My EDC hasn't changed in a year and a half.


Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
My EDC hasn't changed in a year and a half. (EDIT: make that three years)

For the past 20 months, I've been carrying the same three lights in my pockets: a Jetbeam TC-R2, a Muyshondt Ti Aeon, and a McGizmo Sapphire 25. The TC-R2 is my go-to light, the Muyshondt is my backup in case the TC-R2's battery dies or I loan it to someone, and the Sapphire is a dedicated moonlight (because multi-mode lights just can't match the runtime of a dedicated moonlight). I have carried other lights from time to time, but not often enough to consider them part of my EDC, or even my RDC (Rotating Daily Carry). 90% of the time if not more often, these three lights are what I leave the house with. They don't even "sleep" on the credenza in my study along with my other lights, they just move from one set of pants to another.

In other aspects of my life, this would not be an odd occurrence. Generally speaking, when I realize I need a new widget, I do some research, buy the widget with the best combination of features for my use, and use it for the next ten years or so until it breaks. Obviously that has not been the case with flashlights; anyone who's seen pictures of my McGizmo collection can tell that much. I used to think it was because of CPF, because of the community of enthusiasts, that I got sucked into flashlight-collecting as a hobby. Lately I've realized that while CPF is a great place to compare notes and find out about the latest and greatest, it doesn't make me *want* to buy more flashlights. As I've thought more about my past I've realized that I've *always* had an interest in flashlights, and if CPF is responsible for anything it's only to give me options I wouldn't be able to find on a store shelf. It's really only because of those extra options that my interest expanded into a hobby.

Regardless of the root cause, though, since flashlight-collecting *has* become a hobby for me, it feels rather strange to be in a position where I realize my needs are met for the foreseeable future. I've continued to buy new flashlights that I can use in specific applications -- low-power AA lights for the glovebox in the car, shock-insulated Malkoffs for bicycle headlights -- and the occasional light that piques my interest for some reason or another, but I know from the outset that they're not going to replace anything currently in my EDC. It's strange to have reached the apex of my hobby.

I used to wrench on my old car, replacing and upgrading parts on a regular basis, but that hobby died before the car was made perfect, because it was too old and I couldn't keep it running without investing enough money to buy a new car. I own two mountain bikes, the older of which is essentially perfect at this point, but all that means is I can really enjoy riding it now because it has no deficiencies anymore. This is something different, because while the usage of my flashlights justifies my ownership of them, it was the buying and customizing and Lego-ing that was the vast majority of the hobby. Now that I have what I really need, there's little else to hold my interest. I'm not sure this has ever happened to me before.
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Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2010
Interesting, I have been EDCing a warn 4Sevens Mini CR2 for what seems like forever. It has met every need that I have come across and is very nice to carry and use. In my bag, I have a warm Turbo 123 and in my Emergency Sack a Mini 2AA. Can you tell I am a fan of 4Sevens. I was just thinking the other day about my evolution in this obsession. At first it was Brighter, Brighter is better, better. As I evolved I really gained an affliction for warm lights an maximum brightness and throw were less important. (Even my warm lights blow away the average consumer light). I also picked up a few lanterns and misc other illuminatory items that actually use quite frequently. I am very comfortable with what I have right now and tend to look more at niche items to fill a specific need.

There is one that I have been looking at forever and will probably purchase soon and that is a RA Light. Probably the High CRI model in a Clicky configuration. That is just one I have been coming back to for a long time. Fortunately for my wallet, I was never grabbed by the Surefire bug.


Oct 30, 2010
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
I just came back from a flashlight break. I got into RC planes and helis for a while. I started with lights I actually needed and then I found myself buying stuff that didn't really fit my needs just because I wanted to continue in the hobby.

I'm back feeling refreshed and interested in some of the new stuff but I think I'll be more selective and relaxed this time around. I've found that I'm more interested in small lights with either no hotspot or a smoother transition from the spot to spill. I like lights a little more neutral than the 6500k stuff but I never really got in to the warm tints.

Dude Dudeson

Jun 8, 2009
Sacramento, California
Been EDC with a Quark Mini AA with Eneloops for about that long now. Quark Mini 123 as backup (and "one spare battery") on top of a second spare 123 for battery backup for my 6P/M60 if needed.

I do a lot of things in the dark, and there's simply been no need to have more than this lineup. (THANKS CPF PEOPLE!).

But now winter is coming again, and despite not "needing" anything beyond what I have I'm probably going to do some upgrades...


Dec 16, 2007
All those Gizmos...sitting unused...while a Jetbeam occupies your pocket... :shakehead:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 4, 2009
The OP's sentiments have not only been true for my EDC flashlight, but all of my EDC items in general. After much experimentation, I've settled on a set of tools that work for me, and have little reason to change them.

My wallet is happy, even though the reward center of my brain is not...


Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
The OP's sentiments have not only been true for my EDC flashlight, but all of my EDC items in general. After much experimentation, I've settled on a set of tools that work for me, and have little reason to change them.

My wallet is happy, even though the reward center of my brain is not...
That's the weird thing. I also carry a multi-tool, a compact pen, a can opener, a good pair of tweezers, a USB flash drive, a pocket watch, a pocket knife -- and that's just what's in my pockets, to say nothing of what's in my bag. And yet, for all those other things, the reward center of my brain lights up when I pull them out to use them and I think to myself "this is *still* the best tool I've found for this particular job." In other words, I'm pleased to know I made a good choice and bought a reliable tool. For flashlights it's different, and I don't know why.

Hopefully my brain will start to transition in the direction of treating flashlights like other tools I have. As much as I like using my EDC flashlights, it feels like methadone compared to the sensation I get when I use my other excellent tools -- the little zing of satisfaction isn't there.


Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
All those Gizmos...sitting unused...while a Jetbeam occupies your pocket... :shakehead:
I know, right? When Jetbeam came out with the RRT-2, I was intrigued, but it was too big. Then they came out with the RRT-0, and I was more intrigued, but I heard about reliability problems so I held off. Then they came out with the infinitely-adjustable version, and I was even more intrigued, but by that point I'd already decided to only buy titanium lights. Then they came out with the TC-R2 and I very nearly missed it. I managed to get my hands on one from a Canadian dealer, and it's been all I've ever wanted in an EDC flashlight ever since. I wasn't expecting it to displace my Gizmo collection, but it did.

I admire my Gizmo collection, and some of them still get regular use for things like photography (Hi-CRI Mule) and stain inspection (UV Sundrop), but for general purpose use the 3-mode light engine just doesn't cut it compared to the infinitely-variable light engine in the TC-R2. Sometimes I wonder if I'd bought the TC-R2 first, would I have bothered buying anything else? I suspect the answer might be "no", or at least "only a few lights that really caught my interest." A lot of the buying I did was trying to find the perfect light, and then after a while it morphed into collecting for the sake of collecting.

I keep thinking I should get a Makai as a thrower, because I'd be more likely to use it than a Haiku at this point. And yet, I can't stand the thought of trading away my first-gen Haiku, even though I pretty much use it as a loaner nowadays. Maybe I'll just get the Makai and make up my mind about what to do with the rest of my lights later. That's always served me well in the past. :devil:

It kinda feels like one of those physics puzzles where the goal is to pack the objects as close together as possible, but it's impossible to eliminate all the empty space between. Any flashlight I buy at this point won't fit into an empty space, because after 4 years I've optimized my collection about as much as I possibly can.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2011
Malaysia/Ship to Portland, Oregon
I got by 42 years without having to EDC any lights. That was until 10 months ago when I started to google for a flashlight. I needed to get a decent light as I was starting to do overnights Atv and cross bike riding out in the tropical jungle.
Needless to mention CPF popped up.
Fast forward 10 months on, 80 plus surefires and nearly 10 McGizmos.

Now I EDC at least 2 lights, mostly McGizmo these days. Wherever I went in the house, there will be at least one light on me. I sometimes wear a lanyard with a sapphire to sleep.
Am I going nuts? And worse still, the buying has not stop. My tapatalk logs onto CPF and CPFMP several times a day.
Is there an AA for flashaholism, if there is such a word for it.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 17, 2009
I'm in the same spot as the OP right now and it is strange and has taken some time for me to even believe I could be "settling in". My main EDC light is a Eagletac D25C2L and ever since it first came out I have not been able to replace it as my main clipped pocket light, I have my E05 on my keychain and see nothing that could replace it except another E05 say with a different emitter.

I also have my tactical light's like my Fury and Quark Turbo X etc.. and the SC600 that can do just about anything, you see anything else I buy I know will not replace any of my current light's in their given role so they will just sit on my shelve, I use to not care and bought darn near everything that came along but not anymore. Like you I still buy the occasional light if their is something that sparks my interest for whatever unique reason and I still research everything even if I don't buy it but my flashlight habits have certainly changed over the past 6 months or so.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 6, 2010
I have one edc light and it hasn't changed for two years: My HDS EDC high-cri (legacy 2008-2010 model)
It produces a very nice warm high-cri light and it has (probably) the fastest single-handed Button-controlled UI I know of (meaning how fast I get to the amount of light I need).
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Nov 10, 2011
After fifty or so flashlights, I don't count them anymore, I've come to the realization that I only need and use about five on a regular basis. Many of these were bought looking for the next best thing. After thousands of dollars, I've finally figured out that what I now use will probably last me a lifetime. If they light my way now, they'll light my way ten years from now, regardless of what new emitters come out. I'm really done adding to my collection that spans warms to high cri's to neutrals to all levels of white(green, purple, blue) My current EDC is an HDS rotary, which has been my go to light for almost a year. My backup is a peak eiger that sits in the sheath for my leatherman charge tti that I've carried for about three years.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 11, 2011
Even if I have purchased numerous EDC lights, i always end up carrying around with me my Quark AA w/ 14500 which never leaves my side. Very reliable, very dependable, very predictable.

It just works.

my other EDC is the Crelant V9-T6 which I carry around if I need distance.


Nov 13, 2005
My EDC for the last several years is a DarkZero modded Arc LS with USVOH emitter and FluPic driver . Such a wonderful wall of light. Usually set at 30 lumens or less. Only light that comes close to such a clean beam is Zebralight.
I still catch and release a few lights per year regardless. It's still a hobby to me, it's still fun to play. It's good that folks are still searching for the grail. It keeps the industry and this forum moving forward and upward.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 9, 2012
Every time I think of the TC-R2 I think of a tin can, how do you like the light so far? I know you carry it everyday any everything but as far as an honest review as you have carried it.


May 29, 2012
That's the weird thing. I also carry a multi-tool, a compact pen, a can opener, a good pair of tweezers, a USB flash drive, a pocket watch, a pocket knife -- and that's just what's in my pockets, to say nothing of what's in my bag. And yet, for all those other things, the reward center of my brain lights up when I pull them out to use them and I think to myself "this is *still* the best tool I've found for this particular job." In other words, I'm pleased to know I made a good choice and bought a reliable tool. For flashlights it's different, and I don't know why.

Hopefully my brain will start to transition in the direction of treating flashlights like other tools I have. As much as I like using my EDC flashlights, it feels like methadone compared to the sensation I get when I use my other excellent tools -- the little zing of satisfaction isn't there.

Sounds like you need a new and more exciting light, to keep the spark there lol. Seriously, if you've been using the same light for a long time, you may be in for a treat to the more advanced drivers out there, and be pretty amazed at the power and versatility of today's flashlights....and they keep fitting more and more conveniences into smaller, lighter packages. Ten years ago, no one would have imagined it possible to thoroughly light up a street with a light small enough to fit in a pocket. Now, you have all kinds of things to consider (spill vs. throw vs. run times, color tint, etc.), towards obtaining one of your "perfect" lights (and feeling the same way, about one of those lights, than you feel about your tools - all limited strictly by your imagination and your budget. But, as with computers, really nice, super high quality lights can be had for a lot less than what you may have expected to pay, even just five years ago, and the technology has advanced tremendously, just in the past few years.

So - I say...indulge, if you are able. If you don't want to have to be constantly replacing the light, you might consider buying something that is future upgradable (A light that is modular, where you can simply replace the current drop-in with a new one that has the latest LED technology, and at a much smaller price point than you'd have to deal with, were you to completely replace the light).
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Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
Every time I think of the TC-R2 I think of a tin can, how do you like the light so far? I know you carry it everyday any everything but as far as an honest review as you have carried it.
Tin can? I suspect we may be thinking of different lights. The TC-R2 was made in late 2010 and late 2011 in two limited runs, and it harder to find than hens' teeth nowadays. (the TC-R2 is on the right in the picture below.)


Anyway, I like it a lot. The brass-on-Ti threads are nice and smooth, the infinitely-variable control ring is the best user interface ever, and the Cree XP-G S2-bin emitter continues to hold its own compared to newer lights. Hopefully Nichia will eventually be able to match the XP-G S2's performance before they abandon the XP-G compatible 219 form factor; that would make a very nice upgrade.
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Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
After fifty or so flashlights, I don't count them anymore, I've come to the realization that I only need and use about five on a regular basis. Many of these were bought looking for the next best thing. After thousands of dollars, I've finally figured out that what I now use will probably last me a lifetime. If they light my way now, they'll light my way ten years from now, regardless of what new emitters come out.
That's how I felt when I bought an Arc6. Little did I realize I was opening Pandora's Box. Eventually other small lights were able to match the Arc6's brightness, with better runtime, better reliability, better user interfaces, and I ended up buying a whole lot of flashlights in the process of finding one that was just-right.