Teslas quit charging in cold

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2007
should expect higher pricing...just like Exon or Shell...

Oh, there's money for Exon. However the distributor makes their money on sugar drinks, beer and snacks.

Good for Exon/Toyota who don't like EVs.

Exon doesn't want to lose your business and choke you to death at the same time.

I took you off ignore, as I was curious as to what I'm missing.

I've noticed in several posts that you mention "Exon"

Could you please explain to me what "Exon" is?


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
Unfortunately the flame of Knowledge and the flame of Misconception look exactly the same. Sadly, you don't realize you're standing at the wrong alter. And, after this much time has passed, doubt you'd care even if you did realize it.
Was Jesus at the wrong alter? He was killed for it. Probably not the same penalty here. My mission is to educate, with my experience. Not what I heard or read or what my gut tells me. The best thing other than being clean is I only spent $550 for a whole year of transportation and running the house. This includes using the solar panel and getting the occasional free charge at work. It all adds up or subtracts down. In any case pretty cheap for a year. I know some that pay that for a month of a long commute. That's a hundred miles(round trip) which is my commute. If I worked every day that's what it would cost me for a month. So, no thanks, I like the alternative. Calculating using 30mpg vehicle.


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
I took you off ignore, as I was curious as to what I'm missing.

I've noticed in several posts that you mention "Exon"

Could you please explain to me what "Exon" is?
Exon is my incorrect spelling of Exxon. My bad. It seems you are knowledge curious. I am only imparting my experience. Chicago rideshare drivers experience may vary.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
Hell no, lada was lot better, it was still crap compared to the rest of the world, but even in com block, ugo was garbage, i'm not even talking about volga and tchaika, those were above and light years away from lada,


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 15, 2014
mrfixitman on his way to work.



Aug 27, 2006
Was Jesus at the wrong alter? He was killed for it. Probably not the same penalty here.
Not the same penalty, on that we agree. And only that.
As far as comparing yourself to Jesus.... Not the same thing.
You are no Savior. Not even remotely close to it.
As a Christian, I should probably be offended at the reference.
But, honestly, there's one reason I don't put you on my Ignore List.
You're too entertaining. It's extremely sad but also extremely funny....
The fact that you actually believe everything you are spewing.
You think if you try hard enough and hit harder, you'll get through.
But each time you post, you make it worse! But honestly can't see it.

Same as any fanatic I suppose.
I've watched as you've brought together individual members.
Members who honestly can't stand each other. But now united.
Together in their shared laughter and ridicule of you. Great job.
You want to convince people? Don't hit them over the head.
Again and again with your rhetoric. That never works.
Don't make up stats. The members here know how to look those up.
One well-respected member, Flying Turtle, talked about his Hybrid.
KIA Niro SUV. And, how he gets 50 mpg. driving normally.
I guarantee you that THAT single post is going to do wonders.
Unlike all of yours combined, F.T.'s post will have an impact.
Members with ICE vehicles will start to consider an alternative.
All he did was post honestly. Member in good standing.
Been on CPF for years with his fantastic and well-earned reputation.

Unlike you. Part of me hopes you'll get it, and stop posting.
Another part of me hopes you don't. Continue embarrassing yourself.
It's far too entertaining. No one has a clue what you'll post next.
Except of course, it'll be hilarious. For your sake though, honestly....
Please stop.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 17, 2023
While this is a thoughtful essay, it is wrong on almost every point. Mostly FUD and slightly unrelated personal experience related. At least you are trying. There is an issue with hydrogen vehicles. Not supposed to be garaged. They leak tiny amounts of hydrogen which could ignite in a tight space. Dead end technology anyway. I have been building and buying and using electric vehicles for decades. I have charged, nicad, NMHI, and A123 26650 batteries. Never had a fire. No 18650, those are the dangerous ones. Most people charge at home, so EV chargers in the wild are for travelers and should expect higher pricing...just like Exon or Shell...which are installing chargers. As far as insurance, no raise when going from gas and veggie diesel to Nissan Leaf. A $100 raise per 6 months going from Leaf to Tesla. I have a 200 amp service, my current charger is 32 amps. I think we're good. Nobody I know has level 3 charging at home. There just isn't a need. It takes me 10 seconds to charge. 5 seconds to plug in before bed and 5 seconds to unplug in the morning when the car is needed. There are millions of untapped parking spaces for EV charging. All easily fixed with a backhoe and conduit putting good Americans to work. Personally after cutting off gas service (which saves the access fee) Our yearly cost for energy was $550. We do have a modest 2.4kw solar panel. This includes charging cars and free charging at work. Nice side benefit. BTW, who do you think pays for every public works. We do. That includes gas stations. Don't forget, electricity is everywhere. Gas is at gas stations, which are closing down due to regulations and liability. An electric motor will happily run under water. As will electric lights. I know this from a submerged car I dove into water to inspect. For all you survivalists, you can be off grid with solar and electric powered devices. If you use gas you have to come back to civilization. Get ready for it. Every new home must have solar. That's thinking ahead. California already mandates it. That's a lot of power. My MAGA brother put it on his house to run the air-conditioning. So the power is there if you go for renewables. Even W. Virginia is doing it. I have already had 5 Factory EVs. Not a single battery replacement over 11 years. My 2016 Leaf sold used with 98k on the clock for$ 6k with 9 bars left. 32k MSRP. Paid new $13,550. I know how to find a bargain. I think I have gone on long enough, I am not answering any more of your concerns, most based on fearful speculation and your admitting to knowing nothing about EVs. For my part I had fun with my Honda 90, 150, 175, 400, 550 and Helix. But I had just as much fun with my Vego and Lepton Scooters. Not to mention myrid bicycles and a couple of tadpole trikes. Yes you worked hard and have the money, but sadly all your toys are poisonous to you and all around you. It is your choice to realize that. I cannot force you. I can only give you my experience. I will add, my son's asthma went away when he moved from California to Portland, Oregon. I pity all those living East of me. Norway has worse average climate than our extreme weather. They are 81% EV ownership. Gas cars fail and burn more than EVs. When EVs fail it's news, when gas vehicles fail it's expected and expensive. The permafrost is melting..? Can I add that, or don't you believe your eyes.

Once the flame of knowledge is lit, it is hard to extinguish.
So gas stations are public works? I had no idea. Are they like parks? That would be a surprise to the owners that pay to build and upkeep them in spite of ever onerous regulation.

And we can fix everything with a backhoe and cable? Is the cable magic? It doesnt need to be connected to a power plant? Transformers? You know those things no one wants near their house?

And I got news for you, an electric car shouldnt be parked inside either.

An electric motor runs underwater with a lot of modifications, needs to be sealed which isnt easy with a spinning shaft.

If you're going to troll, leave out silly statements like those.

You cant think adults believe that . . .
Also, basic engineering classes should be required in high school. It would cut down on the silliness.

And rank hubris to believe puny man with a whopping few hundred years of climate observation knows anything about this planets climate, let alone matters one bit in the lifecycle of this planet. We're nothing, just passing through.

So troll or eco-zealot, at least step up the rhetoric to something marginally factual or believable to keep it interesting.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
One well-respected member, Flying Turtle, talked about his Hybrid.
KIA Niro SUV. And, how he gets 50 mpg. driving normally.
I guarantee you that THAT single post is going to do wonders.
I also drive a hybrid, a Toyota RAV4 XSE and except for the quietness you'd think it's an ICE vehicle. Seamless transistion between ICE & electric motors and great mileage. Faster than the gas model too.

Here's a great series exploring the monumental challenges facing California's mandated EV adoption. As an SCE retiree, I can assure you that when they publicly state concerns about future demand & grid capacity; they're worried. It's hard to imagine a more daunting fast track path to developing the untested huge power capacity resources (offshore solar) required. Especially with an unreliable PG&E still reeling from a bankruptcy settlement.

By the way, how's that other major California project (voter approved in 2008), the "Bullet Train" doing? :unsure:


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
You just described your own 'looking in the mirror' personal views as well as anyone could. And this is exactly what the FUD/EV committees want from you, so much so that I wonder how much personal investment you have in specifically spreading more fear, uncertainty and doubt, a term that never needed to be created since it's already been with us for decades, otherwise known as gaslighting.

Another "Duh" moment for you. There are more gas/diesel powered vehicles and going forward there will be even less calls for help with your electric car because this last cold snap have taken away even more confidence in them, other than for blind zealots always exercising
their distorted free speech 'rights' to continue with the gaslighting.
Explain why Norway has 81% EV saturation? On average much colder than our recent "extreme" event. In Norway that is a walk in the park. Explain if EVs are so bad that the Tesla Model Y was the best selling car in the world? Better than Corolla. I thought so. Crickets! Exxon likes it when you talk this way. It means their propaganda is working. Depriving you of dependable vehicles that work better in the cold than gas.


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
The main reason Tesla can build less expensive autos is that they are non union. Expect big gov't to fight him every step of the way. Add to it that Musk exposed the many lies and collusion with his purchase of twitter and release of the twitter files, and he's fighting an uphill battle in the US.
They are non union because they pay better than union jobs. However when you join up you are expected to bust your a$$ for the money.


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
Explain why Norway has 81% EV saturation? On average much colder than our recent "extreme" event. In Norway that is a walk in the park. Explain if EVs are so bad that the Tesla Model Y was the best selling car in the world? Better than Corolla. I thought so. Crickets!

Did that come from google too? If there really are more calls for issues with ICE vehicles in cold weather, number one - because there's so many more of them, and number two - guess what the problem is: THE BATTERY!!! LOLOL - keep drinkin' that koolaid. I maintain my battery terminals, or replace after 5 years, and guess what, starts and goes every time, even in sub zero weather.
Not EVeryone is as smart as you. That's why all the newbie rideshare people all failed to precondition their batteries and all tried to charge at the same time. Then running from charger to charger thinking the charger was bad when it was the inexperience with the cold that caused the problem, thus running out of juice. Those in cold climates electrically heat their motors all night, like you keep the battery up to snuff and plan ahead. All the traits you need to run an EV in extreme weather. You hate EVs now but I just bet when you realize the benefits you will be the biggest choirboy singing their praises within the decade. Or you can keep feeding the Saudis. They love that but guess who is one of the biggest investors in renewables? Texas and the Saudis. Then California. Didn't see that coming!
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