Would You still Buy an Arc AAA Today?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2014
Re: Arc-AAA GS - still a classic? Worth buying or should I be happy my E01?

Threads like this make me feel like I'm missing something. I'm kinda new to "good" flashlights and never had an Arc. I haven't read the whole thread but I get the impression the Arc lights available today aren't the same as the old ones. Is that safe to say? Is there a reason to prefer buying an older used Arc instead of one of the new ones linked above? And if that's true, anybody want to part with one of theirs? Most of you guys seem to have them by the dozens :laughing:
I was intrigued by the old arcs and went ahead and got a new one. I was disappointed. Sponge gasket thing on the head fell off the first day and they shipped a dif color body than what was advertised. I sent it back. My E01 felt way more solid. I'd try to get an old model


Apr 8, 2002
Re: Arc-AAA GS - still a classic? Worth buying or should I be happy my E01?

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