Would You still Buy an Arc AAA Today?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 6, 2005
Re: Arc-AAA GS - still a classic? Worth buying or should I be happy my E01?

No. For me there are better options.

RI Chevy

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 9, 2011
Ocean State
Re: Arc-AAA GS - still a classic? Worth buying or should I be happy my E01?

Easilyled- As the wisdom goes, ten lumens is still ten lumens. Nothing really to go wrong or break. Beautifully machined. The finest lines-per-inch knurling I personally have seen on a flashlight. Light as a feather. Svelte, even. Hides in the profile of my beloved E01. Groundbreaking indeed... :)

Edit- Here it is, solo, and with some friends awaiting some runtime testing this week.


I agree 100%

The Arc AAA may have been bested in many ways, but in the hand it still has a level of perfection in balance that is worth owning.

Well stated! Short, simple and to the point.

Flying Turtle

Jan 28, 2003
Apex, NC
Re: Arc-AAA GS - still a classic? Worth buying or should I be happy my E01?

Would I buy one today? Probably not. The one that's been first in my pocket and now on my keychain for the last 11 years is doing quite fine.



Mar 7, 2010
I know it's a case of apples and oranges, but with the IlluminaTi XP-E Q5 model now selling for $37.95 I find it hard to make a case for the ARC.

I like my Titanium Innovations Illuminati CA1-AL XP-G2 as a backup.


Oct 31, 2004
Re: Arc-AAA GS - still a classic? Worth buying or should I be happy my E01?

Would I buy one today? Probably not. The one that's been first in my pocket and now on my keychain for the last 11 years is doing quite fine.



Not sure it's been mentioned, but I change the battery in mine once or sometimes twice a year, whether it needs it or not. Rarely does it run out, and this is with almost daily use. I usually remember to replace it before a long trip.

There's definitely something to be said for low output and long run-time.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2003
Atlanta, GA
I like Arc but they charge a premium for their light and there is no progress for the past 8 to 10 years. I get it is durable. I don't buy for the looks. I had an Arc few years back but I sold it due to blue tint. Fenix E01 is just as durable based on some members testing here and only 30% of Arc price. Yes it has the blue tint so does Arc for three times as expensive. I had an old Fenix E01 and tint was blue. Time marches on and just last month I bought the newest Fenix E01 the 13 lumens version and after some steel wool the tint is as white as it can be for 5mm LED. I know is not potted and all that but they are durable, not as durable as Arc, but durable enough. So why is that others can do it while Arc cannot upgrade/offer something with more lumens and better tint in the same form factor ? Unfortunately for Arc, Surefire is now making AAA lights. I would buy Surefire AAA not Arc AAA.
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Moderator, *Mammoth Killer*
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I posted in this thread a few years back and had to return just to see some newer opinions. With my work load ever increasing and life in general I lost track of my flashlight hobby for quite some time. Well a few days back I made the mistake of opening my pelican foam filled box of old ARC lights. Yes there are about 15 AAA lights in there as well as a few of the AA versions and even some modded LS versions. Just like these ARC lights did back in 2003 they got me again and I am now a flashaholic again.

I believe it was about 2003 when I began searching this forum as a complete virgin to better quality lights. My first real "high end" light back then was the little original AAA Arc and after that I was hooked on all kinds of lights. The same damn thing happened again this week and that little ARC AAA is to blame. I just placed one of my prized camo versions on my keychain and have even been attempting to figure a way to mod one of my old LS versions with an XM-L emitter.....here I go down the rabbit hole again.

I must say that many of my other more recent AAA lights really do embarrass the ARC AAA and my newer 123 powered lights also really do out perform even my modded ARC LS versions. I must say however that none of my other lights capture old memories like my ARC lights and I have no others inside a fancy foam filled box. They are absolutely responsible for 12 years of enjoyment with this forum and my light hobby as they started it all for me.

Very nice to see this thread still puttering along and hello to all the old timers as well as the other newer members who will also surely find their old memories here someday......now I am off to figure out this ARC-LS XM-L mod.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2002
eastern oregon
well stated robocop. you captured my feeling exactly. the Arc AAA was my first "serious" 'light and lead to hundreds of wonderful hours here on CPF. oh, the good old days... i guess one needs to be "old" to get it.

while the old Arc had a terrible beam compared to today's LEDs, it was ground-breaking and still has the finest head/body ever, bar none.

we now have endless models of high-power lights to chose from, but few come even close to the quality, toughness, reliability and design sense of the Arc. i've tried hundreds of AAA lights, and to date only a handful are worth 5-stars.

my favs? i have a custom MillerMods build on a sterile Arc body/head which is absolutely magnificent in every way (shown in my avatar and below). its the perfect blend of classic and hi-tech (2-stage: 6 lumen and 145 lumen in a snow white R2 Cree XR-E WC tint). that and my mako HO are the finest AAA i've seen.

so for you "kids": you're right, that purple/greem beam sucked, but that's only in relation to your options today. and don't think for a moment your fancypants chinese knock-offs come close to what peter did with his design, nor will many of the asian marvels be in CPF collections 10 years from now...


MillerMods, Mako, Fenix E05 R2, Tiny
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 12, 2003
New Mexico
Although I have three ARC lights, I prefer the Fenix E01. It puts out more light and the run times I have found to be slightly greater than the ARC. I have had three ARC's fail and none of my Fenix E01 have.

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
Although I have three ARC lights, I prefer the Fenix E01. It puts out more light and the run times I have found to be slightly greater than the ARC. I have had three ARC's fail and none of my Fenix E01 have.

I think the regulation is better on the E01 as well but this is an old debate which apparently has been won years ago. I guess the market was the judge, jury and at this point executioner. To answer the OP's question....No......


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2003
Atlanta, GA
If Peter reads this he just needs to upgrade the LED.....maybe work something out with Nichia and get us a nice warm tint...But I think his company was sold or bought by someone else so likely slim chance.
I am curious if currently they are making the Arc AAA on demand when an order is placed or they have hundreds of these already made back in the day and they just ship it out.


Oct 5, 2009
SF Bay Area
I think the regulation is better on the E01 as well but this is an old debate which apparently has been won years ago. I guess the market was the judge, jury and at this point executioner. To answer the OP's question....No......

One property that is hard to beat in an Arc AAA is the "reliability of operation". It worked 10 years ago and will continue to work 10 years from today, providing the exact same amount of 10 bluish-lumens that suffice 99% of my usage scenario. In the end, it works out to be economical.

Regulation, higher output, space-age-ninja looks, coolness quotient, are transient properties and not timeless qualities. Of course these are necessary, since they push the envelope! It is fun looking at the new gen z flashlights, while quietly fondling the Arc. :)


Moderator, *Mammoth Killer*
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
If I remember correctly Peter had some issues with production supply or some other drama however at one time his customer service was legendary. Towards the end of the ARC as most of us remember he was still involved as a consultant to the company that took over. of course it was years back so again the details are not too fresh in my mind. Seems like I remember the ARC 4 was the topic of heated debates on price, quality control, and keeping up with demand.

At one time there were just a few to compete with however as time marched on I believe Peter just became burnt out and could not compete with the cheaper options popping up everywhere. None the less I still enjoy the memories these classics give me. I still today compare most all others to my ARCs and honestly there are many that beat them in every way however none of them can take me back to that budding flashaholic like those old ARCs do.

J Smith

Newly Enlightened
Aug 7, 2002
Harriman Tn
I love them. Bought a new ARC P not to long ago. Have one of the camo ones in the safe. I bought the new one because I gave my old one to my dad. I know there are better lights out there but the ARC has never failed to work for me running a lithium AAA in it. I wish they would upgrade the LED to a 80 lum or so and I would buy another.

J Smith

Newly Enlightened
Aug 7, 2002
Harriman Tn
Seems like I remember something about Countycomm ordering a huge order telling him they were for a government order that ended up being a lie. They started selling them to the public for 15.00 each and drove him into bankruptcy. He came back for a while and still held up the warranty on all those lights. Someone want to correct me or add more that I am forgetting?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 12, 2003
New Mexico
Seems like I remember something about Countycomm ordering a huge order telling him they were for a government order that ended up being a lie. They started selling them to the public for 15.00 each and drove him into bankruptcy. He came back for a while and still held up the warranty on all those lights. Someone want to correct me or add more that I am forgetting?

I think you are right. At least I remember someone selling them at a discount and I bought three. I bet it was Countycomm. Mine were the 5.5 lm model. I did not find them reliable, and had to send three back at various times. Not necessarily those particular lights. I had purchased others earlier. The last time I had to pay postage there and $7 for return postage. I decided I would just toss any that failed, as I could get the E01 for less, and I always thought the ARC did not give enough light for an EDC.

I want an EDC to have around 100 lm. It is hard to beat the Fenix LD01. Mostly I carry a Tank E09 so I can gift it.

J Smith

Newly Enlightened
Aug 7, 2002
Harriman Tn
I still carry my ARC P on my keyring just because it has never eat through a battery on me and has always came on. I must say that I do own a Maratac AA and AAA brass,they have really been impressing me.

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
One property that is hard to beat in an Arc AAA is the "reliability of operation". It worked 10 years ago and will continue to work 10 years from today, providing the exact same amount of 10 bluish-lumens that suffice 99% of my usage scenario. In the end, it works out to be economical.

Regulation, higher output, space-age-ninja looks, coolness quotient, are transient properties and not timeless qualities. Of course these are necessary, since they push the envelope! It is fun looking at the new gen z flashlights, while quietly fondling the Arc. :)

But it's not just space-age-ninja looks. The E01 has survived amazing beatings over and over again right here on CPF thread after thread. I have one from back in 08 and it still runs just fine. In fact there is a thread about the durability of AAA lights active right now. The abuse is simply amazing over there. Tumbler of death! LOL I have a Thumbler Tumbler and never considered using it to test a light's durability. Threads like that makes this forum great. I do agree that the latest and greatest isn't always needed or the best. Often I carry a Mora number 2 in the woods despite owning other options. I like my TK20 over my 4/7 2AA-X despite it's older technology. Like my G2Z more than both combined. However what killed the ARC IMHO was the copy could easily be argued to have been better even if both cost the same which they don't. Cheaper and within reasonable debate better is a deadly combo for competition. If the ARC was more expensive and beyond all reasonable debate overall better odds are we wouldn't be thinking back to the olden golden days rather debating which ARC of their ever expanding lineup is our favorite. But no.....

On a side note that entire ARC 6 auction debacle thing was a turn off so didn't get one. All that said more power to ARC owners. I always thought ARC lights looked cool.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Arc-AAA GS - still a classic? Worth buying or should I be happy my E01?

Interestingly, the Arc AAA I sold when I bumped this thread a month ago just came back today. It was never claimed at the post office. So I guess until I find out what's going on, I have one again. Maybe I wasn't supposed to get rid of it? We had been together since 2007. Either way, I can't help feel the E01 is as good as the Arc in every measurable way, aside from nostalgia.