I came on board here in 2003

Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
For the record, ME TOO! Why is everyone looking at me? Stop following me! Aaaaaargh!

Seriously. tho, I honestly believe, though it might be seen as fashion apacalypse, it would be a much better world, instantaneously, if all Christians actually dressed as Jesus and his friends did. Please think about how cool that would be for a while.

I don't understand how that would instantaneously create a much better world, or why it would be cool. :popcorn:

~ Chance


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
After I had written such a groveling apology, begging forgiveness, that apparently was NOT accepted; I hoped that this thread (one that caused so much angst among members), would die the death it deserves.


Oct 7, 2003
Near Silicon Valley (too near)
I remember the early days of CPF. Not as early as some, but back to 2003. :)

My profile says I joined in Oct of 2003, but I recall getting an ARC LSH on my birthday that year and I'm sure I learned of ARC here.

Being in silicon valley, we had a lot of engineer types who showed up for meet and greets. A lot of them went on to make custom builds that were quite popular. The lead engineer at Surefire was a frequent visitor. So was McGizmo and a handful of others with the machinery needed to make their own lights.

My (insignificant) contribution to the state of the art was a simple mod to make most lights dual level. I detailed the idea in the high-low tail cap mod thread. The instructions would allow anyone to make one. I made up a switch for mini-mags and ARC lights and sold a thousand dollars worth (at $10 or so each) in a few months before the market became saturated. I'm still using one in each of my ARC lights, and the ARC is still the one I grab when I need to look at something closeup or when my eyes are adjusted to the dark. McGizmo told me he was using the idea in some of his lights.

Like many of that time period, I bought a few of the hot custom lights of the time. I have a$300 VIP sitting on the shelf that has barely been used. I have the very first version of several lights from 2001 to 2005. 2005 is 's about the time I started making my own lights, and decided that I'd never be able to keep up with buying the biggest-best-brightest anymore.

I still check in on the mods occasionally, and the machining sub forum most days. It's always fun to fan the flames of a new modder's enthusiasm. :)



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2003
Trinidad and Tobago.
Hahahha. 'Arc'! I never got myself one of those AAA lights. Went for the cmg infinity ultra instead then upgraded it with Nichia NS then Nichia GS LEDs. Whooo hooo! Keith, it is nice remembering and reminding the younger ones of the past. It is quite refreshing how far we've come over the years.