EDC and look at the dark corners of the shelves and under the racks to find things. The same with in the pantry, and under the dish machine, etc. And when one of your fellow workers decides to prank you and turn off the cooler light while you are in there, it was worth way more than what I paid for my EDC to see his expression when I calmly came out of the cooler with my light on in my hand. Reverse pranks are even more fun.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 16, 2014
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

Hi guys,I have found for useful for doing most EDC tasks, and still use common cells.Thanks for your valuable post.:wave:

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Newly Enlightened
Oct 16, 2014
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

Because I live in village, because of my work (electronics) and because of my hobby (hunting). For me a flashlight is like a screwdriver.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 1, 2014
Re: Why do you EDC a light? work..
Plus living on property, got home after dark tonight hammering down rain with a fridge on the trailer, had to reverse past the house to the shed.. insufficient light from trailer tail lights, can't turn the ute lights on because the trailer blocks it.
Solution.. clip tn12 to the trailers cage.. crap loads of light out the back and off we go.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 1, 2011
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

The pizza man definitely needs a flashlight. I figured this out the hard way, by wiping out on some acorns on a very dark driveway... Oh and please turn on your porch light, BEFORE we get there. Thanks.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 7, 2014
Illinois, United States
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

Why else but in case of an emergency. I carry one in case i ever need a light. It actually started when i was helping a friend with a job and the light was too low to really see what i was doing so having a light on hand helped me out. Since then i started carrying one around wherever i go. If i'm at home i just grab whatever light and keep it with me. I actually hardly ever use the lights in my home anymore either i have the shades open or i'm usually tired at night so keeping a light with me is easier i don't have to get up or turn on a light for whatever needs. It's also nice to have a light on my La Crosse charger to check the status of my rechargeable batteries. As the boyscouts always say, be prepared. So i usually either have a charged set of batteries in my EDC light or bring extra batteries in case. I also rarely need a light in my car so i just bring one with me. I got a couple of older D sized flashlights i can convert into LED so i can leave one in the car that way if i ever decide i need one in there.

bright star

Newly Enlightened
Nov 3, 2013
Toronto ont canada
Re: Why do you EDC a light?

For me the light is a valuable tool at work. However that being said we still like to walk the trails in the winter time for exercise and use several of the lights I have. Something about lighting up a trail its pitch black with 900 lumens of light lol lol